chapter 29 - "im happy, right?"

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It's been three days since I've met up with Tara and I've decided I'll ask her to come over so we can talk and probably tell her that we should have some time apart and then maybe become friends again, I'm not really THAT mad at her since she kinda was understanding even though she showed up at my apartment which was pretty insane. I don't know if I'm actually going to become as close friends with her as we were because what she did was horrible but also maybe people need a second chance.

I'm at my own apartment and I asked Johnnie over text if he thought it was a good idea for me to talk to Tara and he said he didn't think I should but that it was okay if I do.

"Hey Tara. Will you come over and talk?" I text and send. Within seconds Tara replies that she's on her way. I'm nervous as fuck but I'm not the one to talk and explain, she is. I really didn't do anything more than wanting to hang out with my own boyfriend. That's not even anything wrong, I'm not even supposed to need to explain myself.

My door knocked and I opened, welcoming Tara in and we sat down by my diner table. It's such a weird vibe and it's weird to just look at her. I can't believe this has happened.

"Y/n.." Tara begins. "I don't know what to say, y/n. I've explained myself and said sorry. What could you more want?" She continues, but she's talking slowly and not rambling like usual.
"Tara how could you do a such thing? You know how well Johnnie makes me feel and how happy he makes me and how good we treat each other and you just want to ruin it?" I ask, not really as a question though.
"y/n I was mad and jealous!" Tara explains herself.

We keep on talking and talking and coming up with nothing, Tara keeps saying that she was jeaouls and that I needed to give her more attention and I kept saying that she is blaming it all on me.
"You know what's better Tara? We won't talk or see each other's in a few weeks and see if we can be friends later" I admit.
"oh so you're not allowing me to Jake or Johnnie either?" Tara says madly.
"Never said that, talk to them yourself. But let me say Johnnie doesn't want to see you" I admit again, way more calmer than Tara did.
"Fine then!" Tara says and leaves my apartment.

Right when she left Johnnie called and I picked up.
J: heyyy what are you doing?
Y: Tara just left
J: are you okay?
Y: yeah I'm fine, what are you doing
J: nun, come over and we can have a movie marathon with Jake tonight
Y: hell yes!!!
J: be here as quick as you can!

I got into a pair of comfy pants and a hoodie that Johnnie had forgot at my place and did some quick makeup, just eyeliner and a little bit of concealer and of course eye shadow.
I left my apartment and took my car over to their house and arrived after a the short drive.

"IM HERE!!!" I yell as I walk into the door acting like I live here, well I kinda do. Not yet though. I still need to empty my apartments before the new owners move in.
"no need you yell miss" Jake says sassily from the kitchen.
I enter the kitchen and hug them both.
"Yeah anyways I talked to Tara today and she was lowkey pretty mean but we decided to not fight and be mad BUT not talk to each other for a few weeks and I'm going to go public with us having a break, not really why but just that we are no longer besties" I explain while Jake and Johnnie listen as it was for their death.
"Okay that's valid" Jake replies.
"As long as you're happy" Johnnie adds.
"Anyways, we are going to order food and then we are watching all the scream movies" Jake says with a jokingly attitude.
"That sounds fun" I add.

It was only 3pm so obviously we aren't ordering food just yet, instead we sat down on the couch and talked a bit.
"I need help to empty my apartment and sell like all my furniture since I don't need it anymore if I'm living here" I tell them.
"Yeah we could help you out tomorrow" Jake said and Johnnie agreed.
"Great! I'm so happy you guys want me to live here" I smile.
"Of course, we anyways see each other every day so why not just let you move in?" Johnnie smiled back and he was right. It's just a waste of time for me to drive here all the time when I  could just live here.

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