={Chapter 26: Unwanted Visit}=

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Molten, Bryan, Michael and Golden were all chatting in the living room after they all had finished eating their breakfast, Golden and Michael were on a three-person couch, while Molten and Bryan were sitting on the two-person couch, and Molten was growing bored of the conversation, and was thinking about falling asleep on Bryan's shoulder or something. Everyone froze for a moment as a knock sounded from the front door, and Golden hopped up quickly before rushing towards the door, and Michael jumped up too, motioning toward Molten and Bryan to follow him. "What's going on?" Bryan asked as Michael led him and Molten into the guest room that they were staying in, and the three watched down the hall as Golden talked to someone outside the front door. "There's only two people who know me and Golden live here-, or, well, technically one person, which is Ennard, but only one other person knows this house exists, and that person doesn't know I live here with Golden," Michael responded with a whisper, correcting himself as he spoke. "So why are we hiding?" Molten asked with a confused and slightly annoyed tone from over Bryan's shoulder. "Well, if it's not Ennard at the door, than it's better that we're not seen," Michael replied simply, he was obviously trying to avoid telling Molten and Bryan who the person was, which was worrying.

"Oh-, uh, yea, come on in, ya want anythin' to drink?" Golden asked as he slowly opened the door wider, and much to Molten's and Bryan's dismay and shock, SpringTrap walked in through the door and sat down heavily onto the three-person couch. "A beer or some kind of alcohol would be nice," SpringTrap replied as he rubbed his hands over his face. "Alright, I'll be right back," Golden replied before walking into the kitchen, and came back out with a wine bottle and two wine glasses. "Wine's all I got, ya know I ain't much of an alcohol guy," Golden stated as he sat down on the couch next to SpringTrap, which surprised Molten and Bryan, because the two were practically touching. "Yea, that's fine, thanks," SpringTrap replied as he leaned back, and patiently waited as Golden poured about a third of wine into the glasses. "Would you pour me a bit more? About half way," SpringTrap requested before Golden put down the wine bottle, and Golden nodded before doing so. "Stressed?" Golden asked as he set down the wine bottle on the coffee table in front of the two couches, and taking a small sip of his wine. "Yea, fucking deputy of the army ran off with a human yesterday, and the damn commander of the army wants to try getting the deputy back before he starts thinking about a new deputy," SpringTrap replied with a huff, taking a large gulp of his wine after he spoke. "Any idea why the deputy ran off with a human?" Golden asked with a curious tone, taking another small sip of wine. "Not really, all he said was that he bonded with the human after he took the human hostage while on a patrol, so I guess they're friends or something," SpringTrap replied with a shake of his head, rubbing his hand over his face for a moment. "Oh, do you think the deputy will come back?" Golden asked as he slightly nudged SpringTrap's arm with his own, encouraging him to reply. "And what? Ask for forgiveness? Hah, fuck no! He seemed liked he made up his mind, he threatened to kill anyone who laid a hand on the damn human. Plus, even if he ever did come back, I wouldn't let him walk out of my castle after asking for forgiveness with his head still on his body. Why? Goldie, you never ask this many questions when I rant to you, what's going on?" SpringTrap demanded as he turned and looked at Golden with a suspicious expression. "Nothing, I've just seen humans walking around these parts of the forest, and they didn't seem too bad," Golden replied smoothly with a calm tone, waving a hand through the air to dismiss SpringTrap's suspicion. "Well, I don't have anything personal against human's, it's just my job as king to keep the war going, and try to win it of course," SpringTrap replied with a slight relief, he made a small shrug of his shoulders. "Right, that's understandable. Have you ever thought about calling off the war though?" Golden asked in response as he slightly cocked his head to the side. "Can't, I can't get a messenger to the human king to ask about calling off the war without such messenger being shot for being on their land," SpringTrap replied with a soft tone, as he shook his head once more. "Well, maybe you should try sometime, just in case they hear the messenger out. Ya want anythin' to eat? I've got some leftover breakfast I made for myself," Golden replied with a thoughtful tone, before he switched to a warm smile and a more friendly tone. "Sure, what do you have?" SpringTrap replied with a smile. "Bacon, sausage, eggs and biscuits, I've got cereal too if you want that," Golden replied as he stood up, sitting his wine glass on the coffee table. "Some bacon and eggs would be nice, thanks," SpringTrap replied as he now took a small sip of his wine. "Anytime Springy, I'll be right back," Golden replied with a nod before walking towards the kitchen. As Molten and Bryan watched, SpringTrap didn't do anything but drink his wine and wait patiently for Golden to come back, and Michael let out a low puff and went to sit on the guest bed, loosing interest in watching SpringTrap and Golden.

