Ch. 13: Catnap's Future Plan/Found Out/Leaving

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The next day, you're at Catnap's house. It's 5pm. You're cooking dinner. You're making chicken parmesan. A childhood favorite of yours from when you lived in Australia besides meat pies. You used quite a bit of vegemite on your stuff as a kid too. You being from Australia. You have some bread that you're toasting, but you're just using butter and cinnamon since they don't have vegemite in the states. At least not in the northeast where you are.

As you cook you hear this, "Hey, Kitten.~" You smile and you say, "Hey, baby.~" You face Catnap and you say, "Dinner will be done soon. I'm going as traditionally Australian as possible. But they don't have vegemite here in the states. Our toast is just cinnamon and butter, lovey." 

He says, "Fine by me. Anything made by those beautiful hands of yours will do." You sigh and you smile. You say, "I still try and keep in touch with my heritage." He says, "I'm fine with that. In fact, I want to talk to you about that. What's been on my mind." You say, "Okay." 

You get dinner done and you and you get it all ready. You and Catnap sit down and eat. He eats and says, "Mmm. Kitten... You make the greatest stuff I've had since I've moved out of home. My mom always cooked. I miss her so much." You say, "You need to try and find her, lovey. Let her know you're alright."

He says, "I would. Trust me. But she'd be disappointed in me if she knew I kidnapped a woman." You say, "She should forgive you, baby. If I'm alright with it, then others should be too. She is your parent that did her best to protect you from your dad." 

He says, "Oh, that rat bastard. He deserved his death from my red smoke. I mainly did it for him hurting my mom." You say, "So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" He says, "Whenever we have a kid." You look at him.

He says, "I've decided that when we have a child, I'll let YOU teach them to speak, first." You say, "Alright. But, why me first?" He says, "I think it would be a good idea that since the majority of their family is Australian... They'll be raised that way. Speak with the accent. Your parents are loving. Your dad loves YOU and your brother. They would be good grandparents to our kid. I haven't seen my own mom in years." 

You say, "So, you're suggesting we raise our child that way? Teach them their more Australian ways?" He says, "Yeah. I think it'll be better for them." He eats his food. He says, "You have more family than I do. This will work for them. Get them into a school that teaches Australian history." 

You smile and you say, "Catnap... I love your idea, babe. Alright. The moment I get pregnant... I'll find a primary school for them that teaches Australian history once they're ready to start. But I'm still sending them to a public school. Less judgment. Able to wear their favorite outfits. You and I were both in public school when I came here from Perth." 

He says, "I wouldn't mind my child having the accent, either." You say, "Alright. We'll raise our children that way. And you're right. I have to be the first one to teach them to speak in order for that to happen. Or have my parents babysit and teach them while we both work." He reaches his hand to you and he says, "Our agreement." You take his hand and you both shake on it.

You say, "But wait... You kidnapped me. They find out that it was you baby, they'll take you from me." He says, "Shit. You're right. They find me out, we'll leave Baltimore. Some place far away from here. I refuse to let you go again, Kitten." You say, "I never want to be away from you again, either." He says, "We'll still raise our kids the way we plan to." You smile.

He eats his food and he says, "Mm. Fuck, I was so hungry. This is so good." You say, "You mean you didn't eat anything before this?" He says, "I didn't." You say, "Well, eat up baby. I made this specially for you." You eat your food.

He looks at you and he says, "Oh fuck. You're the most beautiful thing in the world, Kitten." You blush and you smile. He says, "I'm taking you into the room and fucking your brains out... tonight.~" You say, "Do it. Do what you want with me, Catnap. I'll take anything from you, lovey.~" He grins and says, "I will.~" You and Catnap continue talking and eating.


The next day at Dog Day's place. Dog Day and Vicky are both there watching TV and watching Beavis and Butthead. Your guys' favorite show. It's the episode Tornado and they're laughing as they watch it.

They suddenly hear a knock on the front door and Dog Day says, "I'll get that." He gets up and he walks to the front door. He opens it and he sees some guy who looks like he'd be a gang member. Turns out to be the same one who listened in on their conversations with the neighbors from the bad side of Baltimore.

He says, "Hey, man. I wanted to talk to you about something. Something I know about." Dog Day says, "What is it?" The man says, "Well, first off... the name's Miguel. Second... I know of this Catnap guy. If you let me in, I'll tell you where he lives." Dog Day says, "You know where he lives? I'll pay you for this." 

Miguel nods and says, "No need for the pay, man. Just let me in and I'll tell you his location." Dog Day lets him in. Vicky sees him and she smirks saying, "Oooh. Babe. Are you getting someone involved in a threesome with us?~" This causes Miguel to blush.

He says, "No. This guy knows where Catnap is." Vicky sits up more and says, "Wait, what? He knows where (Y/N) and Catnap are?" Dog Day says, "Sit down, Miguel. Tell us where they are." Miguel sits down with Dog Day and Vicky.

Miguel says, "Hey, man. You weren't too far off with the location. Catnap lives in the same neighborhood I do. I'm a hood. I gang member... but that guy is twisted as hell, man. And he has that chick held hostage. Aint she British?" Vicky says, "Australian. And yes. I'm sure he has her." 

Miguel says, "He lives right on my block. Only his house is a bit further away, man. It's the house with a few dead trees around it unlike the rest of us. House 260. Palm Drive. That's where the hombre lives. Call the police, man. I'm a gang member, but like I said... Catnap is strange as fuck." Dog Day says, "I know. I grew up with him. We were best friends growing up, but he changed drastically overtime." 

Miguel says, "Call them. 260 Palm Drive is where Catnap lives." He gets up and he says, "I'm leaving now. See you two, later." He heads out of the house. Vicky gets a piece of paper and a pen and writes the location. She says, "I got it. Let's call the police." Dog Day nods. He goes into the kitchen and grabs the phone off the wall. He calls 911.


Meanwhile, you and Catnap are at his place. You're both sitting on the couch making out. The radio is on and playing Loser by Beck. It's a deep kiss and you moan a bit. You pull away and you say, "I love you, Catnap.~" He says, "I love YOU, Kitten.~" 

You hear the phone ringing and Catnap gets up saying, "I'll get that." He walks to the side table where his phone is and he answers it. He says, "Hello?" He hears this, "Catnap. Hey." Catnap says, "Who is this?" "It's Dog Day. Your old friend. The police are on their way, buddy. We're onto you. We know you have (Y/N)." "What?!" You look over.

Catnap says, "Sh-shit! D-Dog Day buddy. I'm sorry but... G-goodbye." He hangs up. You say, "Catnap. What's going on, baby?" He runs to you and he says, "Kitten. We need to get the fuck out of here." You say, "What? Y-you mean they found out?" He says, "Yeah." 

You stand up and you cling to him. He holds you close and he says, "I'm gonna grab every bit of cash I have. We'll leave Baltimore and never return. I can't live without you, Kitten." You sigh and you smile. 

You sniffle and you hug him. He holds you closer and he says, "Trust me. I can barely live without you." You say, "Oh, Catnap." You sob. He says, "It'll be alright... But we have to move fast before the police get here. Nobody will tear us apart, again." You pull away and you sigh and smile.

You both lean in to kiss, then you pull away. He says, "We'll get what cash I have, some snacks on the way and we'll leave this place. Nobody will separate us." You say, "I love you, Catnap.~" He says, "I love you too, (Y/N)." 

You and Catnap get what you can and you head out of the house. You get to his car and you get in. He starts it and he says, "This is the start of our new life, Kitten." You sigh and you smile. He pulls out and drives away, taking you with him.

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