chapther 18 - clubbing

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So me and Johnnie ended up going home to my apartment and sleeping there. I also forgot to tell Tara that so she literally thought I got killed.

Johnnie was still asleep even though It's 1pm and I'm not bothered to wake him up yet, I'm going to text Tara now.

Taraaa<3: Should I call the cops?? Where are you??
These messages were sent last night and I still haven't written back. Oops.
You: Hey girl, I'm at home with Johnnie
Taraaa<3: Guessing things went well last night?
You: Yep, we talked and walked down the beach and then slept at my place
Taraaa<3: That's amazing!!!!! Love you!!
You: Love you 2

I turned my phone off and decided to wake Johnnie up.
"Wake up!" I yelled as I shaked his shoulders.
"Stoppppppp, I'm so tired" He groaned as he opened his eyes.
Johnnie hesitantly got up from the bed and we walked out of the bedroom, out to the kitchen.
"Johnnie, you know what I wanna do todayyyy?" I said excitedly.
"No, what's on your mind, pretty?" He smiled.
"We should go clubbing with Tara and Jake. I bet Tara would want to and she can definitely get Jake with us" I explained while starting the coffee maker.
"That would be fun actually, I missed spending time with you" Johnnie said.
"It's been four days but okay" I teased him with a smile.
"Oh? Like you haven't missed me too" Johnnie teased me back.
"Shut up!!" I yell, nicely. "I'm calling Tara right now" I say as I sit down on the floor in the kitchen.

The call:
(T: Tara, Y: you)
Y: Hey, I'm with Johnnie don't say anything weird
T: Okay okay got it, what's up??
Y: we are going to a club tonight and you may need to make sure Jake comes with us
T: YES YES YES 100%! I'll call Jake right now!!
Y: Good, be at mine at 7 for drinks before we leave
T: YES! Bye love you, bye Johnnie!!
Y: Bye bye!

The call ended and I poured up my coffee into a cup and sat down at the table.
"You're not eating anything? It's almost 2pm?" Johnnie questioned me as he made some cereal for himself.
"I'm not very hungry, thanks" I replied while sipping on my coffee.
"But y/n- " He said as I cut him off. "I'm fine, I promise".
"Fine then, I'm sorry" He signed.
"Don't apologize for caring, I'm sorry I'll eat something later" I reassured him.

The rest of the day isn't much to talk about. Me and Johnnie watched at least three movies while cuddling, ordered some pizza and talked.
The time finally hit 7pm and Tara and Jake were supposed to come over for some drinks and snacks before we head out.
"I need to finish up my makeup, can you pour some drinks?" I asked Johnniw while hurting like crazy to get my eyeliner perfect and bangs to lay exactly how I wanted them to.

When I was finally done it was ten past 7 and Tara and Jake arrived.
"HEY GUYS!!!" I yelled out as I ran towards Tara to hug her. "I'm so excited I love going out eeeeeek" I squealed
"ME TOO, this is going to be the best night ever" Tara squealed back.
"MAMA BEAR NEEDS HER DIET COKE!" Jake yelled in an accent while grabbing a can of diet coke from the counter.
Me and Tara were taking shots of straight vodka and Johnnie were standing awkwardly, drinking some mixture of soda and alcohol he made.
"Let's take a selfie for insta!" Tara said and put her phone up. We all agreed and got in the picture.
"Send it to me I wanna post it!!" I said and so did Tara.
She sent the photo to me and I put it on my story and wrote "My favorites <3" on the photo.

After a lot of drinks and laughs we are ready to leave to actually go out. Not gonna lie, I'm already drunk. As we got out to the street we decided to walk to the closest nightclub.
Johnnie had his arm around my waist as we walked and Tara and Jake were holding hands. How romantic isn't this? I deep in from the second Johnnie told me Jake and Tara used to date hoping they would get together again. They seem so cute and kind to each other.

We kept walking for like an hour and the other's were pretty tired, except me. I'm too excited to be tired. I haven't been to a nightclub in ages!!!

When we entered the club after showing the security guard our ID because we apparently looked younger than the age limit, it was a bunch of people dancing and sitting in the bar. We sat down at a bigger table and Johnnie and I went to order drinks for us.

A half an hour passes and we all have had one too many shots. We are all super drunk. Me and Tara were dancing in the crowd of people, having the time of our lives.


Me and Jake were sitting down by the bar, ordering in more shots. Y/n and Tara are long gone, they are most definitely away dancing or found some friends to talk to or something.
The time was nearly 12am and me and Jake wanted to be home before 1am since we have to film videos tomorrow.
"Should we go find the girls?" I asked Jake after drinking my last shot.
"Yeah" Jake agreed and we stood up from our chairs and started pushing through the room filled with drunk people.

When we found Tara and y/n they were talking to a girl and a dude. I walked up to y/n from behind, nudging her shoulder. She turns around quickly and smiles brightly when she sees It's me.
"HEY JOHNNIE!!" She shouts, trying to outvote the loud music. "This is Ellie and her boyfriend!!! Me and Ellie went to school together" She shouts.
"Ohhh, Hi I'm Johnnie and this i-" I start to introduce myself to y/n's friend and was about to introduce Jake too but when I look over to my side he's not there.
"Where'd Jake and Tara go?" I ask the girls.
"No idea, are we leaving?" Y/n asks me, turning away from Ellie and the other guy.
"Yeah. let's go out and then I'll call Jake" I shout, grabbing y/n's waist and leading us out of the club.
"Let me call Jake, letting him and Tara know we're leaving" I say and I fidget up my phone, placing it to my ear waiting for Jake to pick up. A few signals passed and no one picked up his phone.
"Whatever, I'll send a text" I say, getting slightly  annoyed. Y/n just nods and waits for me.
I send away a text to Jake and Tara and we start walking towards our house.


this chapter is the most confusing and boring chapter ever but it's whatever.

I'm debating if I should write a smut chapter or not, let me know if i should or at least please give me a idea to write 😭

Thanks for all the reads 🌝
Wordcount: 1234💀
// author 🎀

ME AND YOU? || johnnie guilbert x female reader Where stories live. Discover now