The Big Game - Chapter 27

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Prepare yourself for 3546 words of sapphic madness. . .

"What are you talking about?"
"How was I meant to know it was today?"
"No I didn't! Stop putting words in my mouth, Flash!"
"Don't speak to me like that, don't be a dick."

I wake up to the sound of Sunset shouting from the kitchen. Not the most encouraging sound on the morning of my big game.

I look to my left, AJ is fast asleep. Her tranquility calms my nerves for the day ahead. Not that I am too nervous anyway, I just really want to make sure I win.

I had a dream last night, a dream about AJ. It was the olden days, probably the medieval times or something, and I was a knight on horseback, competing in a duel for AJ's love. I remember saying something like, "I shall fight for the honour of my one true love, thou won't stand a chance against the speed and strength of I, Rainbow Dash." or some other olden day bullshit. I can't remember who I was fighting, but whoever it was, I ended up stabbing them and winning. AJ came running up to me after my win as I dismounted by horse and I spun her in a hug before planting a kiss on her hand. The crowd that surrounded the scene erupted in cheers and applause as AJ and I ran off, hand in hand, into the sunset sky that my brain had conjured up. It was a weird dream for sure, but it gives me hope for my game, knowing who it is I'll be playing for.

I shuffle away from AJ's arm around me as I get up from the bed, leaving AJ to rest. I open the bedroom door, exposing myself to the loud sound of Sunset's berating.

She is sat on the couch as she notices my entrance. I shoot her a concerned shrug.

She cups the phone's microphone as she answers me, "It's Flash, he's pissing me off."

I nod my head knowingly, Sunset and Flash have never had the perfect relationship lets just say. Flash hardly ever comes round the apartment, in fact, him and Sunset hardly ever seem to speak at all. Maybe once a week? If that. . .

I head over to the kitchen island, getting out three cereal bowls from the cupboard and pouring portions of cereal into each one.

I look over at Sunset who buries her head in her hands. She notices my confused stare and puts the phone on loud speaker for a moment.

"--I haven't seen you in ages because I've been busy with the band! It's not my fault I have a busy life." Flash shouts from over the phone.

Sunset is quick to reply, "What, so you're expecting me to drop everything to come to a gig of yours that I've just been told about? I have a busy life too, Flash, in case you didn't know."

I scoff at Sunset's claim, knowing in full that her life isn't at all as busy as she's letting on. Sunset shoots me a sudden annoyed look as response to my scoff.

"Well it would be fucking nice of you so yeah!" Flash replies.

"Fuck off, Flash. I have a shift at the cafe today. Find someone else to watch you fuck around with your guitar." Sunset's voice lowers as she ends the call.

The girl groans as I pour the milk into the cereal bowls. I then bring two out of the three finished breakfasts over to the couch along with two spoons, one for me and one for Sunset.

"He's so fucking irritating sometimes." She says, bringing the bowl onto her lap and the spoon into her hand.

"I thought you guys broke up to be honest. I haven't heard you mention him in ages." I say to her.

"We probably will. It's been, what, three years now. I've got no interest in him anymore." She brings a spoonful of her cereal to her mouth.

"Well that's something I can account for. You were practically giving yourself away to that girl on that dating app last night."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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