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"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk." I snapped my eyes open. I struggled to become free. I was in a hospital room, cusioned walls.

What am I doing at a mental hospital?

"If you had played by the rules, none of this would've happened. Now you pay the consequences." A deep voice spoke, startled me. Where was this voice coming from? I seached through the room, but there was, only me.

The padded door opened. Revealing a boy. He was aggressively pushed inside. His head hung low. He was avoiding me.

"Look at her. She will be your new toy."

Toy? I was going to be this stranger's toy?

I was so lost. I didn't know where I was. And, I still don't know where this voice is coming from.

I continued my search for the voice, until I stopped. Beside me, he sat. The boy.

Who did he get next to me, so fast?

I finally got to see him up close. I finally got to see his face.

He was, the boy.

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