➶ ocho

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I lay down in bed, thinking of all that just happened. Im dating pedri? IM DATING PEDRI! I get hungry and go downstairs.

I rummage through the pantry when i hear the doorbell.

"nica puedes entender eso" my tio yells from the couch

(nica can you get that)

"BUENO" i yell back going to open the door. I open the door and my eyes widen when i see pedri. He smiles and without anything else he puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me.


"Pedri is that you?" my uncle asks, his footsteps coming closer. I smile before quickly pulling away and acting like nothing happened.

"Ahhh pedri" he smiles coming in.

"Oh nica- i forgot to tell you but im going away for 2 days- conference" my uncle says

"Okay" i smile as my uncle takes pedri away. I smile to myself and go upstairs to my room. After maybe an hour i hear my uncle and pedri downstairs again.

"Okay stay safe son- adios" my uncle says. I hear him walk off downstairs but then someone opens my door.

"Pedri" my eyes widen as he comes in. He puts a finger over his lips and creeps the door shut before smiling and leaning down to kiss me.

"Hey nica" he smiles

"Hey pepi" i smile

"Missed me?" he raises his brows

"Not at all i saw you like 5 hours ago" i roll my eyes hitting him with a pillow

"Ouchh" he whines sitting down beside my legs. He randomly just starts massaging them as i smile at him. I put my hand through his hair and smile.

"Whyd you come?" i ask

"To talk to your uncle about tactics" he says "excuse to come here"

"So i should probably tell you in depth why we should keep this a secret" i chuckle

"So 1. My uncle would freak 2. If my uncle freaks youre gonna be a reserve probably 3. You know- social media ruins relationships sometimes and 4. My uncle banned me from dating" i explain.

"Why?" he asks. I sigh and think if i should tell him. I cross my legs and fiddle with my fingers.

"So uh" i say "my ex was like- crazy"

"He like hit me and stuff i guess" i sigh my voice shaking a little.

"What would he do to you?" he asks

"Like uh- he threw a chair at me because i didnt want to sleep with him, he would cut my wrists with a knife if i even talked to another guy, he threatened to hurt my uncle- which is why i never told anybody" i gulp

"So nobody knows?" he asks

"Just me- him, my uncle and you" i sigh wiping my eyes

"Monica" he says

"Hm?" i say

"You didnt deserve any of that" he looks me in the eyes

"i know" i stutter as i wipe them again. He pulls my head in and kisses the top of my head before bringing me to his chest and hugging me.

"Youre perfect you know?" he says rubbing my back "and i promise i will never ever hurt you"

"I know" i smile pulling back. I take his hand and open the balcony door. I have a little corner of the balcony, with a little hidden bed and stuff.

"This is were you bring people?" he says laying beside me.

"No, i just come here by myself sometimes" i say looking up at the stars. He puts his arm around me and i sink into him.

He looks down at me and once i realise i smile up at him. He smiles at me even bigger but then moves his head back to the sky.

"You look so pretty" he says softly "like the stars". I smile and try not to scream. He tucks my hair behind my ear and kisses the top of my head softly.

"I love your smile you know?" i whisper

"You bring it out" he says

"Should we be worried about my uncle?" i say

"He said he was going to sleep, i parked the car somewhere else and then ran back" he chuckles. I smile and wrap my arm around him, burying my face in his chest.

"buenas noches bonita" he kisses my forehead

"buenos noches bonito" i mumble sleepy


hey so this is short but i think ppl like short chapters so yeahh

have a good day/night and dont forget to vote!



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