Chapter 19 - Closing In

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I knew the time was coming when it would all come to an end. And what ending that was? I didn't know. I just knew that Astral and I had to protect our knew family. They trusted us. So I had to trust myself.

"Just focus on school today sweetheart. Please don't let your mother stress you any further, okay?" I softly nodded while placing a gentle kiss upon her cheek in a tender moment of family support. Her, Tommy, my friends, they were my support group. And I loved them so much more for it.

"Okay. I just keep waiting for the ball to drop. Even Astral is on edge. Normally that doesn't happen much. My mom....... She's so awful Aunt Aurora." She simply sighed in utter sadness for the sister she lost so long ago to a life full of power hungry madness. The Morphin grid was stuck in my mind more and more these days, the thought of what could happen a terrible truth I didn't want to face. I knew the end was coming. I just had to make sure I didn't turn or lose anyone. What could happen to Tommy? Was what was really killing me. More than I would ever say.

"I know sweetie. I know.... Just please, watch your friends. Watch Tommy. Don't let anything happen to any of you. And no matter what, keep Astral close." Astral hummed within the home I kept for her around my neck, gladly calling her a she from the mere way she acts, just like me. I finally went for my backpack, heading out the front door when I noticed a package on the front steps directed towards me, the label reading my name in bold lettering. I hesitantly picked it up, my heart racing the entire time. When the box was finally opened, a mere piece of a white helmet with gold etches outlined within was sitting perfectly in the box. With it, a note sat underneath that I knew could only be from one person.

You'll see what I was talking about dear Aria. Your precious Tommy will rule a whole other world. Except, you won't be there to see it.

Your mother

My eyes widened in utter fear from a fragment of the Morphin grid within my grip, knowing this wasn't fake from the mere way Astral did a reading on it, showing me a vision of an alternate reality where Tommy wasn't....... Tommy. He was far gone within the darkness that Rita corrupted him with. I practically rushed to school that morning to meet everyone by our lockers, seeing them all there, including Tommy. I couldn't view him in such a way that my mother was trying so hard to accomplish.

"Ari? What's wrong?" They all nearly said in unison, my eyes watering from the mere vision I saw.

"This....." I handed Tommy the shattered grid piece of his helmet, the one this Tommy knew nothing about. But another did. He inspected it like a foreign object. And it honestly was. To all of us.

"What is this Ari?" I slumped against my locker with a sigh escaping my lips from the stress I was feeling on the mere thought of, what if I couldn't protect them? What if......?

"From the Morphin grid. Tommy....? This is yours from another time line. Lord Drakken is who your other self becomes. If you hadn't come out of the darkness Rita had you in when we first met? That's what you would have become." His eyes widened in shock, a slight hint of fear showing from the mere thought of being evil again.

"You know I couldn't be that way Ari. I couldn't do anything to hurt you, or you guys. I couldn't....." He softly brought me into his arms in a warm embrace, knowing my mom was etching closer to her finally reign on Angel Grove. I knew that anytime now she would attack. And I would have to fight with all my might to stay the way I am without failing. I can't lose Astral. I can't......

"I know Tommy. I know..... My mom is just trying to scare us even further, get into our minds. We can't let her. Ever." Billy took the helmet piece from Tommy to examine further at the command center after school, knowing there had to be something on it to indicate if it's truly real or not. But I knew deep down that it was.

"It'll be okay guys. We got this!" Kim said with such vigor that I honestly wanted to believe her. But my heart and mind was in a totally different place. I couldn't lose them. I just couldn't.
School work I could care less about was straining my folders once school let out, heading home with Tommy for the day while the others went to the command center with Billy to see the results, even get more information from Zordon.

"Aunt Aurora?! We're home!" I yelled into the living room of our house I had grown to love, one that truly did feel like a home for the first time in a long time. But my world would come crashing down quickly from the moment I did find her. Laying curled up on the floor with her eyes closed, blood trickling down her head as if it just happened.

"Aunt Aurora?!" Tears sprung from my eyes from the mere sight of her laying there, checking her pulse for signs of life, thankful I felt a faint pulse. I immediately called 911 the minute I checked her out, watching once they did arrive, whisk her away as fast as possible so no further blood could be lost. I ran up the stairs once they were gone with Tommy in tow to check the entire house, noting my room had been ransacked entirely. Astral never left my neck. But there was a hidden area I kept another part of her I never mentioned. A strong part of her that held some of her power I didn't think would ever be found. Aunt Aurora had been trying to protect it. But it was gone. And I knew it was my mother. She stole it. And it would only be a matter of time before she appeared with even more power than ever before.

"I should have listened to her warning. I should have consumed that power a long time ago! If I had, this wouldn't have happened." The power could be dangerous, so strong that it could kill someone if not properly used. That's the main reason it was never consumed by me because at first, Aunt Aurora held it from me to keep me safe. But I knew now I could handle it. I should have used it.

"Don't beat yourself up Ari. We will get it back, somehow. We will. She will show. And we will fight. Whether she's stronger or not. You're already massively strong. We can beat her." I knew his words would ring true. I was strong because I'd been working so hard to hone my abilities to perfection. But everyone has flaws. And I was scared of what her consuming Astral's stronger power would do.

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