={Chapter 25: A Cuddly Night And Comfortable Morning}=

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"This is the room you'll be staying in, I'll be back in a minute, I'll grab the blowup mattress. Also, is there anything I can get you for Brownie? She looks pretty roughed up," Michael stated with a kind yet slightly bored tone as he opened the door to the guests room. "No thank you, Golden already gave us some food and water for her, thank you though," Bryan replied with a grateful smile as he and Molten walked into the guest room, and Michael nodded before leaving, shutting the door behind him. The guest room was pretty big, the walls were a plain white, but the ceiling was white and detailed, while the floor's made of a warm brown colored wood, the guest room had two closets, a queen sized bed and even its own bathroom. Molten sat down on the end of the bed with a huff, he obviously wasn't interested in how large the guest room was compared to normal ones. "You alright?" Bryan asked as he sat down next to Molten, and carefully laid Brownie in his lap, who was now sleeping. "Yea, just-, you know, only just realizing that-, that I'll most likely never see my kingdom again," Molten replied with a quiet voice, he was upset, but he didn't want to show it. "I know what you mean, but I thought about the better life I'd be living, getting to see you, being out in nature, the peaceful silence I'd have," Bryan replied with a small smile and a reassuring tone, slightly nudging Molten's side with his elbow. "Molten, I know we both are going to miss what was once our home, and maybe we'll never stop missing it, but we have to move on at least a little bit in order to make our futures better for ourselves, right?" Bryan stated, the smile disappeared, but he still spoke with a reassuring tone. "Right," Molten replied simply as he smiled at Bryan, and Bryan smiled back. "This is one of the many reasons I love you, you always cheer me up, you know that?" Molten asked as he cupped the side of Bryan's face in one of his hands. "N-No, I didn't know that, but I'm glad I know that now," Bryan replied with a slightly nervous tone, stuttering a bit as a light shade of red crossed his face, and Molten began to notice that Bryan always blushed when Molten touched his face. Molten let out a short, soft chuckle before he slowly kissed Bryan, and he soon felt one of Bryan's hands on his cheek, too. Molten slowly pulled away, and he and Bryan smiled at each other for a moment before Molten heard footsteps approaching the door, so Molten pulled away from Bryan, and nodded toward the door when Bryan gave him a confused expression, and he seemed to understand what the nod meant. Michael knocked twice before opening the door without waiting for a response, and he dragged a deflated blowup mattress into the guest room behind him, and carrying an air pump for the mattress. "Here you go, it's up to you two who sleeps on it. Golden's cooking some deer meat for dinner, you two want any?" Michael asked as he laid the mattress and the air pump in the middle of the floor. "Yea, that'd be great, thank you," Bryan replied with a smile, realizing how hungry he was. "Alright, Molten?" Michael asked as he turned to Molten, Molten didn't reply for a second, seemingly thinking, before he nodded, and Bryan nudged his side a bit. "Yea, I'll take some, thanks," Molten replied as he forced a smile onto his face, but if Michael noticed that the smile was forced, than he didn't care, Michael nodded before walking out of the room, once again closing the door behind him.

