={Chapter 4: Setting Camps}=

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"Nooooooo, I'm too tired," Lefty whined as Molten rocked him by his shoulder in his bed. "Alright, how about this; if you don't get out of your damn bed in the next fifteen seconds, your one good eye is about to become a privilege instead of a need," Molten grumbled with a playful tone as he stopped shaking Lefty, and Lefty turned back over to look at Molten, before quickly climbing out of bed. "That's what I thought. Now hurry up and get ready, this is the last patrol you'll ever have to go on," Molten stated with a satisfied smirk before turning and leaving his brother's bedroom. "Uh, everything ok?" Ennard asked as he poked his head out of his bedroom door as Molten walked down the hall, and then followed Molten to the kitchen. "Yep, Lefty just slept in," Molten grumbled in response before he waved his hand at the kitchen table, showing Ennard that his and Lefty's breakfast was ready for them, like always. Ennard gave Molten a small nod and a thankful smile before sitting down at the table, and happily eating his pancakes, and Lefty came out to join him after about five minutes, while Molten crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the counter. "You know, living with you two might as well be babysitting at this point," Molten stated with an amused tone and a small smile, receiving offended glared from both Ennard and Lefty in unison, earning a chuckle from Molten. "Alright, thanks for breakfast again Molten! Bye guys!" Ennard stated as he hoped up, quickly put his dishes in the sink and headed for the front door. "You're welcome, oh, and Enn! Remember, me and Left will be gone for the next two or three days!" Molten called back right before Ennard shut the door, and Ennard nodded with a final wave before leaving. "Lefty? Are you seriously trying to eat slower this morning?" Molten asked with a slightly amused tone, and Lefty quickly looked back down at his plate without a response. "Really? Stop it, you know you have to do this if you want to be an entertainer," Molten stated as he walked up and lightly hit the back of Lefty's head, earning a tired whine from Lefty before he quickly finished the rest of his food, and stubbornly followed Molten to the front door.

Molten and Lefty were given the third partner of Funtime Foxy for their patrol by Freddy, with Molten in charge, which Molten was ok with, since he had personally trained Funtime Foxy himself, when they joined about four years ago. The three decided to set camp behind a large patch of shrubs and berry bushes about 50 feet from the border that separated the two kingdoms, and it was a little past sundown by the time they were fully settled, with their three tents set up and a small bonfire in the middle, not that they needed one since they're metal, but it was nice to have the warmth anyways. "You two go on to bed, I'll keep watch," Molten stated as he noticed Lefty's and Funtime Foxy's tired expressions, receiving thankful smiles and nods from the two before they went into their tents.

Bryan woke up slowly to the sound of his alarm clock going off, and he slowly turned it off before he climbed out of his bed. Bryan changed his clothes, fixed his hair, then made and ate his small breakfast after feeding and watering his cat, calling Derpy to ask her to take care of Brownie while he's gone, which she happily agreed to and then leaving his house. Due to Jon being the only possible heir to the throne, he tended to receive better treatment, and always got to choose who he'd go out on patrol with, which he always chose Bryan and Davis, so the three were once again paired up for their patrol of the kingdom's land, with Jon, like always, in charge. Their job was simple, make sure no enemies got onto the section of land they were responsible for, if someone does trespass, than chase them off, without killing anyone or anything unless it's absolutely necessary, but causing a form of harm is allowed, and then go home.

Bryan, Jon and Davis all groaned as they sat down together on a log they pulled over to use as a bench next to the bonfire, they were all sore and tired after the long trek to their camping spot, they were probably 70 feet or so from the border their kingdom shared with the opposing kingdom, and their kingdom is a good 10 or 15 miles back. "I'll take first watch for the night, you two can rest for now," Jon stated as he rolled his leg a bit, and neither Davis or Bryan argued with that, they were grateful for the opportunity to rest, so they both went into their respective tents and fell asleep for the next few hours, Jon would wake one of them to take his place so he could sleep himself. Bryan just hoped this would be another simple and boring patrol, watch the land, nothing happens, and then he gets to go back home to see and cuddle with Brownie, like always.

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