Chapter 18 - Fight Of A Lifetime

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School was the perfect distraction from my racing thoughts, one's of constant wonder. Wondering why my own mother could be so evil? I could never be anything like her. I would prove the Morphin Grid wasn't to come true for me. I could never be..... her.

"How about a girls night Ari? You could spend the night at my house! You and Trini. The guys could do..... whatever they do." I simply laughed from the perfect attempt Kim made to get a smile out of me, seeing her grin from the mere sight of it. My eyes landed on the soothing ones of Tommy who was putting his things away in his locker. Tommy was like my haven, my safe place. Just one mere look from him and I felt like I could conquer anything.

"Astral seems happy." Astral glowed from the pure energy I was giving off from my thoughts, the sight of Tommy and the closeness of him easing me down.

"You and Tommy? You're really meant for one another. It's all true...." Trini's sudden words rang in my ear like the perfect mantra. Astral hummed from within, it's core abuzz with so much power. It had only grown stronger in the course of a few weeks. Because we all knew things were coming. Angel Grove was in danger from opposing threats. My own mother, Rita, everything threatening to take down the Power Rangers.

"I never truly believed in soul mates. Not until him." He's the reason I awoke everyday with a smile upon my face. And hope in my heart. Because I knew that somehow, everything would be okay. That we would all get through this. Because in my dreams, I've seen it. I believe Astral was showing me our future. Our true ending. Not the ones my own mother has put in my mind of utter madness, destruction.

"You're in deep my friend." Billy softly patted my shoulder with a warm smile, his brotherly smile that always sent a smile of my own to my face. Things had never been better between Tommy and I. Between my friends and I. We were our own little family.

"What's this? A love fest. Can we have some??" I rolled my eyes from the sudden presence of Bulk and Skull, the twerps that always give us heartache. Skull always tried so hard to get Kim, Trini, and i's attention, knowing it'll never work.

"That will be a hard no." Kim said with such a sarcastic tone that I couldn't help but laugh. And right on cue, Astral immediately send a jolt of energy into them as a way to get them to leave, doing just that.

"Did your necklace just....." But I cut Bulk off once he composed himself, a humored grin upon my lips of knowing.

"Better run boys." They looked so perplexed by the notion of what happened. But didn't question anything any further out of clear fear before leaving, finally may I add.

"That's my girl." With his arm wrapped around my shoulders, Tommy placed a gentle kiss to my cheek, a spark igniting from the mere sensation of his soft lips upon my skin. For once, I was fully distracted. Even if only for a brief moment.
The night's festivities seemingly brought my mood up significantly, the smile on my face more than genuine as I spent time with the best girl friends I've ever had. Astral seemed rather happy as well, igniting a new wave of energy, seemingly it's way of showing happiness.

"Thank you for tonight! I'm just glad I have actual friends who don't think I'm some...... freaks show." That's the only words I could think of to describe my situation. I've put them in more than enough danger to understand if they had decided not to be my friend. Or even worse, took away being a Power Ranger from me. I'd be devastated.

"You're not a freak show Ari! You're the coolest. And I totally mean it. Okay?" Kim softly patted my shoulder with a gentle smile, one she always has towards me. We have quickly become close friends. Best friends even.

"I agree. You're the strongest person I know. You're smart. Cunning. Quick on your feet. And level headed. You aren't letting this all drag you down." Trini said through a grin, her words and Kim's combined bringing tears to my eyes. Trini had defended me through so much as well, showing that they all truly care about me. I'd finally found my people. And clearly, I wasn't about to lose them.

"You guys are seriously the best. I'm just sorry for whatever we're about to face. Because I fear it is coming sooner than we'd like." We all looked to one another in knowing, knowing we would have to be ready whether we liked it or not. My own mother would try and destroy Angel Grove if it meant getting to me and my power. She wants it more than anything in the world because she feels it should have been hers to begin with.

"Don't worry! We all have this covered. We have you covered Ari. We're a team after all!" I softly hugged the girls to me with a smile of gratitude on my lips, one I could never fully express to them. Because it means too much to me. But my thoughts had quickly shifted to Tommy, missing him more and more with each passing minute. I softly closed my eyes with a blissful smile upon my lips of the mere thought of him as we let each other go from our group hug.

"You're one lovesick man, Tommy. You clearly love Ari." My eyes popped open from the sound of Billy's voice in my head, knowing they must be close by. Meaning they were near Kim's house. The only one I could hear from any distance I had recently found, was Tommy.

"She's my world guys." I softly grinned like a little school girl from the mere words, seeing just how Kim and Trini were eyeing me. But they knew what was happening. They all knew I could hear things in my mind.

"The guys are close." Just as the words left my mouth, the door bell rang, indicating just how close they truly were. I ran to the door in a quick sprint, revealing them all standing there with pizza boxes and drinks. I quickly let in Jason, Zach, and Billy, leaving Tommy and I standing there in the hallway just right before the stairs to the second floor.

"I heard you, you know. You're my whole world to...." I quickly kissed his lips, my heart seemingly skipping a beat from the mere feel of it all. I could certainly get lost in him before the fight of our lives occurred. And it would, way sooner than expected.

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