What MCR Are YOU!

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MIKEY: You're very shy and have a small friend group, if any friends at all. You also like woofing at dogs when they pass by.

GERARD: You're the talented art kid who never gets invited to parties and fun events, but you're secretly plotting your revenge. You're also a sweetheart but you've been beat down so much throughout your life, you never show it.

RAY: You are a ray of fucking sunshine. Everybody loves you, there's literally nobody that's like "I hate y/n" because you're atleast liked by everybody. You yawn really cute too. Oh aaaand, you always make sure you have a fork for the beefaroni.

FRANK: You love energy drinks and you're probably trying to secretly pierce various parts of your body without your parents permission/knowlege. You radiate toxic bisexual energy like a mf.


BULLETS: Your music taste is pretty fucking basic. You also dress like you're a grunge hippie in 2002 and you love hoodie season.

REVENGE: You're a badass. People are always on your last nerve and you're done trying to please everybody. You often think about jumping off bridges or shoving other people off bridges.

BLACK PARADE: You're unhealthy emo. You wish the Black Parade was real so you could actually join it whenever you want.

DANGER DAYS: You're a rebellious little fucker. You probably want anarchy and the lead government people murdered. You're kind of a hillbilly, but that's alright.

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