Ch. 7: Dog Day's Story (About Catnap)/Daniel's Secret Girlfriend

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Later on in the evening, Dog Day is sitting in his room, on his bed. He sighs and he says, "Where are you, (Y/N)? We've looked everywhere... Where could she be?" Then it dawns on him and he says, "Wait a second... Vicky did tell me that (Y/N) got back with Catnap after all of these years. I... Oh god." 

He gets up and runs out of the room. Vicky sees him and she says, "Babe. What's wrong?" He looks at her and he says, "Vicky... I think I figured out who's responsible for (Y/N) going missing." She says, "Who?" He looks at her and he says, "The guy we've all been suspicious of for years. Catnap." 

Vicky says, "Wait, what? B-but they got back together. How is he responsible for... Oh, I see." He says, "What?" She says, "He kidnapped her. I know it. I know how (Y/N) is though. She told me herself before that she wanted Catnap back. Even if it meant he'd kidnap her and hold her captive." 

Dog Day says, "What? Who would enjoy being kidnapped, though? This sounds like... What was that word?" Vicky says, "I looked it up in a book at the library, before. It's known as... Stockholm Syndrome. (It's 1995. Didn't really have much internet to search this stuff back then.) Someone who gets kidnapped or held against their will, but they find a soft spot or get through to that person who took them. Feel sympathy for their captor. That's what (Y/N)'s like. She loves Catnap too much to even think about sneaking out of his place and running to the police." 

Dog Day says, "She is the only person he would never intentionally harm. But then again, I'm sure he nearly kind of did once." She says, "What do you mean?" He says, "If he kidnapped her, he more likely chloroformed her or something. Made it easier for him to take her." Vicky says, "Anything for love, huh? He loves her that much to not want to let her go." Dog Day says, "Still. We need to find out where they are." 

He sighs and he says, "It's a damn shame. Catnap and I were best friends growing up. As kids in the 70s, things were great. We'd play fetch together. Draw pictures with especially Crafty. She loved to draw pictures and paint. Catnap was quiet at times, but he'd still have my back when something went awry." Vicky says, "Tell me more." 

He looks at her and he says, "Well, at first when I've introduced him to Picky, Bobby, Bubba and the others, things were great. They took a liking to him. He was different then, but it was alright. He had my back, especially. We hung out at his place or my place. Mostly my place and for a reason. His mom Sandy was a great person and a loving parent to Catnap, but I can't say the same for his dad, Catscratch." 

Vicky says, "Something tells me his dad was an abusive piece of shit." Dog Day says, "He was. He was a prick to begin with, but after finding out about Catnap's curse since birth. You know, with the red smoke?" She nods. 

Dog Day says, "He began to really hate his son. Called him a freak for it. He smacked him around. Spat on him. Called him a sissy for being loving to his mom. Called him red breath. Put his cigarettes out on his neck." Vicky says, "Is that why he has a few old cigarette burns to this day? I've noticed when he walked into Victoria's Secret the other day." 

Dog Day says, "His dad was a real sadistic piece of work. Even more so than Catnap himself is. At least Catnap feels some remorse. I know it. Poor guy couldn't stand his mom being pushed around by his dad... His dad's dead now. There's no telling how he died, but all Catnap's mom would tell me is that Catnap was the last to see him." 

Vicky says, "This sounds kind of suspicious." Dog Day says, "Wait... Coming to think of it, I don't think the other six were his first victims to the red smoke." He looks at her and says, "I'm sure his abusive father was the first victim." Vicky says, "If it is the red smoke, he deserved it. Nobody should harm a child, no matter what they're like." 

Dog Day says, "I'm sure this is why Catnap had become pretty sick in the head. I regret us disowning him from our friendship group, now that I think about it. If we didn't... the other six would be alive today. He wouldn't even have tried to kill any of them for (Y/N). Just scold them or tell them to get off their backs. When I come to think about all of this... It was his dad's abuse that fueled his own killer instincts when pushed. Seven people are dead now from all of this." 

Vicky looks away and she says, "Holy shit." She looks at him and says, "I wonder if (Y/N) knew all of this the whole time. Catnap was always openly telling her everything about himself. She told me everything about how she would have his back, no matter what. That he would always have her support."  

Dog Day sighs and pulls Vicky close. She hugs her arms around him. He says, "I have no idea where he even lives. But we need to find out. I don't have a phonebook, but I'm sure my parents do. We'll go there tomorrow. Find out Catnap's current address." Vicky nods and says, "I just want to see my best friend, again." They comfort each other.


Meanwhile, at an apartment between the good and bad part of Baltimore. Your little brother Daniel lives in one of those. Being twenty years old, he too lives on his own. Your mom and dad have done the empty nesting completely since Daniel moved out a year ago. And since they have only had two children. You and your brother Daniel who's six years younger than you are.

He lives with a girlfriend of his. But who is she? Let's just say she's not home at the moment. She's at work as a banker. She makes pretty good money but spends it mostly on herself. Danny knew that, but she seems to hide more things. 

He's sitting on his couch in the living room. He sighs and says, "What sick bloke could've taken my sister? I need to know... I mean (Y/N) did have that one strange boyfriend back in highschool from before, but still I..." 

Then he gets up and he says, "Hold the phone... Could it have been?..." He sits back and he says, "Nah. My sister hasn't seen him in a decade. Since their high school days. I just got out six months ago, myself." 

He picks the remote of and he turns the TV on. It's on Aaahh! Real Monsters. He sighs and he says, "And my girlfriend. She's so pretty. But dammit, she hides too much from me. I hadn't told my sister who it was. Didn't have the guts to because my sister hates her with a passion. So does Vicky for her ex choosing my current girlfriend over her from before. Oh well. At least she broke up with that narcissistic bloke. But when I ask her where she's been, she gets a bit touchy. Kind of tense. Very suspicious if you ask me." He continues watching TV.

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