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Monster, monster...

The captain's arms were weak, and the monster could bite off the barrel of a gun with its teeth. It would be easy to bite off his hand.

No one came close to him. The crew members all noticed the golden vertical pupils on his hands. They all stayed away from him, as if they were afraid of being contaminated by something.

The originally crowded passage seemed to become empty in an instant, and the captain heard his own heartbeat, so heavy and fast, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.


The little monster holding his hand roared. The roar was like some docile and cute animal cubs, but in this case, the sound seemed extremely terrifying and frightening.

The monster started to move, crawling up his hand, its sharp claws hooking onto his clothes, and its cold, golden vertical pupils getting closer and closer to him.

The captain was screaming in his heart, but his throat seemed to be choked by something and he couldn't make any sound.

Go away, get down, stay away from me!

The captain jerked his hand.

Bang -

the arm hit the metal wall next to him heavily. The little monster on the arm shook its tail and continued to crawl as if it didn't feel anything. However, the captain screamed in pain.

In the brief moment when the severe pain occupied his attention, the little monster had crawled from his left arm to his chest, and its cold and thin wings were pressed against his neck like a blade.

The captain swallowed, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he could almost feel the sharp edges of the wings.

He raised his head back, but the little monster didn't seem to care, and the wings didn't care. It just raised its claws and continued to crawl towards his right arm.

Right arm... His right hand holds a laser gun.

These monsters feed on guns.

The captain wanted to throw the gun away for a moment, maybe then the little monster on him would fly away.

This thought only passed through his mind for a moment, and the next moment, the captain held the gun tighter.

There was no way he was going to drop the gun, he had to kill this little monster.

It was on him, so close...

The captain slowly raised the hand holding the gun.

Oops -

the passage suddenly became bright, as if all the lights were turned on.

The captain was blinded by the sudden bright light and closed his eyes subconsciously. He heard the sound of various instruments operating and felt the little monster crawling onto his right arm.

Everything in the spacecraft is running again. Those intruders are not going to take control of the spacecraft? Or perhaps, the ownership of the spaceship has been completely obtained.

The captain heard the sound of something opening on the wall, which caused a sudden layer of cold sweat to form on his back.

He opened his eyes and looked at the wall.

His eyes had not yet adapted to the sudden light, and everything in his field of vision seemed blurry, but he still saw rows of black holes on the wall.

The gun fixed by the mechanical arm protrudes from the hole, and the muzzle is pointed directly at the people in the passage.

This is the A-level defense mode of the spacecraft, and only the captain has the authority to enable it.

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