chapter 8 - fight

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Johnnie kept asking me questions but I couldn't answer them. It's just blurry and random scenes from everything. I wish I never went here party.. What if Johnnie thinks I wanted to kiss that gross guy. I don't even know who he is.


Y/n wasn't even answering my questions, I need to talk to Jake and Tara and see if they know anything. What if y/n was actually sexually assaulted by a dude just now? That's just messed up. I mean why would she kiss him and pass out right after if me and her are kinda.. you know.. talking? Dating? I don't know and it doesn't matter right now.
"I'm going to talk to Jake okay? Can you try to tell me what just happened?" I ask gently. I really want to know her point of view.
"Uh- I was dancing, then two big hands grabbed me and-" She cuts herself off, wiping away a tear of her cheek. "Uhm kissed me? I don't know I'm still drunk and tired and just-" She says and I cut her off to speak.
"Okay, you lay here and rest and I'll find Jake" I say as I tuck her into my bed. I hope she feels safe there. I leave my bedroom, rush down the stairs and through all the people in the living room. Where the fuck is the owner of this party?
A bunch of people have already left and It's nearly 4am and still Jake isn't to be found.
I ran into Tara at least.
"TARA!" I yell.
"Hey Johnnie?? Why are you so stressed? It's paaaaarttyyy!!" Tara happily yells. Fuck she's way too drunk for this.
"Where the fuck is Jake?!" I yell at her in anger. Why am I even angry? I need to calm down.
"Oh Jakeeee, he's in the backyard smokingggg! Bye now Johnnieee" Tara says and dances away.
I run outside to the backyard and Jake is standing in the spot where me and y/n actually talked for the first time.
"Jake?" I say.
"Hello there, you look.. mad? What's up?" He asks with a smile.
"Uhm so this is weird but a random dude at your party kissed y/n kind of without her permission and she passed out and shit. I need to know who this dude is" I explain and Jake looks so mad and confused.
"Woah..? I don't know who that cou-.. I know who it is" Jake says with a pause between his sentences.
"WHO?!" I yelled on accident, I didn't mean to actually yell.
"My old highschool friend, Marcus. I saw him looking at y/n so much and I asked him about it when you and her sat on the couch. He said something about y/n being super sexy and he wanted to get her laid, I told him she's with you but he didn't really care and I didn't know what to do really. Sorry" Jake tells me. Holy fuck I'm going to fucking end that dudes life.
"Oh my fucking god I am actually going to kill him! And don't apologize Jake it's not your fault" I say with an angry tone.
I walk with define steps into the living room again to find this Marcus and talk the fuck out of him.
I ask like everyone I see if they've seen Marcus and nobody seems to know until I see another dude that I've met before that's also Jake's highschool friend.
"Carlos!! Carlos!!" I yell after him.
"AY!! Johnnie Guilbert it is? Long time no see huh" Carlos smiles at me, charming dude but I don't have time for small talk.
"Yep, have you seen Marcus around?" I ask. "it's very important" I add before he gets a chance to answer.
"Actually yeah, I think he went to the kitchen to grab a drink or something, see you around?" Carlos smirks and walks off before I reply.
I take a deep breath and make my way to the kitchen.
As I walked in I immediately recognized his face, lightskin, *whatever hair color he had, dont remember* and dark eyes. Holy fuck he's tall too. Fuck it I say to myself and walk up to him.
(Dialog time, M: marcus, J:Johnnie)

J: Marcus, right?
M: Uh, Do I know you?
J: No but you apparently know my girl?
M: y/n isn't your girl, is she?
J: doesn't matter, you fuck with her again and you're fucking dead
M: What are you going to do? 
I lost it, let me show you what a crazy psycho bitch I can be.
I threw a hard punch at his nose causing him to fall to the ground out of chock. That doesn't stop me. I kept punching him and kicking him till his nose was filled with blood and someone pulled me off of Marcus.
"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING A FUCKING DICK!!!!" I scream while the same guy drags me over to the couch. It's Jake.
"Ayo parties over, everyone get out" Jake yells and people listen, Carlos and some other guy helps Marcus out and Tara comes up to the couch where Jake and I are.

"Now what was that good for?!" Tara yells and I see that she's really pissed.
"Tara! He kissed and made out and touched y/n without her permission! I had to!" I still yell very upset and filled with adrenaline.
"WHAT?! WHERE'S Y/N?!" Tara screams out.
"My bedroom" I shortly answer and Tara runs to the stairs up to my bedroom.
Jake is looking at me with concerned eyes.
"You were serious about killing him, were you?" Jake asks.
"No I wasn't going to kill him, I just don't want people messing around with y/n. I really like her" I say. I really know I sound like a total dick but come on. I wasn't the only bad guy and Marcus deserved it.

I was asleep till I heard a familiar voice scream and yell. Johnnie. What's going on?
I then hear the music turn off and people leaving the house and now It's just muffled voices talking. What's happening?
Suddenly I hear loud and quick steps in the stairs, rushing towards the room I'm in.
Tara throws the door open and runs into me.
"Y/N?! Johnnie told me what happened? Are you okay?!" She blurted out.
"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened? Why did everyone leave?" I asked.
"Uhm Johnnie beat up the dude who kissed you and stuff. I'll have Jake and Johnnie explain it better since I didn't see everything" She explained while getting me up from the bed.
I just nodded and Tara signaled we should go downstairs.
Ps: TY FOR 200+ READS!!!!!
I actually like this story again and will continue it!!
This chapter a lot happened so I guess next one will be kind of a filler one???
Don't know yet.
Wordcount: 1171
// author 🌸

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