Chapter 11 - Secrets

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I could stop thinking about Tommy. As I sipped on a smoothie and did some reading for a school project at the Youth Center, I felt so... so... happy. Like I was floating on a cloud.

"Are you okay Aria?" Kim and Trini were suddenly sitting right in front of me, proving just how gone I truly was in my own thoughts. Kim was smiling from ear to ear because she knew exactly what I was thinking about. And Trini simply grinned at me, knowing as well. That Tommy asked me to be his girlfriend. Kim and Trini have become like my best friends since all of this started with me being a Ranger. I've confided in them everything about my life. About my parents. My aunt. My childhood. My family heritage. My powers. What my aunt told Tommy and I.

"Yeah! I was staring off again wasn't I?" They laughed with humorous smiles directed at me, looking across the way to see Tommy and Jason sparing off to practice.

"Yup! Like a lost little puppy. It's adorable Ari!" Kim nudged me from her seat right next to me, seeing the blush forming on my cheeks. Tommy and I truly had a connection. Nothing like I've ever felt before. It was completely strong and unexpected.

"Is Ari staring at Tommy again?" Zack came over with his backpack slung over his shoulder, just getting out of a dance class with kids he was teaching. Zack was the best dancer around in Angel Grove. He's amazing.

"Come on guys! I'm right here. And besides, i can't help it. Look at him!!" They all laughed, just as Tommy was suddenly walking towards us, leaving Jason to practice some more on his moves alone. His smile and gorgeous eyes just took my breath away, leaving me utterly speechless. Astral was going crazy within my pendent from the mere closeness of him.

"Hey guys! Is everything alright?" They all immediately looked at me, before bursting into laughter, leaving me to just look down at my feet and practically fidget my fingers.

"You guys suck." They couldn't stop laughing. But I finally looked up at Tommy and he knew. He knew what this was. And he was so humored by it.

"Ari? Could we talk alone?" I stood up, leaving my stuff at the table with everyone as Tommy and I went off to the side. But he looked more serious than anything.

"What's wrong Tommy? Did something happen?" He suddenly tucked a fallen strand of hair lying on my shoulder behind my ear, smiling softly at me.

"Your aunt asked me to keep a close eye on you. Zordon also asked me to keep a close eye on you. From now on, I'm like your... guardian. That's what it's practically called. Your mom was spotted today outside of our school. She's following you. And we can't let her harm you Ari. I... don't want you hurt. So I'll do anything to protect you." My eyes widened from his words, welling up with tears of frustration more than anything. She was trying to bring down my entire life. She's trying to pick off my friends one by one. And I know this because she's done it before.

"Tommy.... I can't lose you. Not because of me and my abilities. Because she wants them. Rita wants them. I can't lose any of you. Not like before.... I lost someone. My best friend Heather. She died when we were kids and they covered it up. Her parents went on without knowing where she is. What happened to her. Nothing. And it kills me every single day. My mother killed her because she was standing up for me. She wasn't afraid of what I am....." Tears were flowing down my face from the mere memory of that day. And one of many reasons why my aunt and I left. I've never told anyone about this. But Tommy brings out everything in me. He softly brought me in for a hug, running his fingers through my hair with such softness.

"Nothing will happen to me. Or to the gang. We're rangers Ari. We protect each other. Always."

A Sirens Call {A Tommy Oliver/Power Rangers FanFic}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα