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I rubbed my eyes, the drowsiness slipping away. I looked around, an actual hospital room.

What was I doing here? What happened to me? My body was weak, I could barely move. My skin was tingly, my limbs feeling numb. I looked around, frantically trying to help me up. Beside me, there was another bed. I looked, and my heart skipped.


What was he doing here?

I licked my dry, cracked lips.

"Keyton, what are you doing here?" My voice was, a whisper. I knew he could hear me though. The weakness, was put aside. I slid my feet, over the side of my bed. I held onto the metal rod, with littel wheels, and slipped off the bed.

My small feet, landed on the freezing tile floor. I made my way to Keyton, slowly.

"Keyton,?" I whispered, lowering myself to him. My hands held into the thin clothing, covering him as well. I shook him - attempted to.

His body stood the same, lifeless. My tears were building up.

Was Keyton going to be alright? Why wasn't he replying?

My breathing quickened. My hands began to shake. I looked at the monitor. He's heart pace, was low. Lower than mine.

"Keyton, please, reply to me. Can you hear me? Keyton, please." I began to repeat.

What's wrong with him?

He's so pale,

So cold,

So fragile.

I glanced at my monitor, my heart pace racing again. I repeatedly hit the nurse button, on my remote.

Through the door, walked in a nurse.

"What's the emergency?" She hurried to my side, placing me in my bed.

"Keyton, he doesn't reply to me. Is he okay? Is he alive?" I asked, too quickly.

"Honey, he's alright. He just needs extra time to heal." Keyton's parents walked in, horror and worrisome upon their faces. The nurse quickly made her way out.

They came to me.

"Are you alright?" They hovered over me. My heart skipped, as I felt them get closer. Why didn't anyone put more attention to him?

"I, I'm alright. I'm perfectly fine. How is Keyton?" I replied, irritated.

A tall man, walked in through the door. He seemed familiar to, Damon. His tag read, Dr. Stefan.

The doctor examined us, writing things on his clipboard. A frown permanent on his thin lips.

He shared a glance with, Katherine and Damon.

"Time is against us. They have to begin the process now, before it's too late." He spoke firmly. Keyton's parents nodded. Their lips pressed in thin lines.

What process? I looked over to Keyton. I saw the same face. The skin surrounding his eyes, crinkling. His thick, dark eyelashes fluttering.

Suddenly, his eyes slowly opened, piercing directly at me. His eyes were crystallized,

He's awake, and, his eyes spoke for him.

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