"Here ya go, want anythin' else?" Golden asked as he walked back into the living room and handed SpringTrap a plate full of the foods he requested. "No thanks," SpringTrap replied with a smile as he took the plate, picking up the fork and taking a small bite of the eggs. "God, you wanna come be my royal chef?" SpringTrap asked with a joking tone as he swallowed, smiling at Golden as Golden sat back down on the couch next to SpringTrap. "So it's good?" Golden asked with a curious tone, tilting his head to the side a bit. "Of course it's good, your cooking always is. But seriously, if you came to live in my kingdom, I'd welcome you with open arms and you could have any job you'd like. Hell, I'd let you rule the kingdom with me if you wanted to," SpringTrap replied with a friendly tone and smile as he gently nudged Golden's elbow with his own. "We've talked about this Afton," Golden replied as he looked away, his tone suddenly growing hoarse and angry. "I know, you don't like the idea of animatronics and humans killing each other every day. But Gold-, FredBear, if I ordered my animatronics to stop killing humans, than the human kingdom would slaughter us like hell. It's a kill or be killed world, and I'm sorry, but I can't change that, I would if I could though," SpringTrap replied with an apologetic tone, using Golden's original name to emphasize his seriousness. "You would? Alright then, Bryan, Michael and Molten, get out here!" Golden yelled down the hall after a curious glance at SpringTrap. Bryan, Molten and Michael hesitated before they walked out of the room, with Michael in the lead and Molten at the back of the group.

Molten hovered protectively at Bryan's shoulder as Michael entered the living room first, and the three stood in front of the couch. "Afton, write a letter to request calling a truce to the human king, and Michael will take it to the king, and then Michael can hand over a response letter to Ennard so he can bring it to you," Golden ordered with a calm yet stern tone as he looked between SpringTrap and Michael. "Wha-, why are you hiding runaways in your house? And how do you know Ennard? And who's this Michael guy?" SpringTrap replied with a confused and defensive tone as he stood up and glared at Molten, who growled in response as Bryan backed up a bit. "It's my house, I'll welcome who I want here. Michael is your son. I know Ennard because Michael, like me, prefers solitary life, so he's been living with me, and Ennard is Michael's boyfriend, Ennard comes by once a month to visit," Golden replied with a calm tone as he stood too, giving SpringTrap a blank expression. "Ennard's my friend, we're not dating," Michael stated quickly with a frustrated tone as he glared at Golden, who gave a small, amused smile, and Bryan elbowed Molten when he saw Molten glaring at Michael. "Whatever ya say. So, Spring?" Golden replied before he looked over to SpringTrap who still looked confused and a bit shocked. "I-, yea, ok, I'll do that, but I can't promise this whole plan of yours works, and if the human king declines my request, than that's that, we can't do anything else," SpringTrap replied stubbornly as he looked at Golden, he seemed to be giving Golden an apologetic expression, but Molten and Bryan found that hard to believe. "Fine, thank you for giving it a chance though," Golden replied after a short pause, and smiled as he patted SpringTrap's shoulder. "Michael, it's been-, a while-, how uh, how have you been?" SpringTrap asked as he turned to Michael, his supposed son, speaking with an awkward tone. "I've been fine, but I was definitely doing better before you started showing up here," Michael mumbled with a harsh tone as he gave a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Right-, well uh, Goldie, can we go ahead and get started on that letter? I'd like you to be my proofreader," SpringTrap replied awkwardly before turning to Golden, obviously looking for an excuse to end the conversation with Michael. "Sure, come on, I've got a desk in my room we can use," Golden replied with a smile before he walked off, leading SpringTrap through the house.

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