={Chapter 22: Home Worry And Terrible Event}=

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Molten shifted as he laid his arm across his stomach and placed his other arm behind his head, he was staring up at the ceiling as he laid in bed, and he let out a tired huff. A knock on his bedroom door abruptly ruined the peaceful silence. "Come in," Molten called tiredly, not looking away from the ceiling as he heard his door open slowly. "You doing ok? You've been in your room a lot more than usual lately," Ennard asked with a slightly worried tone as he shut the bedroom door behind him. "I'm fine, it's just-, let's just say I left something behind in the forest when me and Lefty came back from our patrol, it's been two days now, and I'm worried about what I left behind," Molten mumbled, pausing for a moment to come up with the right words without giving anything away. "Is it a something? Or is it a someone?" Ennard asked with a curious tone as he sat down on the edge of Molten's bed, and Molten had to fight with himself not to sit up immediately. "Wha-, why are you asking?" Molten replied, trying to turn the questions to Ennard, but it didn't help much with Ennard's response. "We're brothers, I know you wouldn't care about an item much," Ennard replied calmly with a small smile. "I-, ok, yea, it's a person, but it doesn't matter who it is nor why I'm worried about them," Molten replied stubbornly, rubbing his face for a moment before sitting up. "Well, you should visit that person anytime you can, and if it's possible, come up with a way to stay in touch while they're out in the forest and you're in the kingdom," Ennard replied as he thought for a moment, Molten only nodded, although Ennard's suggestions didn't help much. "Come on, me and Lefty were talking about going out to get breakfast, you should come with us," Ennard stated with a smile and an excited tone as he stood up and walked to Molten's bedroom door. "Alright, I'm coming," Molten replied as he slowly got out of bed, and he and Ennard walked out into the living room, where Lefty was waiting on the couch.

Bryan jumped when a meow sounded behind him, and he looked up from the last floor board he was putting in place to see Brownie with a vole in her mouth. "Brownie, come on now, you're going to get some sort of disease or something with how many rodents you're eating," Bryan stated with a laugh as he sat down and took a quick glance around, proud of his now finished flooring, the base of the outside walls and the traced flooring that marked where inside walls would be built, to form all the rooms. Brownie made another cheerful meow as she set down her dead vole on the floor boards Bryan was sitting on. "I just finished this flooring," Bryan complained, but he couldn't ever truly be mad at Brownie, even if his life depended on it. Brownie suddenly whipped around and hissed towards a few bushes nearby, and her hackles rose as he tail began lashing. "What is it girl?" Bryan asked slowly as he began to stand, and hesitantly moved towards his bag, and pulled out the dagger Molten had left him. Brownie let out a yowl as something came flying down from the treetops, and it took Bryan's eyes a moment to recognize the situation, a large golden eagle, the same one he'd seen three days ago, was attacking Brownie mercilessly, tearing out tufts of her fur with its beak as it held her down with it's talons. "Brownie!" Bryan ran at the bird with the dagger raised, but the golden eagle flew off seconds before Bryan reached Brownie's side. "Shhh, it's ok girl," Bryan sat the dagger down beside him and he tried to calm Brownie down, who was breathing heavy in panic and slightly bleeding where large chunks of fur was missing. Bryan jumped and reached for his dagger as he heard a rush of wing flaps, but his dagger was gone, he looked up and saw that the Dracula parrot was circling above him and Brownie with the dagger in it's talons. "Well isn't that too bad for you?" Bryan turned and saw a large, taut black bear animatronic step out of the bushes, smirking down at him with razor sharp teeth. Bryan felt a sudden shove on his back, and he fell forward onto his stomach and felt something heavy land on his back, and he managed to turn his head to see a terribly torn up blue rabbit animatronic with purple eyes glaring down at him as he tied Bryan's hands behind his back with a rope. "Come on, let's make this quick," the black bear animatronic ordered with a gruff and demanding tone as he turned around. The rabbit didn't speak, but they hefted Bryan up onto his feet and forced Bryan to walk, following the black bear, and Bryan was thankful they didn't pay Brownie any attention, but he was thankful too quick. Bryan flinched and turned as Brownie took off running, but the golden eagle flew down and grabbed her hind quarters with its talons, Brownie let out a screech as her momentum combined with the eagle lifting her back legs made her flip violently forward, and she tumbled several times before she came rolling to a stop, and Bryan screamed for the animatronics to make it stop as the golden eagle landed on Brownie and began tearing at her with its beak and talons, more fur was torn, and Bryan saw blood fly through the air, as Brownie continued to let out wails and screeching. Bryan thrashed as hard as he could, trying to run over and help Brownie, but the blue rabbit kept an easy hold on Bryan, and eventually the rabbit simply took a thick stick and hit Bryan's gut with it, taking the air and energy out of Bryan immediately. Bryan was practically dragged through the forest, and the black bear snapped his fingers once, and the golden eagle came flying to him, landing on his outstretched arm, and the Dracula parrot was flying above the three as they walked through the forest. Bryan managed one last glance behind him, and he saw a brown and bright red silent and motionless heap lying on the forest floor.

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