chapter 30 - moving in

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Today is the day me, Jake and Johnnie are emptying my apartment so the new buyer can move into the apartment.

It's still pretty early in the morning, by that I mean 12pm but we are going to need the entire day to fix up my apartment because I have a lot of stuff and we need to get rid of my furniture.

"Are you guys ready to leave?" I ask and Jake and Johnnie agree, we leave the house and take Jake's car over to my apartment. It's weird entering the hallways and into my apartment for the (almost) last time, walking around knowing that this is no longer my apartment.
Me and Johnnie start packing down all my clothes and stuff from the bedroom and bathroom while Jake carries out chairs and tables out.

*time skip*

Two whole hours later all my stuff was packed and it's just the bed and couch left in the apartment, it's so empty is scaring me.
"We're finally done" Johnnie groans and throws his body down on the couch.
"What do we do with the couch and bed?" Jake asks.
"Oh the new person moving in wanted to buy it as well so they are staying here" I explain.
After resting for a while we grab the boxes of my stuff and carry them down to the car and load them in the backseat. It's not a nice ride home because of all the boxes but we quickly arrived back at Jake, Johnnies and soon my house.

We load in all the stuff and boxes and place them in the hall to unpack later, we are way too tired to do all that work now.
"Dude that took 3 hours you said it would take like 30 minutes" Jake complains.
"Bro I was joking, thought you got that I was being sarcastic" I laugh.
"DUDE!" Jake yells.

A few hours pass and we don't do much really, it's really weird knowing that I probably won't be back into my apartment. I've sighed the contracts about selling, we found someone who's moving in next month and all my stuff is here now.
Me and Johnnie were starting to back up the stuff that I needed, he had cleared some space in his closet so I put all my clothes there and I put all my skincare and hygiene products in the bathroom and all that stuff.
It was a lot of things left but we were done unpacking for the night.

"What's for dinner?" Jake yells while running his eyes over the fridge.
"Dude are we your parents? Come up with something yourself!" Johnnie yells back.
"We could cook something?" I suggest as I walk into the kitchen where Jake is.
"I'm so bad at cooking" Jake says.
"We know, Jake" Johnnie agrees.
"Me and Johnnie can cook something" I suggest.
"I also suck at cooking!" Johnnie complains. Jake leaves the kitchen.
"I'll leave it or you two!" He yells.
"We can just cook pasta and sauce or something" I suggest again and Johnnie agrees.
"You make cook the pasta and I'll do the sauce" I say with a determined voice.

The cooking goes alright except Johnnie spilling water in the entire kitchen, pouring too much salt into the water and spilling salt everywhere.

*time skip*

We had finished eating and me and Johnnie were chilling in the couch as Jake was out streaming for his twitch.

Johnnie's phone got a message notification and the screen lit up, he quickly took his phone and checked it. He was not gonna lie kinda hiding the screen from me it felt like, i was trying to peek over his shoulder but he kept turning away the phone.
"Who was it?" I ask, sounding as curious as u could.
"No one" Johnnie replies and keeps typing.
"Didn't know nobody could text you?" I say again, forcing him to say who it was.
Johnnie remains quiet and I peek over his phone. My hearts drops when I see his phone.
"Alex<3" it said over the conversation. Alex? <3? "what the fuck Johnnie!" I shout and stand up from the couch.
"Y/n!! It's not what it look-" he try's to explain.
"Not what it looks like?! I thought you were done with this shit?!?" I almost scream in his face. "And also after you know how much we've been struggling with all the Tara shit?!? How long has this been going on?!?" I continue to yell and don't even let him speak, I storm out the house and meet Jake in the street.
"Woah y/n slow down" Jake says as he passes me by.
"Tell Johnnie he is a fucking asshole!!!!" I scream and run away.


Y/n barges out of our house and Jake walks in.
"Y/n told me to say that you're an asshole, what did you do?" Jake asks causally, almost like he's thinking this is funny.
"I was texting Alex an-" I begin.
"you texted Alex?!?" Jake yells out.
"I can explain okay, she wanted to apologise for wanting to see me a few months ago and y/n saw her name on my phone as I replied to her message and didn't let me explain" I tell Jake back.
"Good luck explain that to her, you're on your own here buddy" Jake says and walks away. How the fuck do I fix this? I swear Alex only said "il sorry for wanting to see you and making you lie to your girlfriend, I shouldn't have done that". Literally that's all she said.

Y/n will eventually need to come back because she doesn't have an other place to stay, her apartment is not hers anymore and she can't come to Tara nor she has any other friends around here.


I really thought Johnnie had left Alex behind. And right when I was moving in? I don't even have a place to stay. I can't live with a fucking cheater. I'm sitting by the side of the road a few blocks away, crying my eyes out.
I really really really thought Johnnie changed from the last time he did something like this. How long had it been going on?

It's 11pm and I'm still sitting by the side of the road. I'll have to sit here till I die because there is not one way I'll go back to that house yet. Maybe I'll go in the middle of the night and sleep on the couch and leave early in the morning so they don't know but I literally am not going back. I can't wrap my head around the fact that he might have cheated on me, kind of again.


It's already 12am and y/n isn't back. I have no idea where she is or if she'll ever come back. Well she has to kinda but I didn't even get a chance to explain.

I haven't texted or called her since she doesn't not want to talk to me I'm guessing and she won't even respond. It's not an idea to even do that.
Maybe i shouldn't have let Alex apologise.


hi everyone 🌸

I hate this chapter bye next one will be fast forward three months or something because fuck this fucking shitty ass chapter, I hate it so much and it's fucking boring

I'm having the worst day ever but thanks for so much votes/ reads it means to much love yall💗
Wordcount: 1257

// author 🌸

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