chapter 28 - "me? selfish?"

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TARAs pov:

I'm laying in bed and scrolling through my phone and see that I've dropped a bunch of followers so quickly. Must be because of y/n's TikTok. The only reason I anyways wanted to write all this to Johnnie was because she did message me that she was still mad kinda? Maybe also because I'm fucking jealous of her. She has a great personality, great looks, an amazing boyfriend, not that Jake isn't perfect but y/n and Johnnie have something special that me and Jake will never have.
Also, y/n never makes time for me unless we're meeting with Jake and Johnnie, too. It's always "can't I'm with Johnnie" or something. I've messaged her so much asking to hang out but she always replies that she's busy. Like she doesn't even want to be my friend anymore. I'm happy she never told TikTok what I actually did, I'd get so much hate and become cancelled by all my fans, I guess that was kinda nice of her.

I start thinking about our meet up on Starbucks, that was so painful. I really just wanted to apologise in person there and she just ignored me completely and expected me not to care? To be honest I know I did wrong but she isn't all innocent either, she's a bitch.
Okay no she's not, I should really apologise to her.

How do I even apologise? It's not like y/n is going to answer a call or an apology text. The right thing to do is show up to her apartment but that's really creepy. I can't either ask anyone for help because Jake broke up with me until I fixed all my shit and I'll blame y/n for that, they didn't need to tell Jake what happened. Anyway Johnnie is obviously also mad so all help I have is myself.
Maybe I just should go to her apartment and talk? That's my only option to explain this to her.

I decide I need to see y/n right now. I rush out to my car and drive directly to her apartment. I enter the building and go up the elevator to her floor. I walk up to the door and knock three times.
No answer.
I ring the doorbell.
No answer.
If she's isn't home I'll sit here and wait I swear to god.
It doesn't seem like she's home so I sit down with my back towards the door and wait like a dog for her to come back. If she's at Johnnies she's probably staying for a while, great.

Y/Ns pov:

Me and Johnnie had went up from bed and ate some breakfast, it was 12pm already. The weather was so hot so me, Jake and Johnnie decided to go to the beach today. I just needed to quickly get home, grab my stuff and then come back.
"Yall I'm leaving to get my stuff I'll be back soon" I yell and leave their house. I get in the car and drive towards my apartment. When parking my car I as Tara's pink tiny car parked. Fuck. Calm down, there's more people that own a pink car, right? No. That's definitely Tara's. What's she doing here?
I took a deep breath and walked into the door, taking the stairs up to my floor.
I saw Tara sit with her back facing my front door, scrolling on her phone.
"y/n!" Her face lights when I she sees me and I don't answer.
"Why are you here?" I say with a straight face without letting any emotion out.
"I need to apologise y/n please" Tara begs and stands up, facing me.
"Go on" I say with a cold tune. "I'm kinda in a rush so make it quick" I fill in with a sassier voice.
"Y/n I was so jealous of what you and Johnnie have and I wanted you to talk to me, see me and want to hang out with me more. You're always with Johnnie and I was the one who introduced you guys. I feel so left out and you've been acting all selfish" She yaps out and I stare into her eyes with a cold look. Me? Selfish? I'm sorry that I fell in love or what? It's not like we didn't hangout everyday? What is she saying?

"Oh I'm sorry for falling in love, I'm sorry for not seeing you" I say with mad voice. I think she gets that I'm not fucking sorry. How could she say such things? I'm not selfish.
"I'm not even supposed to apologise! You're blaming this on me like it's my fault you're jealous of my relationship while you literally have Jake. Tara you really tried to ruin everything between me and Johnnie and then just show up at my house?"

Me and Tara keep arguing for a good 15 minutes before we hear the elevator door open behind us and Johnnie steps out.
"Tara?!" Johnnie blurts out and looks both mad and confused.
"I'm here to apologise Johnnie I'm so sorry I was so jealous of you and y/n!!" Tara explains while almost panicking.
"Tara leave, you tried to ruin everything now get out and we'll talk later" I say, I'd like to talk to Tara later, in private and actually not have her randomly sit at my door. That's creepy as fuck.
Tara ran down the stairs and out the door and probably took her car and left.

"Are you okay?" Johnnie asked. "We got worried you took so long so Jake drove us here, he's in the car" Johnnie explained.
"Yeah I'm fine, I'll grab my stuff and we can go" I say and open my apartment door.
I go in and grab my bikini and put it on under my clothes and pack a bag with sunscreen, a towel and some other stuff I needed. Once I was done me and Johnnie walked out to the car where Jake was.

"Dude I saw Tara run out the building and drive so fast away, what the heck happened?" Jake asks in chock. Johnnie explains the situation from his perspective and I fill in some details and what happened earlier before Johnnie arrived as we drove toward the beach.


Tara and y/n has officially spoked and Tara's perspective is also explain as you guys wanted because I'm so nice!!

A) break all contact and y/n explains to her followers what happens
B) become friends again
C) another idea (please tell me)

Wordcount: 1107 (short, I know)
// author 🌸

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