chapter 27 - move in

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It's the next day and I'm alone in my apartment, Johnnie had to film with Jake all day and I didn't want to be in the video really.

I've deleted all pictures of me and Tara in Instagram and I see the tweets and TikTok's are going crazy about it, it kinda sucks but what did I expect?

I decide I wanted to go to Starbucks to brighten my mood a bit. I grab my keychain from the table by the door and slip on a pair of flip flops, it's so hot outside anyway.
I leave my apartment and lock the door behind me.
I get into my car and start heading toward Starbucks.

I arrive there and walk through the door. The smell of freshly baked bread and coffee hits my nose, I love it.

I walk up to the cashier and order an iced caramel coffee, as usual. After I've ordered I stand in the corner of the room and wait for my order. The doors slung open and the LAST person on earth I wanna meet walks through the door. Tara. I hope and pray to overly god that she doesn't see me.
She goes up and orders her order and gives me a dirty look. Fuck. I actually can't do this right now.
She walks up to me.
"heeyy" she says, trying to sound all nice and sweet like nothing every happened. I stay quiet, trying to ignore her.
"oh come on!" She shrugs and walks off to a table on the other side of the room. My order is finally done and I almost run out the door.
I get in my car and a wave of release flushes over me.
I grab my phone and type in a message to Johnnie.
"I saw Tara at Starbucks im actually dead" I write and send. I start the car and decide to go home again.

At home I saw that Johnnie texted me back.
Johnnie<3: did she talk to you?
You: she said hi but I ignored her and I think she's more mad now. Idk what to do tbh
Johnnie<3: I get it, gotta film now. I'll see you tomorrow night? I got a big question
You: alrighty!!

A big question? Scary. I hate surprises so much, what if he like asks me to marry him? No he wouldn't do that, we've only been dating for six months.
That made me remember that I need to get a good anniversary gift. I'm thinking a necklace or bracelet he'd like a lot.

I had scrolled online and I ordered a cute necklace that I think will fit his style, hopefully he likes it. It's supposed to arrive already tomorrow so it was no more stress.

I was laying in bed watching a movie when it phone light up and it was Tara who texted me.
Tara: can we talk?
What the fuck do I answer? I don't want to talk to her at all.
You: no.
Tara: please? I want to explain
You: you tried to ruin everything. I can't be friends with you.
Tara: yk Jake broke up with me and it's your fault
You: how is it my fault?
Tara: you probably made him do it.
You: what? You were trying to make Johnnie leave me.

Tara reads my message and doesn't respond, I'm in fucking chock. How would she say that I made Jake leave her? I didn't even know he did. I didn't think Tara was such an asshole.
I haven't spoken to Johnnie in hours, he's been so busy and haven't responded my texts or calls in all day so I decide I'll call him one last time before I go to bed.
The signals go and on the very last second before I hang up, he answers.

Y: hey I've missed you today
J: I'm sorry I didn't answer, I missed you too
Y: what r you doing?
J: I'm streaming with Jake right now
Y: sounds fun, is the can the stream hear me?
J: no I've left the room
Y: when did Jake break up with Tara? Tara told me
J: oh just a few hours ago, sorry I didn't tell you
Y: no it's okay, I'm going to bed now I'll see you tomorrow
J: alright goodnight, I love you
Y: I love you too

We hang up and I slip into bed and scroll on my phone for a while. I go into TikTok and the first thing I see is a sad edit with me and Tara, all the comments are saying that they hope us the best and that we're still friends and stuff. I wonder if I can tell the internet why we aren't friends anymore or if that's too mean.
I've realised over time that i got quite a lot of TikTok followers to from Johnnie so I decide to post a TikTok about it.
I press record on my phone and start talking.

"Hey you guys, I've seen a bunch of TikTok's of me and Tara with sad sounds and stuff and me and Tara are still friends, just not talking due to privacy reasons and I don't think it's appropriate to post these edits, yeah that's all I have to say. Take care everyone"
I say into the camera with a serious face, I kinda did lie that we were still friends but I'm tired of the TikTok's and tweets about us.
I put the caption as "sorry guys, had to say it" and post it.
A few minutes pass and I've got quite a lot of nice comments and a lot of views. I see that Tara reposted it and commented "agree.", hopefully she gets that I'm actually hurt and mad by her actions. I'm more than mad, I'm pissed off but yet I can't see why she would do that. She can't be jealous of me and Johnnie since she has Jake and I can't see the problem at all.

I out my phone down and fell asleep pretty quick.

The next morning I woke up at 10am and texted Johnnie the second I woke up.
"When can I come over? Miss you" I text and wait for his response, he's probably asleep for at least three more hours.
I get out of bed and slip on a hoodie and walk out to the kitchen. I started my coffee maker and sat on the counter as I waited.
Johnnie texted me back.
"Hey it's Jake Johnnie's sleeping but come over asap and wake him" the message said.
"Be there in twenty" I wrote and poured up my coffee into a cup.
I drank my coffee while I changed into a pair of nicer sweatpants and a tank top. I decided to not do makeup because I'm lazy.
I finished my coffee and left the apartment.

I arrived at Jake and Johnnie's and gently knocked on the door, Jake opened right away and let me in.
"Wanna play really loud music and wake Johnnie up?" Jake asks and makes a goofy face.
"Yes" I say and he gets his phone out to find a song to play.
"Let's play this one" Jake says and plays a goofy song and I agree.
He connected the phone to a speaker and put the volume to max and we marched into Johnnie's bedroom

"WAKIE WAKIE POOKIE!" Jake yelled to over voice the music.
"fuck off jake I'm going to murder you!" Johnnies groans and rubs his eyes. I can't stop laughing because this is absolutely hilarious.
"Your wife is here" Jake smirks in his mom voice and I jump over Johnnie, almost suffocating him under me.
"I'm sorry" I laugh and sit up next to him in the bed.
"I missed you and wanted to wake you up" I smiled.
"Fuck off I wanted to sleep" Johnnie groans again and covers his face with the blanket.
Jake leaves the room again and turns the music off, like nothing happened.

Johnnie sits up again and faces me.
"Y/n I wanted to ask you something" He says nervously.
"Go on" I say.
"This is kinda my anniversary gift and I'm asking you, will you move in here with me and Jake?" He asks, fidgeting with his fingers. The question chocks me but I can't help to smile.
"Really? I'd love to!!" I almost yell of happiness.
"Me and Jake talked about it yesterday and we'd love to have you live here, we will share my room and split the rent or something, it's not a problem" Johnnie explains.
"That sounds great, I'll get to trying to sell my apartment later this week, it's no rush" I say back.
"Take your time" Johnnie smiles back. I'm so happy he asked me because I know I'd never be able to ask.
" I saw the TikTok you posted, good that you spoke up" Johnnie says after a while of silence.
"Yeah, I didn't want to tell people what the actually did. I don't want her to get hate" I explained.
"Yeah, she was our friend after all" Johnnie sighed.
"Should I forgive her?" I ask.


boring chapter I know BUT I NEED HELP. Do we forgive Tara or not? Help me out chat.
Wordcount: 1553

// author 🌸

ME AND YOU? || johnnie guilbert x female reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang