={Chapter 8: A Compromise}=

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Molten stretched a bit as he stood up, the sun was fully below the horizon now, and he'd been keeping a close eye on the two conscious hostages, he didn't really need to worry much about the third unconscious one. "So, who's taking the first watch for the night?" Molten asked Foxy and Lefty as he began to take off his muck boots and his ankle pouch, counting the four throwing knives to double check he had gotten all of them back after the fight earlier, before he set the two on the floor in a corner of his tent. "Uh, can someone cut this for me? Just in half would be fine," Bryan asked no one in particular right before Molten down down his belt, so he inwardly groaned for a second before he pulled out a knife from one of his belt pouches and walked back out of his tent towards the two humans, grabbing a large piece of the cooked rabbit's leg that Bryan was holding up, which the muscles of were just barely too stiff for a human to tear into. Molten quickly cut the leg thigh in half and handed the two pieces back to Bryan, watching his movements close, he didn't like the idea of untying the two hostages' hands, but it was the only way they could eat. "Can I take the first watch? Oh, and any chance I could lend Davis and Bryan my sleeping bag? I'm sure they could both fit into it together," Lefty replied with a slightly shy tone, knowing that Molten would instinctively want to refuse the request, but Molten refused to start a useless argument after the one he had started earlier with Lefty. "Can I know why?" Molten asked with a curious tone, and he knew well by the look in Lefty's eye that Lefty had noticed the small hint of disapproval in Molten's voice. "Well, we're robots, so we don't need sleeping bags anyway, but those two will freeze if we make them sleep out here, and uhm, well-, I'm not sure what to do about the third one," Lefty replied with a nervous tone, and made a small, confused hand gesture towards the unconscious heir.

Before Molten could reply, Jon's body jerked just a little, but enough to catch everyone's attention, and Jon's body slowly started to quicken with the jerking and the jerking became a bit more violent, before Foxy ran into their tent, and everyone slowly came to the realization that it was a seizure caused to the venom still in his system. Foxy ran back out of their tent and quickly stabbed a syringe with a needle into a vein on Jon's inner elbow, injecting the unknown liquid inside the syringe into Jon's bloodstream, and it took a few minutes for Jon to stop moving, his breathing becoming slow and sturdy again. "Maybe I should keep this one in my tent, it'll keep him from freezing and I'll be able to watch him for any more seizures. I have four spare blankets by the way, if that'd be helpful," Foxy stated with a slightly puzzled tone as they stared down at Jon. "Alright, you do that, and the blankets would be helpful. Lefty, keep your sleeping bag, we can separate these two, one can sleep in your tent and one in mine, and one blanket can go to each, along with the green haired one, just lay a blanket over him Foxy," Molten replied with a slightly commanding tone, and Lefty and Foxy nodded in response. "Alright, Lefty, which one do you want?" Molten asked as he made a small hand gesture towards Davis and Bryan, before walking over to untie the two's feet so they could walk, although he tied their hands up again the second they finished eating their portions of the rabbit. "Doesn't matter to me," Lefty replied with a kind smile before Davis let out a disgusted scoff and glared at the three animatronics, which Molten let out a low growl at. "Uh-, ok, how about I take Davis and you take Bryan? Mainly because you being cooped up all night with someone who's as rude as you are probably wouldn't end well," Lefty stated quickly as he stepped in front of Davis, blocking Molten's view from the human. "Fine, put them in your tent while you're taking the first watch, but keep any weapons in your tent as far from him as possible, we don't need him cutting himself free," Molten replied with a slightly annoyed tone before he turned away from Lefty, and helped Foxy move the unconscious one into their tent, and Foxy gave Molten two blankets and two pillows before they sat the pillow under the unconscious human's head and draped the blanket over top of them. When Molten walked back out of Foxy's tent, Lefty had already gotten Davis into their tent and was now sitting on the ground at the campfire, with a sword at his side, and Molten gave Lefty a slight nod, who nodded back, a silent goodnight, before Molten quickly placed down the pillow for Davis in Lefty's tent and laid the blanket ontop of Davis after he laid himself down, and then Molten quickly tied Davis's feet back together. Molten walked out of Lefty's tent and grabbed Bryan by the shoulder and pulled him up, walking Bryan to his tent and sitting Bryan in a back corner of his tent, Molten laid the pillow on the floor of his tent, and let Bryan lay down before he draped the blanket overtop of him. "Now sit still and put your feet together," Molten grumbled as he crouched at Bryan's side with a piece of rope in his hands, and Bryan hesitated for a moment before doing what Molten asked. "Do I have to have my feet tied?" Bryan asked with a slightly nervous tone as Molten pulled the knot tight. "Yep, otherwise you'd run off in the middle of the night," Molten replied with a bored tone as he stood up and moved to his sleeping bag, sitting down. "I definitely wouldn't, Davis probably would to be honest, but I wouldn't leave without Jon," Bryan replied with a soft tone, and Molten gave him a curious expression. "You'd stay here if you were even set free? Just to stick by your friend's side?" Molten asked with a curious tone as he began to pull the cover over himself. "Of course I would, he's my friend. Wouldn't you do the same if you were in my place?" Bryan replied with a slightly offended tone as he gave Molten a dumbfounded expression. "Probably not to be honest, I'd think it'd be better to go get help if I had the chance," Molten replied calmly before laying down, signaling that their conversation was over, and Molten let the familiar comfort of sleep take over his body.

