chapter 16 - parents

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A few days have passed, today's the day I'm supposed to get an email from the cafe, seeing if I got the job. I'm not really nervous since I don't even know if I really want it, I mostly just need an income since I'm lowkey broke, lol.

I've been at home in my own apartment too, which has been a while since I was just home alone. Nothing more has happened except one thing. My parents called me. Well my mother called me, inviting me and Johnnie for dinner at their place tonight and I haven't even told Johnnie yet but I'm sure he'd like too. I don't really talk about my parents a lot, there is not a lot to say about them. They live pretty close to here. Around a 40 minute drive and yeah I don't speak to them as much since I moved to where I live now.

"Will you come over asap?" I typed in on my phone, a message for Johnnie obviously. He read my text and minutes later he's knocking on my door, I'm guessing Jake drove him here.
I open the door, letting him into my usual messy apartment.

"Johnnieee, do you have plans tonight?" I ask him while we sit down on the couch.
"I don't think so, why?"
"Great, you're meeting my parents tonight. They united us to dinner at theirs" I smile, his face turns paler than it already is and he looks frozen.
"Hello?" I say, waving a hand in front of his face.
"Yeah sorry, I'd love to" He chuckles, I can tell he's nervous. "Are they like.. Strict?" He asks me, looking really worried. What is he so worried for?
"Well I don't think so, I've never had them meet one of my friends or boyfriends" I laugh. "Someone is nervous?" I teasingly say, laughing even more.
"I'M NOT!" He laughs back. "But actually, they won't be disappointed if you're dating someone like me?" He says. His smile fades away quickly.
"Don't say that, I don't care what they think of you. I think you're amazing and I love you either way" I reassure him, I don't know what he meant with "someone like me". Johnnie is really the sweetest soul I've ever met and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.
He stays quiet, like he is stuck in his mind.
"Trust me you'll be fine, I'll defend you I promise" I say. I sound like we were a couple in the 1800s going to war or something but It's true, I will defend him no matter what my parents say.
"The drive there is forty five minutes and we were supposed to be there at 7 so we gotta start getting ready soon" I say.
"Okay" He replies, grabbing his phone from his pocket. That reminded me of the Alex conversation. I've almost forgotten it since I got drunk right after he told me about it.
"By the way have you spoken to Alex any more" I ask, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Uhm.. no" Johnnie replies. I'm sure he is lying but whatever

*time skip*

It's been a few hours and it's time to get ready to see my parents, honestly I'm not even nervous, just super excited!!

"Hey y/n" Johnnie says, walking out of the bathroom.
I look up from my vanity, nodding as a way of saying I'm listening.
"I'm feeling kinda sick, is it okay if I stay at home? I'm so sorry I have a sore throat and all" Johnnie blurts out, like he's nervous to tell me he's .. Sick?
He wasn't sick like two hours but whatever, maybe he just isn't ready yet.
"Oh.. That's okay, I'm still going there though" I fake smile. I guess I'll have to text my parents only me is coming.

I kept on getting ready and eventually left my apartment and drove Johnnie home before staring the drive towards my parents, alone.

I arrived at my parents house and they greeted me, let me in the house. It's so funny being back in the house I grew up in, I feel like a kid everytime I go there.
The dinner went fine, it wasn't much special since Johnnie isn't there so there is nothing new to talk about really.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pick it up quick to see that Tara texted me.
"GIRL, call me asap!!" Tara has texted, what's going on this time?
"Excuse me, I need to call my friend real quick" I tell my parents, getting up from my chair and walking to the bathroom.
I quickly call up Tara, kinda nervous lol.
"Hey Tar, what's up?" I ask
Tara stays quiet for a minute before she starts talking

ME AND YOU? || johnnie guilbert x female reader Where stories live. Discover now