Chapter 16 - Time Is Not On My Side

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{3 Months Later}

Silence was a virtue that was of little comfort in my life, the utter absence of my mother and her awful schemes were no comfort to me what so ever

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Silence was a virtue that was of little comfort in my life, the utter absence of my mother and her awful schemes were no comfort to me what so ever. Because it meant a war was coming. And I was afraid it would be the worst thing I've ever had to face.

"Focus Ari! You can do this. Focus on my voice. Don't focus on anything or anyone else. I'm here." Tommy's voice lingered In my mind like a blissful melody, the mere sound sending a smile to my lips. My training was underway and close to complete, showing no signs of anymore new abilities. My sirens song was even strong than usual, having accumulated more power since the last time I was face to face with my mother. My purple ranger suite was fitted with a golden shield of harmony, that's what Zordon told me it was called. Passed down from other rangers of my own family, it was destined to belong to me.

"I see you! Oh my gosh it's working Tommy." The one thing I can do when a voice communicates with me, is to locate where exactly it's coming from, something I've learned comes with the ability of the voices. It's our little secret, that way I always know where everyone is and no one can figure out how. No one in my family has ever held this ability, according to research my aunt has done. But of course, training could only go so far without trouble. And trouble was in the form of someone we didn't want to see.

"Hello Tommy! I see you're all alone without any help to aid you. You know, you could have power. Real power. Not the flimsy Ranger power. But more." Rita Repulsa. The one lady that knew where my mother actually was. One I didn't care to see.

"No way! I would never join you Rita." I closed my eyes in pure rage, feeling every single emotion all at once before I could even stop myself, I was teleporting to Tommy's location on the beach, standing face to face with Rita. She looked on at me in interest, seeing just how much I had truly changed. She could just feel the energy enveloping me.

"You can't fight your destiny forever Aria! You will change. Everyone will see who you really are. They'll fear you. Just as they should...." Suddenly, someone appeared before us in what appeared to be Purple ranger gear, a darker shade compared to mine. Battle's had clearly damaged the suite because it was battered and worn, a slight crack on the shield of the eyes on the helmet. They suddenly lunged for me before I dodged out of the way, flipping entirely over them and landing firmly on my feet in fighting stance. They felt so familiar.

"You can't fight this Aria. You can't fight yourself. Not forever." They took their helmet off, to reveal...... me. My hair was pure black, my eyes an angry red, and Astral was completely blackened with pure evil energy. We were long gone. My mother. She's here. She's projecting this. She's projecting a different version of me. The Morphin grid....

"This isn't me!!! This isn't who I am. This is my mother!!! She wants me to lose control....." An evil cackle escaped from myself, the evil projection of myself standing stock still directly in front of me.

"Blood will fall at your feet. Your hands will be caked with it. Your friends will die by you and your actions. And you can't stop it. This is you Aria. The real you." I fell to the ground from sudden images of blood, blood pouring from my hands, covering Astral, my suit. My face. My friends all laying at my feet with no sign of life to be seen. This was as Tommy would become in the Morphin grid. This is my alternate life. My alternate form.

"Aria would never do this! She would never kill anyone. You're just showing her this to get into her head." Tommy suddenly morphed without hesitation, just as everyone else appeared. He signaled for them to come. And for that, I was fearful, fearful for them to see this other me. Fearful that they would shun me.

"Aria is a true hero. She isn't on your level. This isn't her. This isn't even close." Kim's sudden words from within her suit sent a smile to my face in pure thankfulness that I had these guys as my friends. My family. My true family.

"And with us all, we're unstoppable. We will not crumble at your whims. At your monsters who attack us. At my mother who wants to end everything I love. I won't let it happen. She can come for us. And we'll be ready." We all fought the sudden putties that appeared before us, while I mainly focused on the projection appearing in front of me, focused solely on me and me alone. I knew this wasn't real. But it was scary to think it could be. I fought it, just as if it was my mother. I screamed in rage, feeling pure energy coursing through my entire body. Purple sparks ignited from my hands, the tips of my hair, the soles of my feet. Astral had grown and grown and now, we could take on anything. It ignited from my entire body, throwing all the putties back and causing them to disappear, even rendering the projection of myself mute. It disappeared as well, completely shattering the illusion my mother tried so hard to show. I fell to the ground in sudden exhaustion, my breathing labored. What just happened, has never happened before.

"Are you okay Aria?" Tommy's helmet was gone so quickly, his eyes looking into mine so deeply, searching for any answers he could possibly understand. He saw the purple sparks within my eyes, remnants of it still lingering from my fingertips. It completely overtook me like a shock to my opponents, causing them all to disperse.

"I think so.... Astral.... It protected us all." They all huddled over me with looks of concern on their faces. And I knew in that moment how truly lucky i was.

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