Chapter 19 | Before I Leave Him

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C H A P T E R  19

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C H A P T E R 19

My mother had too many drinks last night to know I was out although Ash's car proved otherwise. I wasn't lectured this time like I usually was and it seemed like she'd just given up by now. Ash's parents stopped by later that afternoon to pick up his car and by the looks on their faces they weren't too happy.

I sat at my desk staring at Gavin's window that was shut and covered by his curtains. Gavin never had them closed so this was a clear sign he didn't want anything to do with me anymore. I still couldn't draw properly but I'd try too until I eventually gave up.

"Hey Alex." My mom enters my room and puts my medication beside me with a glass of water. "Dr Miles called and she got the test results back."

I now turn my full attention to her and wait for her to speak.

"They think they found a mass growing-" she chokes on her words and takes a seat at the end of my bed. "It's in your ribs just below your heart."

I hold back any emotion my bodies trying to force out. I knew it was bad but I didn't think it was this bad, I thought my cells were just becoming more abnormal than usual. Nope the cells in my body are just creating a huge tumor in my bones.

"So what do we do now?" I said taking a seat beside her. I don't look at her because I know I'll end up crying so I just stare at my hands.

"We wait."

So we did, it's all we could do. Wait for more results, wait for the doctors instructions and then wait until I eventually died because there was so much waiting. My mother did agree to let me out more considering I'm under a lot of surveillance at the moment and I really needed the time for myself.

So she got me a bike and it was blue.

I've only gone out once for a stroll around the neighborhood and it was nice. I felt free and relaxed and then I almost fell off of my bike when I noticed Gavin driving passed me. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a loser but I could careless. We haven't talked much and it's probably the longest we've gone for a while now.

But life felt normal again, well sorta.

"Mom I'm going out." I called from the front porch as I slammed the door behind me shut. I grab my pastel blue helmet and debate on wearing it because it makes my head look ten times larger.

Not today.

I swing my leg over my bike and start heading down the road. The sky was blue and the sun was still out hiding behind some clouds. It wasn't hot nor cold but just right.

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