I'm Done

6 0 2

Well um...

I'd like to come out.
But at the same time I don't.

I've been hinting at it to my family for YEARS but they just don't get it🙄

If I came out to my family, they'd be royally pissed.

More than likely, my mom would for sure try to take all my mcr stuff and monitor everything I look at online and she'd more than likely stone me with a bible or some shit.

I've always liked girls. But if I told my family, they say "No you don't, you feel pressured to be a certain way because everyone in your generation is gay"

Which is bs.
I'm not GAY GAY...

My Mom says bi is a pitstop on the way to full on gay town...

It's not like I even WANT to be this way.

I would never tell my family that, because last time I opened up and shared my thoughts- I got the one thing that keeps me alive taken away from me.

Or well, they're trying to take it away from me.

They keep saying I'm possessed by demons because I've cut myself and I want to die and I'm depressed.

That doesn't make me feel better about myself.

I already don't like myself.

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