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Under the strong pressure, Banxia retreated stiffly.

But in the face of the huge size difference, the small distance he retreated had no impact on the dragon at all.

A scarlet tongue protruded from the black dragon's mouth.

Depend on!

Banxia hurriedly pressed on the space bracelet.

A dagger, a laser gun... whatever is fine.

Banxia's hands were shaking due to the soreness of the force, and before he could take out the weapon, the tongue had already fallen on him.

Banxia subconsciously raised his hand to block it, but a huge push came and he fell to the ground without any resistance.

The black dragon suddenly stopped moving, and the dragon head stepped back a little. I don't know whether he was surprised at his weakness, or found that he couldn't even close the gap between his teeth.

Banxia didn't have the energy to speculate on the black dragon's thoughts. There was still a creepy sticky touch on his hands and face that had been licked by the dragon, which made his body stiff and his stomach churned.

Banxia suppressed the nausea, and he vaguely smelled a sweet smell, like some kind of ripe fruit, exuding an alluring fragrance.

That smell... comes from the secretions of the black dragon on his body.

I feel like vomiting even more.

Banxia pursed her lips tightly, the black dragon was watching him, and there was no next move for the time being, but he could not place his hope on the black dragon's mercy.

A slightly trembling hand pressed on the left wrist bracelet, and a laser gun appeared in Banxia's hand.

The black dragon didn't know if he noticed something in his hand, so he brought his head over again.

Banxia heard her own abnormally fast heartbeat.

The black dragon's scales were so hard that even a special military dagger couldn't cut through them. He needed to find a weak point where he could kill him with one blow.

The black dragon came closer.

Banxia held her breath and concentrated, raised her gun without hesitation, and fired at the bright golden vertical pupils.

A red beam of light burst out from the muzzle.

Banxia's marksmanship is excellent, and her shooting training evaluation is always A. The moment she presses the button to fire, the red laser disappears into the black dragon's eyes.


The black dragon's low roar of pain suddenly sounded. Banxia was too close. The roar made Banxia's brain dizzy. If his stomach wasn't empty, he might have vomited it out on the spot.

Gotta leave quickly.

Banxia forced himself to stand up, and as soon as he took a step, he felt the steel whip-like tentacles wrap around his waist again.

He was pulled up and his feet were off the ground instantly.

Banxia was frightened and frightened. When he looked up, he saw the black dragon lowering his head towards him and looking into his eyes.

A human being less than two meters tall looked at a black dragon more than ten meters tall. This scene should be funny, but Banxia couldn't laugh at all.

Black Dragon is okay?

He stared at the black dragon nervously. The black dragon's left eye was as bright as fluorite in the night, with its red-gold iris and narrow dark vertical pupil staring straight at him, while the right eye he shot turned into a grayish white. No bright color at all.

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