Chapter Three

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    "So you met the guy and now you can't get him off your mind. Sounds like someone got bit by the major love bug." Siarra said taking a bite of her salad. We had ditched school to get McDonald's. We'd be back by the end of lunch so it was cool.

   "No it's nothing like that. I just feel bad that I didn't get to introduce myself. I mean, I just walked past the kid like nothing." I said.

    "It's not nothing if you're thinking about him." Siarra said.

  "Shut up." I said hitting Siarra on the arm. She was just so sure she was getting through to me. Who would fall in love with a stranger? I don't even know his name. I wasn't about to stoop to my sister's level that's for sure.

    After lunch, Siarra and I took our usual route to the school. We went through the back to the gym entrance so no one would see us. If a teacher did see us, then it would be easy for us to say we were coming from the school yard. 

    I went into the gym. That's where my Health class was being held. We had health classes all around the school since the majority of the teachers believed that health wasn't an important subject. Honestly, I could care less about health. It's a really boring subject and it wastes 44 minutes of my life every Tuesday.

      I looked around the bleachers for a seat. Everyone was scattered around, I couldn't tell if I knew anybody to sit with. Then, I saw him. The stranger from earlier. He was sitting at the top bleacher. Weird, I never saw him in this class before, I thought. I would've recognized him. I went to the top bleacher and sat next to him.

    "I didn't know you were in this class." I said to him.

  "It's my first day in the school, I'm a transfer student from Australia." He explained.

  That explains a lot!, I thought. "So, I never caught your name earlier." He said.

 "Oh right, I'm Rose. Sorry for basically pushing past you earlier, my teacher is always PMSing and I need to get to her class on time no matter what." I said.

  "It's cool, I'm Kellan." He said.

 "Okay everyone listen up!" The health teacher, Ms. Candas yelled.

 Everyone turned to her and stopped talking,"Today we are starting a new topic, STDs, and as a school official I am suppose to give out protection so everyone line up to get one."

  The majority of the people in the class got up and lined up. I sat back.

 "You're not going to get one?" Kellan asked me.

  "No. I don't believe in sex until after marriage." I answered. It was true, I wasn't ready.

 "I wish I could go back to believing that." Kellan mumbled.

 "Huh?" I asked. Kellan sighed,"I have bit of a rep in this school for you know, I've been with a lot of girls in this school."

 "Oh, well, I guess you have your reasons." I said, shocked.

 "Not really, they were just hot girls. I wanted to take a shot at it, ya know, see how it was like d-" Kellan began.

 "Yea, I get it." I said interupting him. I did not want him to go in depth. I was already dismayed at how much he was like the other boys in this school: gross and wanting all the action. Some part of me really thought he'd be different. Just my luck.

  "So you're the bad boy type?" I asked, starting to lose interest.

 "You could say that, I do sleep with girls, smoke weed now and again, etc." Kellan answered.

 "Huh, I thought you were different." I said, drifting away. Everything about Kellan screamed danger. I don't think it would be easy for me to be friends with him. Siarra would sure love him though. However, it didn't really seem like he liked that life. He said that he wished he'd could go back. I don't know, maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions. Why should I even care?

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