={Chapter 27: Discoveries}=

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"Welp, I'm gonna sit outside for a bit, I'll be behind the house if you two need anything," Michael stated with a bored and slightly awkward tone before walked out of the living room, walking past the kitchen, presumably heading to the back door. "Well then, I'll be right back," Molten stated before walking into the kitchen, and came back with two wine glasses. "Don't mind if I do, how much do you want?" Molten asked as he sat down on the three-person couch behind the coffee table and began pouring a small amount of wine into one of the glasses. "I don't drink," Bryan replied calmly before he sat down beside Molten on the couch. "Oh? Would you like to try some?" Molten asked in response as he took a small sip of the wine, making a face as he swallowed. "No, it doesn't look like you're enjoying it much anyways. Please don't get hung over by the way," Bryan replied with an amused tone as he nudged Molten's side. "It's just been a while since I've last had any wine. And I won't," Molten replied calmly with a smile as he took another sip of wine, this time swallowing it immediately without any physical complaint. "Sure you won't," Bryan mumbled as he playfully rolled his eyes at Molten as Molten poured a bit more wine into his glass. Molten only let out a chuckle as a response to Bryan's mockery, continuing to drink the wine as Bryan went to put the unused glass that Molten had grabbed for him back into the kitchen cabinet.

"Nope, come on you big baby, we should get you to bed early," Bryan stated as he dragged on Molten's arm, trying to get Molten off the couch. Molten let out a grunt before he groaned as he remained seated, sipping on yet another glass of wine. "Ok, give me these," Bryan stated as he gave up on moving Molten and took the wine glass and wine bottle, which was now almost empty, from Molten's hands, putting the glass in the kitchen sink and leaving the wine on the counter. "Molten, you said you wouldn't get hung over, yet you've been like this for 20 minutes now," Bryan complained with an amused tone as he walked back into the living room. "Uh, I'm not, where'd my wine go?" Molten mumbled tiredly as he rubbed at his face before looking around the room for a moment. "Come on, we're going to bed early," Bryan ordered as he grabbed onto Molten's hand and tried pulling on Molten's arm again. This time, Molten stood slowly with a grunt as let Bryan gently drag him to their guest bedroom, and he laid onto the bed immediately as Bryan closed the bedroom door. "Do you want a glass of water or anything?" Bryan asked as he looked at Molten, who was staring at the ceiling for a moment, before quickly shifting his gaze to Bryan. "Just you," Molten replied in a mumble as he stared at Bryan. "What?" Bryan replied with a confused tone. "I said I just want you," Molten replied as he shifted in the bed to pull the covers over himself. "Uh, ok?" Bryan replied with a curious tone as he gave Molten a confused smile, climbing into bed with Molten. Molten cuddled up to Bryan as Bryan laid on his side, letting Molten wrap around him and pull his chest to Bryan's back. Bryan jumped a little when he felt something sharp against his neck, no, multiple small sharp things were pressing against his skin, and he shifted his eyes to see that Molten was biting onto his neck, pinching Bryan's skin under his teeth. "M-Molten, that hurts," Bryan mumbled anxiously as he slightly pulled away from Molten, he wasn't sure how Molten acts while he's on a hang over. Molten mumbled something against Bryan's skin before slowly removing his teeth from Bryan's neck, only to be replaced by Molten's tongue, as Molten gently and slowly licked Bryan's neck where he had bit Bryan. "M-Molten!" Bryan almost squealed Molten's name as his face flushed, and in response to Bryan, Molten let out a snort and laid his chin on top of Bryan's shoulder, snuggling the side of his face into the crook of Bryan's neck. Bryan sighed through his nose, he had to admit, he couldn't ever stay upset with Molten, even if Molten wasn't hung over, and Bryan heavily enjoyed it whenever Molten acts cuddly. Bryan closed his eyes and leaned back into Molten, falling asleep almost instantly.

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