={Chapter 6: Patrol Attack}=

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Molten and Funtime Foxy circled the area around their camp, but Lefty, was still asleep when they got back, so they sat down for about ten minutes before heading back out again together, the two were simply bored and had nothing better to do. Foxy led Molten to the river they had spoke about earlier, and while Molten was looking around, he noticed that Foxy was picking up random plants and gently placing them in small pouches that they put into their satchel. "What are you doing?" Molten asked with a confused tone as he walked up behind Foxy, as Foxy crouched down and picked six small flowers from a patch of yellow and white flowers, they picked up three of each color. "These yellow flowers are marsh marigold, they cause fainting and violent convulsions upon consumption, and these white flowers are Sacred Datura's, they cause hallucinations and even amnesia, you're pretty lucky if you survive consumption of these two," Foxy replied with a proud and excited tone before placing the flowers in another pouch in their satchel. "Stop looking at me like that, what if we need to poison someone? Like-, if we get taken hostage?" Foxy stated with a slightly embarrassed tone as they looked up at Molten before they stood up. Molten let out an amused chuckle, and he began walking back over to the river before he and Foxy both froze, spotting an arrow fly past them about twenty feet ahead through the trees, and they heard something let out a loud squeal.

Bryan walked through the tall grass fields, but he didn't see anything, so he made a large circle and walked back into the lush forest, and walked for another ten minutes before he heard some rustling in the undergrowth forty feet ahead of him, his hearing must have gotten better with how alert he constantly has to be on these patrols. Bryan crouched next to a few winter berry bushes and stared patiently at the undergrowth, and he watched as a large, light brown rabbit hopped out of a few dock leaves, it had hopped out of the foliage and undergrowth on the opposite side than that of Bryan, and slowly moved forward a bit, away from Bryan. Bryan stared with a frustrated expression, the rabbit was foraging, so it's head was down, was behind thick undergrowth and it's back was to Bryan, he couldn't get a clear shot like this, but if he moved so much as an inch, he could alert the rabbit of his presence. Suddenly the rabbit froze and perked up, slightly turning to its right, staring off to the right as if it heard something, this was the chance Bryan needed, he reached slowly into his arrow pouch, and pulled back the bow string with an arrow pointed straight at the rabbit, he took a moment to steady his aim and then released the arrow. The arrow flew through the air as fast as a hawk, and the rabbit didn't notice the arrow until it was too late, it pierced right through the side of the rabbit's chest, right in front of its scapula bone, the rabbit squealed and ran off with a terrible limp. Bryan let a proud smile cross his face before he stood and walked to the spot he shot the rabbit, he noticed a small blood trail, and followed it, which eventually led him to the dead rabbit lying on the bank of a river. Bryan crouched next to the corpse and pulled the arrow out of the rabbit's chest with a slight struggle, before quickly rinsing it off in the rushing river in front of him and put it back into his arrow pouch, but as he turned back to the rabbit, something pushed against his back and he fell face first into the river, but the lower half of his body was still on the riverbank. Bryan felt something wrap around the back of his neck and held his head under the water as he tried pushing himself up, Bryan began to panic, he couldn't drown, not without Jon or Davis ever receiving closure to where he disappeared to the day they asked him to get a rabbit, he also had the only arrows and bow, if he drowned here, his friends would starve. Bryan kicked out with his legs and tried pushing himself up again, but whatever was holding him under the water didn't seem to struggle at all, and Bryan couldn't hold his breath any longer, he was starting to black out, when suddenly the weight lifted, and his body gave him one last burst of energy, and he pushed himself out of the water, taking huge gasps of breath. But the air didn't last long, only two seconds or so. Hands wrapped around his throat and pulled him backwards, his back hit the riverbank with a low thud, and he opened his eyes to see two animatronics glaring down at him, and the bear one started strangling him.

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