={Chapter 3: Mornings Off}=

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"Welcome back boss," Molten greeted Freddy with a smirk as Freddy walked into the kingdom with his patrol as the sun was going down, and Freddy waved his hand at Moon and Shadow Bonnie behind him, silently ordering them to go off to do what they need, which the two happily obeyed. "Don't call me that, I'm going to go take the fattest nap of my life, once I wake up, I'll see if I feel like talking to the king, if I don't, than I will tomorrow. You and everyone else can go home for the night," Freddy replied with a tired and slightly annoyed tone, and Molten gave him a nod with a small smile in response before he changed his direction, and went to find the other soldiers still on duty while Freddy continued on to his house.

Molten walked into the training building to find the new soldiers still practicing, and Molten was surprised at this, he honestly thought they'd walk out once he left. "RockStar Chica, Gator and Funtime Freddy, you three have the most energy out of the other soldiers right now, so I want you three to take the position for guarding the drawbridge overnight, we'll find three others to help you once we get there," Molten ordered the three, and he was once again surprised to see them all nod with smiling faces, he's trained a lot of soldiers who's been in the army for years, but he's trained more soldiers who left after it got too tiring. Molten gave the three an approving nod before leading the way to the drawbridge, and after Shadow Bonnie, Funtime Foxy and Twisted Bonnie volunteered to help, he and Lefty walked home together from the drawbridge, excited to finally settle down for the night, and Molten was proud, to say the least, he had trained Funtime Foxy and Twisted Bonnie himself, and they were two of the army's most loyal and eager soldiers.

Bryan yawned as six guards came to take his and his friend's places at the drawbridge for the night, finally getting to go home after three days straight of taking turns throughout the days and nights sleeping outside. Bryan closed his front door behind him with a small sigh, he was too tired to really make anything to eat for himself, so he just grabbed a tub of ice cream from his freezer, it would suffice for the night. Bryan's done this multiple times, got too tired or just didn't feel like making dinner or lunch, so he'd get something small, like ice cream, crackers or even just chips, and most of the time he skipped breakfast, as for when he doesn't, it's either just toast and coffee or he goes to get some actual food with friends, but that didn't happen much, considering how little free time they have as soldiers. Bryan jumped at the feeling of something rub against his leg, and he looked down to see his small brown tabby meowing back up at him. "Hi Brownie," Bryan mumbled a tired greeting as he smiled, crouching and petting the small feline. Bryan stood up, finished making his bowl of ice cream and put the ice cream back in the freezer before he followed Brownie to her food and water bowl, quickly refilling the food bowl and refreshing the water before he went to eat his own food, sitting onto the couch with a grunt, his shoulders were a bit sore from standing around so much, at least he had the next three days off to properly rest though, but he'd be going out on a patrol around the kingdoms land four days from now.

The next morning, Molten woke up to the ringing of a phone, and he woke up slowly before realizing RockStar Freddy was calling him, and he grunted as he grabbed the phone from the nightstand and answered. "Hey, I just got the approval of a meeting from the king, I sent him a letter last night, get Lefty and meet me outside the castle doors, got that?" Freddy spoke through the phone with a tired tone, but he sounded enthusiastic too. "Yea, we'll be there in a bit," Molten replied groggily before hanging up the call and climbing out of bed. He went through his everyday morning routine, this time just quicker, and he quickly woke up Lefty, and waited by the front door while Lefty got himself ready.

"Hey Freddy!" Lefty greeted the commander eagerly as he and Molten walked up to Freddy a little after the sun rise, and Freddy only nodded in response to the greeting. "Why's this thing so early in the morning?" Molten asked as Freddy knocked on the double doors. "He said it'd be better to get this over with before he starts his day," Freddy replied with a curious tone as the double doors slowly opened, but nobody stood behind the doors. The three walked into the castle slowly with wary expressions, and they followed the red carpet that led up a spiraling staircase, stopping at another pair of double doors, but these ones has small, intricate carvings of shields and swords in the wood. Freddy once again knocked, and the doors once again opened on their own, but this time a yellow and torn up rabbit was sitting at the back of the room in a throne, one large window was on either side of the throne, and the only dressage that showed he was the king, was a gold wrist and arm band on each forearm, the crown was sitting in a glass case next to him, while a red cape was hanging off the throne's headrest. "Welcome, so which one is Lefty?" The rabbit asked with a rather rude tone, and Molten refused to bow or anything for a moment, but he gave a small bow after he saw Freddy do such, and Lefty copied the two before he raised his hand. "Well, why do you want to be an entertainer rather than the soldier job I've already given you? Oh, and excuse my own manners, call me SpringTrap," the king asked with a curious and slightly bored tone, and he placed a hand on his chest as he gave the three his name, seemingly realizing that should have been the first thing he said. "I'm just not really the fighting kind, I'm more of a laid back and comedic person, I-I've already gotten a job offer as an entertainer at someone's restaurant, I just need your permission to take it," Lefty replied with a nervous and polite tone, and he kept his head down as he spoke. "Hm, fine, I'll work on changing your job, whatever gets my citizens happy. But, in return, you need to go on one more patrolling task, and then you can quit, and go get your other job," SpringTrap replied with a sarcastic tone, and he smirked at Lefty as he slowly nodded in agreement. "Great, now go on, I've got more important things to do," SpringTrap stated as he made a small waving motion with his hand, sending the three out of the castle.

"That guy's a fucking dick," Molten growled out as he, Lefty and Freddy walked away from the closed castle doors. "Molten!" Freddy said Molten's name harshly, before continuing, "Sure, maybe he is, but you can't just say that!" Freddy whisper yelled. "Whatever," Molten mumbled back in response before he and Lefty went back to their own house as Freddy went to his, and Molten turned his head as they separated to see that RockStar Foxy had joined Freddy on his walk, and he smirked at the sight, sometimes he could read people far too well, he could easily tell the two were into each other.

Bryan woke up the next morning on the couch, with the sunrise shining in his face through the living room windows and Brownie sleeping on his stomach, and he gently pet the cat with a tired smile. Brownie woke up and let out a small meow before stretching and hopping off of Bryan, seemingly sensing Bryan's need to get up, and he slowly got off the couch. Bryan walked to his kitchen and made him a cup of coffee and two pieces of buttered toast, and quickly refilled Brownie's food and water as his coffee was brewing. Once he finished making himself his small breakfast, he sat back down onto the couch, and decided he'd catch up on tv shows and books for the day, maybe even some movies, and Brownie jumped up onto his lap, curling into a ball as she laid down on Bryan with a small purr, and Bryan pet the cat as he turned to lay down on the couch again, causing Brownie to move up to his stomach. Bryan turned on a tv show, and set his coffee on the coffee table in front of the couch as he finished eating his toast. He'd be sitting in this spot for a while, so might as well get comfortable.

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