={Chapter 1: Introduction To Lives}=

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"FUCK!" The loud curse was followed by a loud metallic crash, and the kingdom's commander of the army poked his head around the corner of the training stall he was in, spotting his deputy rubbing at his shoulder. "You alright there Molten?" The commander asked with a low and gruffly voice, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall. "Yea, just didn't throw the throwing axe hard enough, it hit the wood target and bounced right off, hit me in the shoulder, but I'll be fine," Molten replied as he turned around and gave his commander a bored expression, and picked up the small throwing axe off the floor, hanging it back up on the wall of the training room. "You wanna call it quits for the day Freddy?" Molten asked as he walked up to his commander. RockStar Freddy gave a small nod in agreement before he and Molten walked away from the army's training building, and the two went their separate ways, finished with their tasks and training for the day as the sun began to set.

"Hey there Lefty, sorry I was working a bit late again today," Molten stated as he walked into his and his brother's house, and slumped onto the couch next to Lefty. "It's no problem, don't worry about it!" Lefty replied cheerfully as he slightly nudged Molten's arm. "Uhm, Molten? Can I ask you something that relates to the whole soldier job?" Lefty asked with a slightly nervous tone, the air suddenly felt a bit tense, and Molten perked up at the question. "Yea, I'm probably the best person you could ask, I'm the deputy of the army after all, so what's bothering you?" Molten replied with a both worried and curious tone as he sat up straight. "Well, I think you know how I feel about being a soldier, I'm not really the fighting or brave type, I'd rather be an entertainer or a comedian. So is it possible to quit? For another job? Ballora offered me a job as an entertainer at her restaurant," Lefty stated with a nervous tone, rubbing at his neck for a moment. "Lefty, I'd love it if you quit and go get your little dream job or whatever, I'm your brother, I want you to be happy, but, the king assigns everyone into their jobs, sometimes he assigns people into the wrong roles, and those people have to get used to that job, nobody has ever asked him for a change of a job before. I'll talk with Freddy about letting you quit, but it's best to get the option of switching your job from the king before you quit, alright?" Molten replied with a worried tone as he gently nudged his brother, and gave Lefty a reassuring smile. "Thanks Molten, you've always been my favorite brother," Lety replied with a joking and thankful tone, earning a chuckle out of Molten. "HEY! I heard that!" A loud, playfully offended yell came somewhere from the back of the house before the speaker poked his head around the corner of the hallway wall. "Sorry Ennard!" Lefty called with an innocent smile, and Ennard playfully scowled at Lefty before returning to his room. "Hey! Get out here and talk with us buddy! How'd your day go?" Molten called out, which caused Ennard to walk back into the living room, sitting down on the couch next to Lefty. "It was good, you know the client that called me three days ago? Well, the trap I set up finally got the raccoon, I released it outside the kingdom, like always. I also relocated two copper heads from AI Afton's place," Ennard replied with an excited tone. "So you like being animal control?" Molten asked with a teasing and curious tone. "Yea, it's getting paid to help relocate animals to a better living space, why wouldn't I like it?" Ennard replied with a cheerful tone. The three brothers talked and laughed about their day, and what they would do tomorrow, and they decided to go out for dinner together, they didn't need to eat, nobody in their kingdom did, but people still sold food and drinks because the everyone simply enjoyed eating.

"Alright, make fun of me one more time and I'll have you thrown in a dungeon when I'm king!" The deep voice stated playfully towards his friend as he walked down the street to go get dinner with two others. "Jon, you're never going to be king," the black haired friend, the oldest of the group, replied with a playful scoff. "Yes I will! I'm King Mark's nephew, and he's only had one affair before, he doesn't have any kids or a wife, making me the only possible heir, so watch who you're talking to Davis," Jon replied with a confident tone as he slightly pushed Davis away. "If you ever do become king, do you think you could give me a new job? Something less-, uh, aggressive?" The third friend asked with a slight giggle at the other twos debate. "What? Not like working out on the enemy lines with other soldiers Bryan?" Jon replied with a teasing tone. "No, not really, I'm not really the aggressive type," Bryan replied with a slightly nervous tone. "Sure bud, I'll change a few things up, don't worry," Jon replied with a confident tone as he slightly nudged Bryan's arm in a reassuring gesture, and Bryan gave him a thankful smile. "Hey guys!" The three friends turned around to see two pink haired siblings walking towards them, with a duck following the brother of the two. "Hey Otso, Derpy! What's up with the duck?" Davis greeted the the two with a small smile, and gave them a curious gaze as he motioned to the duck at Otso's ankles. "That's Jerry, don't worry, he don't bite, well, sometimes," Otso replied with a proud tone as he slightly leaned down and pet the duck's head for a moment. "How's your inventor job going?" Bryan asked Otso with a friendly smile and tone. "It's going great! And Derpy here just got her own bakery to open. How's your three's soldier jobs?" Otso replied energetically as he nudged his sister's arm a bit. "It's going good too," Davis replied with a calm and friendly tone. "You two wanna come get dinner with us?" Jon asked with a friendly tone, and Otso and Derpy both nodded in unison in response, so the group of five friends continued down the streets, laughing and joking around with each other.

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