chapter 7 - party

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chapter 7
This chapter will have a sexual assault scene, more warning will come and please skip that part if sensitive // writer
It's been a few weeks since mine and Johnnie's date and we've been talking on the phone like everyday and if not we've texted!! I actually do like him a lot but I don't know what to do really, I do want to ask him out but I feel like I should wait till he does? I don't know!
Anyways Jake is hosting a party tonight and of course I am going, parties are just the best!
I just know It's going to be amazing because Johnnie will be there and obviously a lot of other people but really I am only going for the alcohol and Johnnie. Lol.
The party is in like two hours and I'm already going to Jake's just to hangout with Tara since she's also there already.
I got in my car and drove over to Jake's.
I rang the doorbell and Tara opened the door.

"HELLO THEREEEE!!" She said loudly with her sweet smile.
"HIIII I'M SO EXCITED!!!" I squealed.
"By the way, someone is excited to see you," Tara whispered to me as I entered the house.
I hope she means Johnnie, who else is excited to meet me?
We entered the living room and Jake and Johnnie were just chilling on the couch as usual.
"Johnnieeeee your girlfriend is hereeeeee" Tara smirked at Johnnie.
"Oh stop it Tara" I said as I got on the couch next to Johnnie.
"Hi there" Johnnie smiled at me.
"Hello Johnnie and Hello Jake" I said smiling at them both.
Jake also said hi but he got up from the couch to prepare for the party.
This feels so much like when I started becoming friends with Tara again and she invited me to her party, the night I met Johnnie for the first time. Such a Deja Vu feeling.


I wanted to tell y/n how pretty she is, but I don't want to sound so desperate for her. I am not desperate, right? Or maybe I am? I don't know. In the middle of my thoughts she starts talking to me.
"What, sorry what did you say?" I stuttered out when I realized I wasn't listening at all.
"Are you excited for a party tonight?" She asked me with a sweet smile and hopeful eyes.
"Yeah, I guess so. At least you're here" I say, I suck at flirting so bad but I really want her to know I do like her so much.
"Of course I'd come!!! You know how much I love parties" She said but her voice sounded fake, I don't actually think she likes parties. We kept talking for a while and helped Jake and Tara prepare everything and people started dropping in.
Just a few hours later the house was filled with people and I sat on the sofa with y/n. I don't know why she just sat here with me if she loved parties so much.
"Come on, let's go danceeeeee!" She said out of nowhere.
"No way I'm not dancing" I said with a sassy face.
"You're so booooooring! Come on!" She said while dragging my arm for me to get up from the couch. I bet she's a little too drunk.
"Fine then!"
There's a bunch of people here, I bet I don't even know half of them. Wonder how they know Jake. Weird.
Y/n drags me across the living room over to where everyone is dancing. I just awkwardly stand there in the middle of all the people admiring y/n, she really is beautiful. I hope she knows it. She looks so happy even though I'm just standing here.
I turn around for a split second seeing that she's gone, she isn't where she was just a second ago? Why am I even worried? I look around and she is nowhere to be found, either Tara or Jake?
I walk around the house and finally find y/n, but she isn't alone. She is with a dude and looks to be.. Kissing him? More like him kissing her but still.. Isn't she with me?

(this pov starts when you're  dancing, not from when Johnnie finds you)
I love parties when I'm drunk enough to not be anxious. I'm just dancing around with some girls that know Jake and are super nice, in the corner of my eye I see Johnnie standing awkwardly looking at me. Life is just great.
I suddenly feel warm hands grab my waist and pull me aside. I look over to see a male face. That's not Johnnie? What's going on? I see all blurry and the next second the man has pulled me away from the girls, away from Johnnie and away from the dance floor.
I try to pull away but he's holding me so tight around my waist. He keeps me in a tight grip and presses his lips against mine, gross. I don't want this! I try to scream but I can't. My body isn't doing what I want it to. I want to scream, cry and kick my way away, I don't want this man's lips on mine. His hands are all over my body and no one is seeing this. I can't tell who he is. I'm way too wasted and I just see all foggy and blurry.
He finally lets go of me and pushes me down to the floor and walks away just like that?
My vision is going even blurrier, what's happening?

(Starting from when I last ended his pov, not from when you passed out)

What's going on? Why is she letting another man just kiss and have his ugly hands all over her just like that? The man isn't stopping touching her, does she even know him? This is weird. I shouldn't be watching this. Right when I'm going to leave the house the man pushes y/n to the ground and walks off, what the fuck?!
I walk up to her body on the ground seeing that she's blacked out? I need to help her.
I picked her up from the floor, carrying her up the stairs and into my bedroom laying her on my bed. What do I do now?
A few minutes pass of me just staring at her and she eventually wakes up.
"Y/n?" I say.
"Yeah.." She says with a unsure and low voice.
"Do you know what happened? Who's that dude you were with?" I ask, instally regretting why I asked that. She just passed out and the first thing I ask is about a dude, fuck I'm a jealous ass.
"What are you ta-" She starts her sentence and goes quiet.


"What are you ta-" I was about to ask what he's talking about when I remember.
The man, the way he pulled me away from everyone, his gross hands all over me. Random pictures of the incident pop up in my head and I break out in tears.
I come back to reality.
"I- I don't know Johnnie- It all.. just happened I didn't want to and he j-just took me" I cry out, fuck why does he have to see me this way? I'm hysterically crying in his bedroom over some creepy dude who.. kissed me? Against my will?
"Y/n It's going to be okay I promise, do you know who he is or what he looks like?" Johnnie asks me.
"I don't know" I stutter out, fuck I wish I didn't drunk so much. I'd remember it all if I didn't.
I just want to sleep.

Hello guys🌸
Sooo I will not stop updating here since I got my motivation back BUT I will only update like once or three times a week and not everyday cause I have a lot in school:(

Anyways sorry for such a traumatic chapter but yes
Wordcount: 1354 (a long chapter !!!)
// author 🌸

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