={Chapter 20: A Finale Goodbye}=

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"Here you go princess, can't have your precious self sleeping on the ground," Molten mumbled with a playful teasing tone as he laid his sleeping bag on the forest floor and motioned with his hand for Bryan to lay down. "Why thank you, my dear loyal servant," Bryan replied with the same playful tone as he gave Molten a smile, and Molten playfully shoved Bryan a bit as Bryan sat down on the sleeping bag. Brownie let out a meow and squirmed out of Bryan's arms, and walked over and rubbed up against Molten's leg before freezing and dropping into a crouch as she spotted a mouse in the grass nearby. Molten and Bryan watched Brownie in amusement as she wiggled her body and pounced at the mouse, but she missed the mouse by just an inch and she hissed as it ran off. "Aw, she got frustrated," Bryan said sweetly, talking as if Brownie was his own daughter, which Molten let out a chuckle at. "Ow! Watch what you're doing Lefty!" Foxy yelled with a irritated tone as Lefty tossed aside a twig and it hit Foxy's head. "Sorry Foxy! I was just clearing a spot for my sleeping bag," Lefty replied apologetically as he gave Foxy a nervous smile. "It's fine, just watch what you're doing," Foxy stated as they laid down their own sleeping bag and almost immediately laid down and curled up on their side to fall asleep for the night. Lefty laid his sleeping bag down and sat down, pulling the cover over himself. "What do we do with Brownie?" Lefty asked as he turned over and laid down on his stomach. "She'll be ok, she won't run off," Bryan replied with a calm tone and a proud smile at his cat's loyalty to him. "You sure?" Molten asked as he sat down and climbed into his sleeping bag with Bryan. "Yep, I trust her," Bryan replied confidently, laying down on his side, curling himself up a bit. Molten laid down on his back, and waited until Lefty fell asleep to switch his position, turning onto his side and pulling Bryan closer to him, so his stomach was pressed against Bryan's back as he wrapped his arms around Bryan's waist. Bryan patted an open spot at his stomach, and Brownie let out a purr as she walked over and curled up in the open space at Bryan's stomach, and Bryan began petting her as he began dozing off. "You act like she's your daughter," Molten mumbled with an amused tone as he reached over Bryan's stomach and scratched Brownie's head. "Correction, she's our daughter," Bryan mumbled back tiredly, before falling asleep. Molten let out a quiet chuckle and placed a gentle peck on Bryan's cheek and fell asleep himself.

