={Chapter 18: A Painful Betrayal}=

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"I'm not letting you meet up with him alone, people are unpredictable, even those who are close to you," Molten growled out in a quiet tone, almost a whisper. He and Bryan were having the same argument again as they walked through the forest, about wether Bryan should go meet Jon alone, Molten wanted to stand right next to Bryan during the whole meeting, while Bryan wanted Molten to stay about thirty foot away, hiding in the bushes. Bryan didn't want Jon to realize that he had bonded with Molten, while Molten wanted to protect Bryan, no matter what Jon thought. "Ok, how about we compromise? You can get as close as you'd like while I meet up with Jon, as long as you're out of his sight," Bryan stated with a calm tone, Bryan's never been easily agitated, it's actually quite difficult to make him mad, and he was trying to calm Molten down with a compromise. "I-, fine. Can I kill him if he tries to hurt you?" Molten replied with a slightly stubborn and curious tone. "Uh, sure, but I'm only agreeing because I know Jon wouldn't do that," Bryan replied with a confident tone, and Molten didn't trust Bryan's confidence in his friend's loyalty. Molten and Bryan went silent as they came within sight of the human kingdom walls, the two began to crouch and slow their pace as they moved closer, until they spotted Jon standing alone, with a crate carrier sitting at his feet, and Molten could hear a hissing sound coming from within the crate. "Stay here," Bryan whispered to Molten before he continued closer to Jon, and soon Bryan was walking normally towards Jon with a smile, Molten of course didn't listen, and he moved closer, being careful to avoid Jon's line of sight, and he managed to get about ten feet away from Bryan and Jon.

"Thank you, I really owe you one," Bryan stated with a thankful tone and a bright smile as he crouched in front of the crate door for a minute, and stood back up. "Why did I have to sneak her out here? Couldn't you just walk into the kingdom and grab her yourself?" Jon asked as he made a small hand motion towards the crate, and Bryan frowned a bit for a second before forcing a smile. "Well, no, I don't think your uncle would approve of anyone leaving the kingdom to lead a solitary life," Bryan replied with a slightly nervous tone. "That's true," Jon replied with what oddly sounded like a sad tone. "I-I'm sorry Bryan, but Davis told me and my uncle," Jon mumbled with a pained tone, before he balled his hands into fists. As soon as Jon's hands moved like that, at least ten human soldiers burst out from the bushes around Bryan and Jon, but none were near or noticed Molten, meaning Molten and Bryan had walked right through the opening they left to trap Bryan. "If you move at all, you will be shot and killed on spot," one of the soldiers stated with a deep and demanding tone, aiming a loaded crossbow at the back of Bryan's head, Bryan of course instinctively turned in a circle, which almost caused the soldier to pull the trigger, but luckily he didn't. "You're under arrest for treason, if you resist, you will be shot and killed on spot," the same soldier ordered with a harsh tone, giving Molten the idea that he was the lead soldier. "W-What's going on?" Bryan stuttered with a startled tone as he turned back to Jon, who looked back at Bryan sympathetically. "Davis let me and my uncle know of your 'relationship' with one of the animatronics. I know it doesn't seem like it, but this is for your own good," Jon stated with a regretful expression, but he tried making his voice sound demanding in front of the soldiers. "Y-You-, how could you?" Bryan stammered with a betrayed tone, his voice shook with pain and he backed away from Jon a bit in utter shock and pain. "A-At least let me say goodbye to Brownie," Bryan stated as he motioned toward the crate on the floor, and Jon hesitated before slowly nodding. Bryan crouched in front of the crate and opened the door, letting a brown tabby walk out of the crate and circle around Bryan for a moment, purring, before the cat suddenly turned and ran full speed toward Jon, jumping onto Jon's side with a furious yowl and clawing at Jon's ribs, proving the cat was oddly smart, and Jon was the only person without any gear on to protect himself. The soldier with the crossbow turned and aimed to fire at the cat that was now already clawing Jon's face, but he didn't get a chance to shoot, the cat was moving around too much with Jon trying to throw the cat off, and Molten rushed out of the bushes and tackled the soldier to the ground, quickly pulling a throwing dagger out of his ankle pouch and stabbing it into the soldier's neck, getting up and rushing toward the next soldier as the lead soldier slowly drowned in his own blood behind Molten. Molten managed to quickly maneuver around a soldier who swung a sword at him, and got behind the soldier and put the soldier in a headlock as he stabbed his dagger into the soldier's forehead, dropping the soldier and letting himself relish the odd feeling of killing these people, people who tried hurting Bryan. "Come on!" Bryan shouted, and Molten looked up just in time to see Bryan rush past him, holding the brown cat in his arms as he ran. Molten hesitated for a moment, threw his dagger in Jon's direction just as Jon started looking up, and Molten held back a pleased chuckle as he saw his dagger land squarely in Jon's left eye, and Molten ran off, close at Bryan's heels as he heard Jon let out a loud shriek of agony. It was times like these, that Molten regretted his choices, he should've brought Foxy, but he decided that he and Bryan should sneak off alone to meet Jon, so that way Lefty didn't have to come nor stay at the work-in-progress cabin alone.

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