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Even with fear within me, I held onto him.

He carried me, as a toddler. My legs were wrapped around his long torso, as his large hands held my bum. My arms were around his neck.

My heart quickened as I felt him take in a deep breath or become closer to my neck.

• ~ •

We reached the house, he placed me down, dragging me inside.

His parents were seated in the living room, weak smiles on their lips. Keyton's grip on my wrist was, uneasily tight.

"Keyton, you're hurting me." My voice was low.

"Good." We walked into his bedroom, he slammed the door shut. He threw me on the bed. "That's what we monsters do. Just like you said. We hurt, and don't know how to repair. But, don't worry, I'll easily fix this problem." He gritted through his teeth, walking into the bathroom. I trailed after him.

"Fix, what problem?"

"Me." He snickered before shutting the door, in my face.

"Keyton, what! Fix yourself? How will you do that? Keyton! Open this door, right now." I yelled. The coughs began again. Blood covered me. Tears filled my eyes. Faint lines were drawn against my wrists.

How is this happening? Why,.? Keyton!

I was becoming to weak to speak.

"Keyton, please stop this," my words were slurred. Too much blood lost. "Keyton, please." I whispered, a tear falling off my face. I collapsed, stained in my blood.

In my faint sense I could make out, Katherine and Damon. They ushered Keyton out. He was also drenched in blood. His blood.

We were connected. Our blood laced together, by our kisses.

What he did, I felt.

What I did, he felt.

Keyton and I,

The story of a forbidden love,

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