Feeling Unsteady - Chapter 20

171 10 42

WARNINGS: DEPRESSION, TALK OF DEATH, ALCOHOL ABUSE (been writing super fun chaps recently haven't I...)


Their chanting loosely echoes in my head as I down one shot after another. . .


I knock back one shot for every time they cheer. . .


Gilds was behind me, rapidly bringing the empty cups across the table to the other side of me, filling them up as she goes so I'd have a new drink every time.

This tactic essentially meaning that my drinking could last forever, though, at the pace I'm drinking at, I wouldn't be surprised if it does. . .


Sweat was dripping from my head at this point. My body was telling me to stop, but my mind ignored the warning, needing the fuel to drown out the pains and strains of reality.


My pace speeds up as I know I am nearing Spitfire's previously held record of 29 shots in one minute, my head consumed with the want. . .the need to take in more alcohol.


"OKAY, ALRIGHT! THAT'S 30!" Gilda exclaims, overseeing the shot taking.

The cheering grows as Gilda lifts my arm up in victory, everyone clearly impressed by my feat, including Spitfire. It feels like the only one who isn't impressed, is me. Not that I feel ashamed or anything like that either. . .in fact. . .I feel nothing.

"HA! EASY PEASY!" In shout in Spitfire's face who was standing right beside me.

As the rapid drinking has stopped, my body is given time to process the sheer amount of tequila I had drank just seconds ago. The numbness starts to spread throughout my entire body centering at my head, acting almost as a weight, pushing my entire body further down into my drowned state.

"30 in a minute, huh? Now that's one for the history books!" Fire continues. "Gonna be tough to match. . ." She presents with a crafty smirk, readying herself for her attempt to beat my record.

"YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CHANCE! NOBODY BEATS RAINBOW DASH!" I yell, slurring my words so obviously even I could tell that I was doing so.

"God, I forgot how loud you are when you're drunk. Alright, let's get this over with." Spitfire says in a laugh as she walks over to the 10 new plastic cups filled with shot-sized measures of tequila, ready for her to drink. The crowd that now surrounded us cheers her on as she faces the table of shots below her.

"Ready. . .set. . .GO!" Gilda calls out.

Fire begins her round, "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!" being hollered at her from the crowd as she keeps a steady pace. . .slower than mine, but still, steady.

I watch the girl eagerly with a grin, knowing that it's pretty unlikely she'll be able to beat my record at the speed she'd going at, my speed outweighing her steady pace. . .

Steady. . .

That word keeps circling around my head like a carousel. . .

'Steady, steady, Dash. . .' I think. 'Keep it together. . .'

I suddenly feel incredibly weak, unsteady in fact, my eyes feeling as though they are holding the weight of my entire body.

My arms dangle loosely beside me, I can't feel them at all anymore. My legs turn to jelly soon after, causing a brief panic to wash over me until it is quickly outweighed by a full body paralysis.

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