chapter 10 - idk

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Y'Ns pov:

I woke up trying to remember where I was, right. Johnnie and Jake's house. In Johnnie's bed. Somehow where me and Johnnie cuddled, just like last night. Or morning. It's 1pm and we're still in bed. My head is fucking pounding and I'm even more tired now then I was yesterday. I look over at Johnnie's face. He still has yesterday's makeup on and he still managed to look pretty. He looked so peaceful sleeping there with his arm around me. I cuddled up to him and put my head by his neck and tried to go back to sleep.
"Y/n?" I woke up to someone saying my name. Johnnie.
"Johnnie?" I groaned back, fuck I'm so tired.
"Are you awakeee? It's like 3pm" Johnnie says. I guess I did fall asleep again.
"Mhmm" I said as I yawned.
"Do you want anything from mcdonalds? Jake texted me saying he's going to get some" Johnnie asks as he sits up looking at his phone.
"No, I'm good thanks" I say back, sitting up next to him.
"You sure? You haven't eaten anything in so long? I didn't see you eat anything yesterday either" He says with a worried face.
"I'm good, I promise. Just tired. I'll make something at home later" I say with a smile trying to convince him I'm fine. it wasn't even lying. I'm not hungry, right?

Johnnie nods and starts texting on his phone, I'm guessing he's just answering Jake.
I get up from the bed and make my way to the bathroom.
I get in there and rinse my face with cold water to wake up a little. I go back to Johnnie's room telling him I'm going home to rest, he follows me out the door and we hug goodbye.

"Y/n?" Johnnie says right as I turn around to go out to my car. I quickly turn around.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Uhm if you're not too tired tonight, Would you like to go watch a movie at the cinema?" He asked me.
"I'd love to! Is it a date?" I ask with a smirk. Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.
"Yes it is" Johnnies smiles at me. I smile back and get into my car to drive home.

When I'm finally home I remember I'm still in Johnnie's clothes and my party outfit is still in his house. I'll have to get that later and give Johnnie his clothes back.
I remember I need to tell Tara about me and Johnnie's cinema date and the way we cuddled. I giggle to myself, I feel like I'm in middle school and just got my first crush. Lol.
I call Tara and she replies by the first signal

(T: Tara, Y: You)
T: Hey girl, how are you doing?
Y:I'm good, but oh my god I need to tell you about Johnnie!!
T: I'm all ears!
Y: So when you left last night he let me borrow his clothes to sleep in and then we cuddled like all night and so. And when I was going to leave he asked me if I wanted to go on a movie date with him at the cinema tonight!!!
T:OH MY GOD!! I know you guys have already been on a date but this might be where he actually asks you to be his girlfriend?
Y: I hope so, hihi
T: Yeah! Well I'm hangover as fuck and I'm going to sleep again so bye!
Tara hung up the phone before I even said bye back.
I need to fresh up myself a little. I'm so tired and my head hurts and I feel gross.
I walk into my bathroom, undress and hop into the shower. I put the water on pretty cold so I'd feel more refreshed. I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner and also do a hair mask. Felt fancy.
After my shower I change into my own pajama pants but decide to still be in Johnnie's shirt.
I was absolutely starving and decided to make some toast and a coffee. Breakfast at 4pm? Amazing.

In the middle of my food making, Johnnie texted me.
J: Hello beautiful! Be outside my house at 7.30 and the movie starts at 8 <3
BEAUTIFUL? Oh my god when I tell you my heart dropped.
Y: Yep. I'll be there <3
J: Have you eaten anything yet?
Y: Making food rn, don't worry
*Johnnie liked a message*
That actually isn't a lie. My toast was ready and I poured up my coffee in a cup. I sat down on the couch eating my food in silence. I had no time limit at all. Its 4.33pm and I have like two hours to get ready and get rid of this fucking headache.
I finished my food and put away the dishes and took two ibuprofen. Hopefully It helps this fucking headache.

I put on a series and try to make the time pass. After what feels like ten minutes I've watched ten episodes of my favorite series. Gossip Girl. Holy shit I have like no time now. It's 6.56pm and I have half an hour!

I rush into my room and do my eyeliner, eyeshadow and lashes. That's going to be it. I hurry and put on a pair of black baggy jeans, a studded belt and a cute long sleeve, off shoulder shirt. It looks fine, I don't have time to do anything fancy and we are anyway just watching a movie. I run back into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Then I put my shoes on and get out to my car.
7.24pm. I did it on time! Kinda..

I start my car and drive my way to Johnnie and Jake's house.

Boring ass chapter but I'll post the next one in like 3 hours or something, it's going to be a lot better hihi!!
Thanks for all the votes and reads!
Wordcount: 1001
// author 🌸

ME AND YOU? || johnnie guilbert x female reader Where stories live. Discover now