Chapter 14 - Ordinary Life

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The breeze ruffled my hair as I sat peacefully on the beach, my first visit here since moving to Angel Grove. Today, Tommy decided I needed a breather. Even if only for a short while. And it was actually nice not having someone after me for a change. Well, not in this moment anyway.

"Thank you for bringing me here Tommy. It's actually calming after everything." My dads visit to my aunts has been replaying in my head over and over since that night. He warned me, yet I still didn't trust him. It could be a tactic to let my guard down with him.

"You needed it. Plus, we haven't had an official first date. We're usually with everyone else or doing Ranger duties." I chuckled a little, feeling so calm with Tommy. It's nice being alone. Our friends are the best. But when you're dating, you need privacy some times.

"True. As much as I love being a power ranger, I miss normal teen things. Between that and my parents out to get me, I can barley breathe. But in this moment with you, I feel.... free." He wrapped his arm around me as I put my head on his shoulder, listening to the crashing waves, my toes rustling in the cozy sand.

"I want you to always feel that way with me. I love you Ari." I slowly looked up at him with my cheeks flared, and a massive smile upon my face.

"I love you too Tommy." And then, we simply kissed, forgetting about everything happening in our lives but that one moment.
{Later That Night}
"You can't protect them Aria. No matter how good of heart you think you really are. You won't save them. You won't save anyone." I jumped awake from the menacing, and threatening voice of my mother taunting me even in my dreams. My nightmares. But I'm starting to think it wasn't some mere dream. She was entering my mind, like she wants to torture me more and more with each passing day. She's going to destroy everything I love and care about if I don't stop her. She'll destroy everything. Angel Grove. I can't let that happen.

"Your precious friends will die Aria. They will die, and I'll make sure you watch every second of it. Starting with your precious Tommy. He's proven to be a threat. A major threat. And I can't let him get in the way of my plans." She showed me an outcome of everyone dying, an outcome where I couldn't save anyone. I couldn't save Tommy..... because of me, they're all in danger. My hands couldn't stop shaking, my whole entire body paralyzed with fear. Utter fear. I can't let that happen. I just can't!

"It's sad it had to come to this. It has to come to me killing my own daughter to get what is rightfully mine, what should have been mine instead. And I will achieve it. No matter the cost." Her voice kept echoing in my mind like the worst nightmare I couldn't wake up from.

"TOMMY!!!" She mimicked my voice, showing me images upon images of what would happen to Tommy, and I couldn't take it anymore. I bolted from my room, running from the house to where I knew I could feel a bit of peace. Tommy's house. I ran and ran, my adrenaline spiking with each passing minute. I had to make sure he was okay. I finally managed to make it to his house, running around to his bedroom window to knock and knock and knock frantically. His light finally came on after what felt like ages of me waiting, his face coming into view a few seconds later. The minute he saw me, he knew.

"Ari?! What's wrong??" He opened his window, letting me in before anyone could see me, when I hugged him so tightly to my body. I never wanted to let go, because I was afraid if I did, he'd be gone.

"I saw a vision, one my mom laid out for me. She wants to destroy everyone I care about. Our friends. You.... she wants to destroy Angel Grove. All because of me. I can't let that happen Tommy. I can't." My tears flowed more than they ever have, terrified of losing every single one of the people in my life. They're my family. So we called Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Trini on the communicators, promising to meet at the command center immediately.
"That's what she told me guys. It's all my fault. I dragged you guys into this. I dragged you into possible doom...." My eyes were puffy from all the tears I've shed, seeing the looks on everyone's faces, unable to read them. I wouldn't blame them if they decided to leave me to my own devices. I don't want them killed.

"Aria... we are with you. Always. We're Rangers. The Power Rangers! We may be teens. But we're teens with attitude. We know how to stop her and Rita. We can do this. We just can't give up. Our Zord's will help us in any battle. We aren't giving up on you." Jason's words of encouragement meant the absolute world to me. Most people would tuck and run the minute danger was facing them dead on. But not my friends. My family.

"Yeah Ari. We love you. You're our best friend. It doesn't matter that your mom is crazy. She may threaten us. But we don't back down!" Zack tried to lighten the mood, bringing a smile to my face as Kim and Trini hugged me tightly to them both, earning a smile in return.

"We can manipulate her abilities with yours Aria. She isn't as strong as she's letting on. Without Rita and her machine, she won't be able to beat you in any scenario. I've been studying her, her abilities. They're weak. Very weak. Rita is heightening them. But it's temporary." Billy had been trying since the get go to help me figure out my mom's abilities. And he finally cracked it. Without Rita, she basically has nothing. But with that machine, she can conquer the world. But not without my abilities. Mine are much more powerful. The most powerful a siren has ever had in history.

"Well we have to protect Aria and ourselves. Zordon has been keeping close tabs on her and Rita. We'll know when it happens." I looked up into Tommy's eyes as the words left his mouth, seeing the way he was looking at me and my heart fluttered. He was my life. And I couldn't lose him. I could see forever in his beautiful eyes. I intend to keep it that way.

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