After everyone finished eating dinner, everyone went back to their respective rooms for the night. "Ugh, I'm exhausted," Molten groaned as he laid down into the bed the second Bryan closed the bedroom door. Bryan let out a giggle and almost jumped with joy as he saw Brownie in the corner of the room, eating the open can of soft cat food that Bryan had sat down, and he had left Brownie lying on the bed. "Molten! She's up and eating!" Bryan stated with an excited tone before he walked over to Brownie and stroked her back, but she recoiled from the touch. "Oh-, sorry girl, your wounds are still pretty sore huh?" Bryan stated with a soft and apologetic tone as he walked over and sat on the end of the bed, staring at Brownie worriedly. Bryan almost jumped as he felt Molten's arms wrap around his stomach from behind him, and Molten rested his chin on Bryan's shoulder, with his cheek pressed up against the side of Bryan's neck. "She'll be ok, her moving around and eating is a sign that she's healing, don't worry so much dear," Molten mumbled tiredly, and Bryan found that both sweet and cute, Molten was comforting Bryan before he let himself sleep, despite how tired he was. "Thanks Molten, and I know, I'm just worried that she'll get worse," Bryan replied with a smile as he leaned back, leaning into Molten's comforting touch. "She won't, I'm certain, now come on, let's get to bed," Molten replied with a low mumble, but he spoke with a soft tone before he let go of Bryan and laid back down onto his back. Bryan scooted up the bed and laid down next to Molten, turning onto his side and pressing up against Molten, draping one arm across Molten's chest. Molten let out a huff, as if annoyed, before he grabbed Bryan's thigh and pulled Bryan's leg across his waist, laying his hand on Bryan's thigh, as he wrapped his other arm around Bryan's shoulders and turned his head to the side, so that his face was buried in Bryan's hair.

The next morning, Molten woke up slowly to the bright, morning sunlight shining into the room through the windows, and a sweet aroma of bacon and sausage was in the air. Molten turned onto his side and snuggled closer to Bryan, attempting to fall back to sleep, but he regretted the action when Bryan started to stir at the movement. "What time is it?" Bryan asked tiredly as he rubbed his eyes a bit, mumbling into Molten's chest fur as he spoke, and Molten almost let out a whine at how cute he found that. "I'm not sure, I'd guess around 8 though," Molten replied with a mumble as he nestled his face back into Bryan's hair. "Are they making breakfast?" Bryan asked as he slightly pushed away from Molten to smell the air. "I think so," Molten replied simply with a tired tone. "Come on, I want to see if they made eggs," Bryan stated as he sat up in the bed, attempting to pull Molten's arm off of him, which was wrapped tightly around his waist. "I'd prefer to continue cuddling with you though," Molten stated with a playfully annoyed tone as he sat up too, and he leaned on his hands as he turned and placed one hand on the bed on each side of Bryan, leaning close as he began peppering Bryan's cheek and jawline with soft, slow kisses. "Mm, I'd like that too, but I also really want breakfast, don't you?" Bryan replied as he attempted pushing Molten away. "Fine," Molten replied with a huff as he got off of Bryan, and admired his boyfriend as Bryan stood up out of bed, how in the hell did he find someone like Bryan? Bryan and Molten walked out of the bedroom together and into the living room, spotting Michael sitting on the couch, petting a black cat sleeping beside him with one hand and eating a plate of eggs and sausage with the other hand. "Oh, hey, Golden's in the kitchen, he made breakfast, grab what you'd like," Michael stated once he saw Molten and Bryan, and Bryan nodded with a thankful smile before heading to the kitchen, with Molten following behind. "Good mornin' you two! Y'all sleep well? Or have a bit of a-, eventful night?" Golden asked as he saw Molten and Bryan walk in, he was forking up some eggs onto a plate of his own. "We slept well, what do you mean by eventful?" Bryan replied with a confused tone as he grabbed two plates, handing one to Molten. "So you two didn't do it? Ok, forget I asked then, sorry, that was my first thought when I saw you two sleeping together, I went to ask if y'all wanted me to make anything specific for breakfast, but y'all were out like a light," Golden replied with a slightly awkward tone as he turned to Bryan and Molten with a smile. "What? Do what?" Bryan asked, genuinely confused, and Molten glared at Golden and shook his head at the yellow bear over the top of Bryan's head. "Uh-, nothin', don't worry about it, grab what you'd like, drinks are in the fridge," Golden replied quickly before he walked out of the kitchen. "What was that about?" Bryan asked as he began grabbing sausage, eggs and biscuits, adding them to his plate. "No clue," Molten lied in response, putting some sausage and bacon on his own plate with a fork, he didn't need to tell Bryan that Golden had just asked if they had sex last night, it'd be better not to tell Bryan that.

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