Chapter 13 - Dark Thoughts

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{At The Youth Center}
I wouldn't become evil, would I? My mothers words rung in my ears like the worst sound ever imaginable.

"I have to see her Aurora. I have to talk to my daughter." I jumped a little from the sudden voice of my dad ringing in my ears, but no where in sight. Aunt Aurora was back home. 

"Ari? What's wrong?" Tommy went into defense mode real fast from my sudden panicked state, looking around to see if maybe I just didn't see them enter the center, but they were there. It was all in my head!

"I heard my dad talking to my aunt. But they aren't here." The group eyed me like I was some foreign object they couldn't quite grasp, knowing my abilities were shaping every single day. 

"That must be a new ability you've picked up Ari. The ability to hear certain people at certain times. If they mention you, maybe it triggers it." Billy's words were a lot to take in, not used to anything like this. I've never heard of this ability in my family.

"I swear we have our own resident super hero." Jason's attempt at humor had a smile plastered on my face real quick, seeing everyone else grinning also. I just surprise myself more and more with each passing day.

"You're remarkable Ari." I looked up at Tommy with my cheeks flaring up as usual, never ceasing to make me feel a certain way. The way Tommy makes me feel, is absolutely incredible. And completely new. I needed him so badly and he didn't seem to know it.

"I'm still learning. But you guys have helped me so much. I'm lucky." We finished up our smoothies and homework for the day, seeing Bulk and Skull eyeing me down like I was some spectacle. Like they heard our conversation. So, I did what anyone would do. I freaked them out. My eyes shifted colors quickly, aiming them to dump their food on each others heads with a laugh escaping me. The others heard the commotion and looked to me immediately after, seeing my eyes shift back to their normal color.

"Okay, that was hilarious." Trini's words set everyone off, when my dads voice appeared in my ears again, this time more urgent.

"Please Aurora!! My daughter is in danger. I can't let her die..." I looked at Tommy quickly with fear creeping into my eyes, him noticing right away.

"My dad said.... I can't let her die. Meaning me Tommy!" We both jumped up without warning, telling the others quickly that we had to go before going to a secure spot and teleporting to my house. Thank god for teleporting.

"DAD!!" He was leaving as we were showing up, when his eyes watered from the sight of me. My dad and I had a rocky relationship. But most of it was because of my mom. She ruined him. Threatened him. And I knew this. But clearly now he's willing to let that go and face his fears.

"Ari.... honey I..... I came to warn you. Your mother.... she's made horrible plans with that Rita to kill you for your powers." I knew she was pure evil. But to kill your own child for your own personal gain?

"I won't let that happen. Ari is my main priority sir. She'll have to come through me, and even more of our friends." Tommy protectively nudged me closer to him, not fully trusting my dad at all. And I understood why. I was skeptical to of his sudden appearance.

"Good. Because she's growing more and more powerful from Rita's power grid. She's created a whole machine based around your mother." With this bit of information, I was truly worried. Worried that my mothers words would ring true. What if I get lured in and changed, changed into something I'm not? And then, get killed by my own flesh and blood? My own mind was a deadly weapon. Dark thoughts littered it every single day and I couldn't stop them.

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