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Amid the whine of the black dragon, Banxia took a bath again.

The black dragon tried to pull Banxia out of the water several times and lick it. Banxia had no choice but to use a dagger as a warning, so that the black dragon could stay on the shore obediently.

Now the black dragon was lying next to the clothes he had taken off, screaming miserably.

The river water was not too cold. Banxia washed the parts licked by the black dragon, and occasionally looked up at the black dragon lying on the bank.

He vaguely guessed that the reason why Black Dragon reacted so violently was that he probably thought it was dangerous for him to enter the water.

When Ban Xia was in the military academy, there was a roommate who had a cat at home. The roommate once said that every time he took a shower at home, his cat would squat at the bathroom door to guard it when he heard the sound of water, and even scratched the door with his claws. .

According to the roommate, the pet reacted like this because it was afraid that its owner would drown in the water.

Banxia looked at the wailing black dragon on the shore and didn't know whether to laugh or feel sad.

The black dragon didn't react at all when he entered the river. Every time he saw him going into the water, he was extremely panicked. He didn't know whether the black dragon thought he was too young and would drown in the water, or whether the black dragon cubs couldn't swim.

Banxia climbed ashore, and Black Dragon's head immediately came over. Banxia was afraid of being licked again, so she quickly retreated away.

The black dragon stopped, then lowered his head and pushed the "skin" that fell off the male beast in front of him in the direction of the male beast.

"Ho--" Hurry up and grow the "skin" back. If you don't have the "skin", you will be sunburned to death.

Banxia noticed Heilong's movements, but still kept a distance from Heilong, and took out a towel to wipe the water stains on his body.

The black dragon beside him was still staring at him nervously. Banxia didn't think it was a big deal to be looked at by a dragon-like creature, so he calmly put on new clothes.

The black dragon watched as the "skin" all over the male beast's body grew, and then slowly raised its drooping tentacles.

"Roar..." The black dragon exhaled a long breath, which frightened the dragon to death. When will the male beast recover from this strange disease?

Banxia walked up to the black dragon and stroked the black dragon's head on the ground. As expected, he saw the tentacles on the top of the black dragon's head swaying slightly.

"Don't worry, you didn't drown."


Banxia picked up the clothes on the ground, washed them together with yesterday's clothes, and hung them to dry on the branches facing the sunrise.

When he was going to take office at Polaris, he didn't bring many clothes in his space bracelet, only one set of pajamas, two sets of regular clothes, two sets of military uniforms and three sets of combat uniforms.

In this wilderness, pajamas are no longer needed, and regular uniforms and military uniforms are inconvenient. Only the three sets of combat uniforms can be worn interchangeably.

Banxia was washing and hanging clothes, and Heilong stayed by his side the whole time, looking very curious.

Banxia went to prepare breakfast, and Heilong was still squatting beside the tree where he was drying his clothes, staring at those clothes with the same concentration as he was staring at the water just now.

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