Ch. 22: Commercial Audition/Huggy Arrives in L.A.

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The next day, you're at the mall. You're in the store you'll be sponsored in an ad for. You'll be a model for their sponsor Evian. The water bottle brand. Catnap is at the mall with you. You're in the outfit you were given and you've got a bottle of Evian water in your hand. 

(What your outfit looks like, minus the purse

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(What your outfit looks like, minus the purse. And since it's the mid 1990s.)

Catnap is standing right by Kitty and Anita. Anita smiles and nods with approval at you. She says, "This is why you're my best employee, Kitty. You know who's fit to be in an advertisement as a model and wearing this outfit similar to Chanel. And you found her." Kitty nods and says, "Thank you, Miss. Anita." 

Catnap looks at you and he says, "You have my support, Kitten." You sigh and you smile saying, "Thanks, lovey." Anita says, "Alright. Be ready, Miss. (L/N)." You say, "Alright, miss." You face the cameraman and Anita says, "Remember, girlie. This is the rehearsal for now. We need not just a perfect figure and face, but good enough acting as well. We need to lure them in and buy this product. Got it?" You say, "Yes, miss." 

The cameraman says, "Aaaand, action!" It all begins and a voice in the background says, "Feeling dehydrated? Feeling thirsty? Get your hands on our nice, purified bottle of Evian." A man in there says, "And now you take a drink of the water, Miss. (L/N)." You open the bottle and you take a drink. 

Anita says, "Do the ahh sound." You do it and the same man who is the director says, "Now say these words. The city of L.A. needs to hear your accent... 'Now that's refreshing.' Got it?" You look at the camera and you say, "Now that's refreshing." 

The director says, "Pretty good. But say it with a more... sultry voice." Catnap grins and whispers, "Yes. Please." The director says, "Try again. Drink the water, do the ahh sound and say the same thing you did." 

You do it again and you do the sound. You look at the camera and you say this, "Now THAT is refreshing.~" The director smiles and says, "That's better. The beautiful ones need to make it look great. Good job." 

You smile and you say, "Oh, thanks mate." Catnap sighs and smiles whispering, "I'll say.~" Anita looks at him and mumbles, "Control your privates, young man." Catnap grins and says, "Heh heh... Y-yeah. Sure." She says, "You'd be in this ad too if you weren't a man. We only accept women." He says, "It's all good. So long as my Kitten made it." 

After all of this Anita says, "Congrats to you, (Y/N) (L/N). You're our model for our ad." You grin and you say, "That's bonza. I'm truly honored to be in an ad, at all." She says, "Sure thing, kid. Be here in two days. That's when we start our commercial here in L.A. Congratulations. You made it." 

You grin and you run to Catnap. He smirks and he pulls you close. You hug him and he hugs you close saying, "You did it, Kitten. You're in an advertisement in L.A." You say, "I feel so honored for this, Catnap." He says, "I've got your back, baby. You have my support." You say, "Let's go get something to eat." 

Anita looks at you and says, "You go ahead and do that, Miss. (L/N). But don't eat too much to make you fat. Keep the good figure you have, now. Especially for this commercial." You say, "Yes, miss." Kitty says, "But, isn't that just two days away, miss?" Anita says, "Yes, but my point." Kitty says, "Yes, miss." 

You and Catnap head out of the store and you head out of the mall. You get to his car and you get in. He says, "Where do you wanna go?" You say, "This is L.A. so... Ah, got it." He says, "What do you have in mind?" You look at him and you say, "Sushi. My family and I went for it at least once or twice a year back in Baltimore. Danny didn't dig on the red fish egg one." 

He says, "Alright. Let's find a sushi restaurant then." You smile and you nod. You say, "Have YOU had any?" He says, "No. I haven't." You say, "Well, have your first try baby. I think you might like some of it. I love the (favorite sushi if you eat it) myself." He starts the car and you both take off.


Meanwhile, on the road through Colorado. Huggy Wuggy is driving to your guys' location. He knows where you guys are. He never told anyone back in Baltimore because he deeply cares about you and Catnap. He's had a big change of heart over the years and regrets for how he was back in high school.

As he drives down the road, his radio is playing No Excuses by Alice in Chains. Huggy is sitting there and staring out as he drives. He says, "I'll do anything to repay these two. I wonder what they're up to in L.A. California is full of famous people. L.A. especially. Hollywood is the main part for celebs. I did always want to meet Chris Farley." 

(This is two years before comedian and actor Chris Farley died.)

Another song plays on the radio. It's a slightly new one. It's called Seether by Veruca Salt. Huggy says, "Huh. This is an interesting song." He hears more of it and he smiles and moves his head to it. He says, "Hey. Not bad. What is she saying? Can't fight the seether?" He continues his way down the road and on his way to Los Angeles.


It takes nearly a day, but Huggy finally makes it to L.A. Catnap did tell him that you guys are in Santa Ana. Huggy's driving around to get to Santa Ana. He has no idea where it is, though. He decides it's best to stop and ask someone. Anyone who's been there their whole lives or long enough. 

His car radio is playing Pet Sematary by The Ramones. Huggy smiles and moves his head saying, "One of my favorite bands and favorite songs since I got out of high school. And I saw the movie in theaters." He continues to look for someone for directions and find his way to his destination.

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