Ch. 12: Dog Day's Talk with Daniel

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A moment later, your younger brother Daniel is at yours, Dog Day's and Vicky's place. But it's just him and Vicky since you've been kidnapped. Dog Day's getting ready to have a conversation with Daniel... about his relationship with Mommy Long Legs.

They're all sitting on the couch. Daniel says, "Hey. Dog Day. What was it you wanted to talk to me about, mate?" Dog Day says, "Danny... Why are you with Mommy Long Legs?" Daniel says, "She's pretty and she's got that thing about her where she could hypnotize a man. I..." Vicky says, "Break up with her, asap."

Daniel says, "W-what? What for?" Dog Day says, "Mommy is not what she seems, Danny. You're too good for her. She's a... 'manizer' as those would call it. It's not the fact that she was the queen bee in high school. She uses a lot of men and you're unfortunately one of them."

Daniel says, "N-no way, mate. Th-this can't be true! She likes me!" Vicky says, "She's a user and abuser, Danny. Break up with her and leave the whore! O-okay okay. I've slept with a few guys myself... but she... SHE is a cheater and a liar! At least I'm loyal to Dog Day here since I got with him... She's been seeing Huggy Wuggy and a guy named Bron behind your fucking back, Danny!"

Daniel sighs and says, "Well... She has been kind of shady since I've been with the Shiela." Dog Day says, "There you go. How often does she compliment you or tell you she loves you?" Daniel says, "Not once have I heard an 'I love you' from her."

Vicky says, "That's a red flag, Danny. She's using you to try and get to (Y/N) no doubt. I was a popular girl then. I could see right through her even then. I know she's doing all of this to get back at your sister. Mommy has been envious and jealous of her since she felt your sister got all the attention for her kindness, her enthusiasm and her accent."

Daniel says, "Heh. So, my sister mostly gained some popularity for her Australian accent, eh? I had a hard time getting a girlfriend myself. Some called me a nerd or geek for my love of games and Darkwing Duck." Dog Day says, "Not to piss you off Danny... But I'm sure it's not just her accent or her kindness."

Daniel says, "Then what was it that made my sister popular and loved in high school?" Dog Day says, "It's because she's pretty. Very pretty." Vicky says, "I take no offense to that. She really is. That's the main reason Mommy is so jealous of your sister, Danny. Because she feels others found (Y/N) prettier than her. She'll stop at nothing to try and be rid of her. So maybe... Catnap kidnapping her is probably... a good thing for now. This saves her from Mommy trying to harm her. None of us know where Catnap lives."

Daniel says, "I... I don't know what to say. I..." Dog Day puts his hand on Daniel's shoulder and he says, "Danny. There's nothing you need to say, buddy. Mommy is a horrible person. You're an angel, dude. Much too good. A saint. Leave Mommy. Stay with us for a brief time until you get your own place."

Daniel says, "I... I don't know, mate. I... I don't know how to tell Mommy, myself." Vicky says, "I'll sneak a video camera. I'll get proof she's a total piece of shit. Dog Day's right, Danny... You're much too good for her. You'll be better off single than to be with HER of all people."

Daniel sighs and says, "I admit. Not once has she and I had.. Well, you know." Dog Day gets the realization and says, "You don't have to tell us. It's sex, right?" Daniel nods and says, "Not once has she been even desperate to saying she wanted sex or anything."

Vicky says, "Fuck that bitch. Yeah. You definitely need to split up, Danny. She's showing you all the red flags, man. I'd offer sex to you if I were single." Daniel says, "Heh. Thanks anyways, Vicky."

Dog Day says, "I'd allow it, honestly. You deserve better than Mommy Long Legs using you, buddy. Vicky was the most remorseful one of the bunch of the in-crowd. She left them because of Mommy. Do you realize how furious your sister would be if she found out you were dating Mommy Long Legs of all people?"

Daniel says, "She'd probably kill a person after finding out... Not literally. But she's always been the best elder sister to me. I love her." Vicky says, "Your sister's a good person. Wouldn't hurt a fly. But she would most definitely snap if anyone hurt those she loved."

Dog Day says, "I won't lie... I hope even Catnap deals with Mommy at one point. Hopefully soon. None of us can stand her. He has this thing called the red smoke." Vicky says, "That I look forward to. She especially better not lay a hand on my girl, (Y/N). I know Bobby Bearhug was her closest friend and I'm, well... the sluttier version of her. Rest her soul and the others."

Daniel sighs and says, "I'll have a talk with Mommy. I get a gut feelin' about her habits, anyhow." Dog Day says, "Good. You're seeing signs, my friend. You definitely deserve better than that." Vicky says, "Just don't go back home. It's not like she'll come back to you anyways. She's a piece of shit excuse of a girlfriend for you, Danny. You're much too good for that whore who uses people."

Daniel says, "Alright. I'll stay here for the night." Dog Day smiles and says, "Good. You don't deserve such a horrible person as her, Danny. Stay here. Get some rest. Avoid all the crap you're going through with Mommy Long Legs."

Daniel says, "Alright, but before I do, I still need to confront her, myself. Honestly, I felt something was off about her when I got with her." Vicky says, "There you go, Danny. Break up with the bitch."

Dog Day says, "I'd give you a couple of drinks, Danny... but you still have a year to go." Vicky says, "Fuck that. We have booze here. Give him one for now. He doesn't have that long to be able to legally drink in public. This will get his mind off of that bitch." Dog Day says, "Good point. What do you say, buddy?" Daniel says, "You know what, mate?... Yeah. I'll have some."

Dog Day gets up and he walks into the kitchen. He gets an alcoholic beverage out of the fridge and he walks back into the living room. He gives Daniel the bottle of booze and Daniel says, "Ah. Thanks, mate." He opens it and he takes a drink out of it.

Dog Day sits next to him and he puts his hand on Daniel's shoulder saying, "I mean it, buddy. You're much too good for her. She's a manipulative monster of a woman." They all sit and talk the rest of the time. Daniel ends up staying there for the night.

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