Molten woke up slowly, regretting opening his eyes because he and Bryan had fallen asleep with their backs to the sunset last night, meaning the sunrise was shining straight into their faces. Molten almost jumped when he saw the golden eagle and the Dracula parrot from yesterday sitting on a rock only about 20 feet from where the group were. Molten stared at the two birds in confusion, and the golden eagle swiveled its head, making eye contact with Molten, and then let out the same cry that it had yesterday before flying off, with the parrot once again following behind it. Bryan began waking up due to the loud cry that the eagle had let out, and Molten quickly set his hand near Bryan's face, using the shadow of his hand to block the sunlight from Bryan's eyes before Bryan fully woke up. "Watch your eyes, we're facing the sun," Molten stated softly as Bryan opened his eyes, and Bryan nodded slowly before using his own hand to block the sunlight from his face. "How'd you sleep?" Molten asked with a small smile, he didn't need to freak Bryan out about the birds, so he decided against telling Bryan about them. "Good, how about you?" Bryan asked in response as he turned over, now with his back to the sunrise. "I slept as well as I could have, where's Brownie?" Molten replied, looking around a bit as he asked about Bryan's cat. "I don't know," Bryan replied tiredly, and just as he finished speaking, Brownie walked out of the bushes with a mouse dangling from her jaws, with her tail straight up in the air, showing how proud she was of her catch. "Oh, that's uh-, uhm-, good job Brownie!" Bryan stated awkwardly as he slowly sat up, and Molten followed suit. Brownie let out a muffled meow around the dead mouse, before trotting off with the mouse into some tall grass. "What's she doing now?" Molten asked with a confused tone, and Bryan let out a sigh. "Probably going to eat it, you wouldn't believe how many times she's caught and ate mice without getting sick," Bryan replied as he slowly got up, rubbing his eyes as he did so. Molten let out a grunt as he climbed out of his sleeping bag, and he began folding up his sleeping bag so he'd be ready to leave when his patrol decided to. "Molten, your bandages are starting to leak," Bryan stated with a worried tone as he spotted oil starting to seep through the bandages wrapped around Molten's ankle. "Hold on, sit down while I grab some new bandages," Bryan ordered before he hurried over to Foxy's bags, rummaging through them quickly. Molten let out an annoyed huff as he sat down, this ankle wound was starting to get annoying to deal with, but it was worth the extra night he got to spend with Bryan. "Alright, let me know if I hurt you," Bryan stated as he crouched in front of Molten, slowly and gently removing the old bandage from Molten's ankle, and wincing as he saw the large cut on Molten's ankle. "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt at all," Molten stated as he saw Bryan wince, and he gave Bryan a reassuring smile. "I-It's not that, I just don't like the fact that you hurt yourself for me," Bryan replied quietly as he began wrapping Molten's ankle with the new bandages. "Aw, but Bryan, we both know you'd do the same for me, wouldn't you?" Molten replied with a slightly teasing tone as he slightly tilted his head to the side. "I-I-, ok, that's fair, I probably would," Bryan replied with a sheepish tone, and Molten let out a chuckle. "I did it because I love you, I want to stay by your side for as long as I can," Molten stated with a calm and loving tone, giving Bryan a loving smile, and Bryan froze at this right as he finished bandaging Molten's ankle. "I-, I think that's the first time you've said that you love me," Bryan stated as he sat down, he was both a bit embarrassed and in awe. Molten let out a huff of amusement, and tried to hide his rush of emotions at the realization that what Bryan said was true. Bryan moved a bit closer before he got crawled on top of Molten, placing one hand on Molten's cheek and pulling Molten into a deep kiss, he became flustered at his own actions and the position he put himself in, he was on his hands and knees overtop of Molten. Molten slowly deepened the kiss and put one of his hands on Bryan's waist, putting his other hand on the ground behind him as he leaned back a bit. Bryan slowly pulled away from the kiss as he sat back down on his knees in front of Molten, and looking away. "I believe that's a 'I love you too', right?" Molten asked slowly as he leaned closer and placed his hand overtop of Bryan's. "Y-Yea," Bryan mumbled as a small smile crossed his face.

"Alright, do you two have everything?" Molten asked as he looked at Foxy and Lefty, who both nodded in response. "Alright, you two go ahead, I'll catch up," Molten ordered, and Lefty and Foxy nodded again before they walked off towards the animatronic kingdom, with Foxy leading the way. "I'm leaving a few things with you, that bag sitting up against the cut logs behind you has a few items in it. There's a med kit, a few bottles of water, a lighter, a hunting knife and a hatchet, there's also a chainsaw and a lantern sitting next to the bag, and here, you can have my sleeping bag too, I'll get a new one in my kingdom," Molten stated as he made a slight nod towards the items he was talking about, before handing Bryan his rolled up sleeping bag. Bryan gave Molten a thankful yet sad smile, and placed the sleeping bag on the ground before pulling Molten into a tight hug, and Molten slowly hugged back. "I'll miss you, come visit me anytime you can," Bryan stated as he broke the hug, but kept his hands on Molten's shoulders, and Molten held Bryan close by the waist. "I will, I promise," Molten replied softly before giving Bryan a deep and passionate kiss. "I love you, I'll come see you the second I get the chance," Molten said as he slowly pulled away. "I'll be waiting, and I love you too," Bryan replied, standing on his toes for a second as he pecked Molten's cheek. Molten responded to this by placing a soft peck on Bryan's forehead, before Brownie walked out of the tall grass licking her lips. Brownie let out a meow and trotted up to Molten, rubbing against his leg, and Molten crouched and pet Brownie before slowly walking off, following Foxy and Lefty.

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