➶ treinta y uno

213 10 3

week later

Pedri flops down on my bed as a fold my clothes up. I chuckle and continue packing my suitcase for my trip.

"I'm gonna miss you" he groans

"its just two weeks" I say

"well yeah but two weeks of no you is very tough" he says

"two weeks of no you is very tough" I smile tapping his cheek as I walk by.

"are you gonna be okay all alone" he asks


"what if you get stalked" he asks

"I'll thug it out" I laugh

"do you know how to use Google maps" he asks

I squint at him and nod "yes what are thes questions"

"I just want to know that you'll be alright" he says. I close my suitcase and lay beside him. I stare up at the ceiling in his arms.

He moves, burying his face into my neck. I gently rub his back and close my eyes.


Soon after I wake up, and its time for me to leave for my flight. Pedri is still asleep, so I gently move him aside and get changed.

He wakes up, he looks so cute, his hair so ruffled and his confused face is so funny.

"are you leaving now?" he rubs his eyes

"yeah" I say

"NICA are you ready!" my uncle calls from downstairs

"yes coming!" I say

"wait-" he says standing up, he puts his hands on my waist and turns me to a mirror. I don't realize what he's doing until I see red marks on my neck.

"um you might want to cover that up" he says

"pedri!" I whisper yell. I'm not mad like he loves me enough to mark me up before I leave for 2 weeks-

I put on a hoodie that covers it pretty well and turn back to him.

"I'm gonna miss you" I say sitting on his lap and kissing him

"me too" he says hugging me "now lets go". We go downstairs with my two suitcases and then we get in the car.

"now, you know what to do and what not to do to be safe right?" my uncle says

"yeah- did you pack the extra door lock I gave?" pedri asks

"yes yes" I say

"did you bring all the documents" they ask

"yessss I'm fine I have everything" I say

"I doubt it your gonna call me saying you forgot something later" my uncle laughs

"yes shes always forgetting stuff" pedri laughs.

"are you sure you don't need me to come with you?" my uncle asks

"no I'm fine, and you have work" I say. We all talk about stuff until we get to the airport. We get to the point where only people with tickets can go past.

I hug my uncle goodbye "I'll leave you two- I'm waiting in the car" he says leaving me and pedri.

'youll be okay?' he asks coming closer to me

"yes I promise" I chuckle as he cups my face.

"adios mi amor, stay safe y te amo" he says kissing me.

"te amo" I smile hugging him

"call me when you land" he shouts as I walk off

"I will" I say. And with that I get on the plane and find my seat.


horrid chapter but double upload so

have a good idea/night and don't forget to vote!



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