Molten woke up the next morning to the sun shining through the crack in his tent door, and Molten sat up to see that Bryan wasn't in the tent, Molten had a brief rush of panic, but it was quickly replaced by anger as he quickly stood up and exited his tent, only to see that Bryan was crouched in some undergrowth about twenty feet from the camp, his feet and hands were untied and he was holding an arrow pulled back in a bow aimed at a rabbit hopping around about fifteen feet in front of him, and Lefty was crouched next to Bryan, watching the rabbit, so the two's backs were turned to Molten. Molten didn't say anything, he wanted to see what the two were doing, and Lefty looked at the ground and covered his ears as Bryan suddenly released the arrow, sending it flying at the rabbit as the rabbit turned to where it was facing Bryan and Lefty, and the arrow struck directly into the rabbits chest, the rabbit fell to the ground without emitting a single noise, the death was immediate, Molten hated to admit it, but it was kind of impressive. Bryan and Lefty stood up in unison and walked over to the now dead rabbit, and Bryan picked up the rabbit, pulled the arrow out of it's chest, and hands his pouch of arrows and bow to Lefty, the two were talking about something and laughing, but Molten wasn't close enough to hear their words, and then they turned toward him to walk back to camp, but the two froze as they spotted Molten. Molten gave them a curious expression and slightly nodded his head, signaling for the two to come here, which they hesitantly and nervously did, walking back over to Molten in complete silence. "Morning buddy, how'd you sleep last night?" Lefty asked in a nervous tone as he and Bryan got about ten feet in front of Molten. "Fine. Now, where's Davis?" Molten replied with a slightly annoyed tone, and Lefty pointed towards his tent, so Molten quickly looked inside the tent and saw that Davis was still sleeping, before e returned to Bryan and Lefty. "So, care to explain what the fuck you two are doing?" Molten asked with a barely noticeable growl in his throat, and he stared down at Lefty and Bryan with a suspicious expression. "Well, Bryan woke up a bit early, and so did I, I got bored waiting on someone else to wake up, so I looked to see if you were up, but you were still sleeping while Bryan was awake, so I let Bryan come sit outside with me, we were just talking when we noticed the rabbit, and Bryan asked me to get it for him and Davis later, but I said I didn't know how to use a bow, so Bryan offered to, and I let him use his bow. But it's ok, Bryan didn't try to run or anything," Lefty replied with a rushed voice, explaining the situation quickly with small hand gestures every now and then. Molten let out a small sigh, and he recalled how Bryan mentioned last night that he wouldn't run off without Jon, Molten had thought he was lying, but to see him standing still in front of him, without any restraints, it was odd, really. "Whatever, Lefty, you can't just go untying our hostages, what if they do end up running off?" Molten stated with a now calmer tone as he looked back between Lefty and Bryan. "Well-, Bryan told me he wouldn't leave, and that rabbit might've been the only good opportunity to get food for them," Lefty replied with a slightly apologetic tone as he looked at the ground with an upset expression. "Ok, how about we compromise? You don't untie Davis, ever, and not Jon either whenever or if he wakes up, and you can only untie Bryan when the other two hostages aren't around to see and as long as you have my supervision," Molten offered with a calm tone as he placed a hand on Lefty's shoulder, and Lefty quickly looked up and gave Molten a happy nod in agreement. "Alright, you wanna sit the sticks up over the campfire and get it going to cook the rabbit?" Molten asked with a now slightly more cheerful tone, Lefty nodded happily again before walking to the campfire, placing Bryan's bow and arrows at the entrance to Molten's tent. "As for you, I've got an eye on you, and if you try to run, I will hunt you down and make your life a living nightmare, you'll have a slow and suffering death," Molten growled out under his breath as he turned and grabbed Bryan's face in his hand, slightly bending over to growl the threats in Bryan's face as he glared at Bryan. "Am I understood?" Molten asked with a venomous tone as he bared his teeth, and received a quick and startled nod from Bryan. Molten harshly yanked his hand away from Bryan's face, leaving a small scrape on Bryan's skin, and turned back to face the towards Lefty, and Bryan rubbed at his chin. "When I said I wouldn't run off, I meant it, and despite how much you're trying to chase me off, I'm still not leaving without Jon and Davis," Bryan mumbled with an annoyed tone as he gave Molten a small glare. "Hm, you're quite confident for someone so small," Molten replied with a slightly amused and challenging growl, he wouldn't mind harming Bryan, but Lefty would, so Molten held himself back. Before Molten or Bryan could say anything else to each other, Lefty turned around to face the two, and made a small hand gesture for the two to come over to him, which they did, and Molten and Bryan sat on either side of Lefty, the three of them chatting, although Molten and Bryan barely spoke to each other.

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