➶ veintitrés

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"mierda mierda mierda" i mutter under my breathe. Shes gone, she just ran- and she doesnt even have cell service here in tenerife!

(shit shit shit)

She doesnt know the town, the kind of people that might be here, shes not safe alone at this hour.

Ive been searching for monica for an hour now! 

"oi puta donde estas? Ma y pa me estan comiendo la cabeza" fernando says as he calls me. Probably by my breathing he senses somethings wrong.

"que pasa?" he asks

"i-ill tell you later but just tell them im coming home soon and not to worry"  i sigh hanging up on him, going back to searching for her.

Street after street, hour after hour, i search for her. But now, its dark and it begins to rain. 

"monica please" i groan even though she cant hear me. I need to think- lock in, as ferran calls it. I go to my favourite spot in tenerife, i always came here as a kid, still always come here to think.

Its quite beautiful, really beautiful.

But as you probably guessed, someone is there.

"nica i was so worried" i gasp wrapping my arms about her. Shes soaking, she doesnt seem to care, even though her face is wet from the rain you can see the tears.

"pedri please" she says pushing me back slightly.

"i dont want this, i dont want to do something with you for you to not be committed and leave me in the end" she cries

"i agreed to come with you here but do you know how much it hurts knowing that the guy you love doesnt love you back and i wish i could just ignore you pedri but-" she sighs

"who says i dont love you?" i whisper stepping closer to her. I look down at her, her big watery eyes look back.

"you love me?" she whispers

"how could i not" i mumble closing the small gap between us. I cup her face as the kiss gets more intense and finally we pull away.

"te amo monica" i close my eyes keeping my forehead to hers.

"i love you, and ive loved you for so long and i just couldnt find the words. i love everything about you, i love your painting, i love your hair, your eyes, your smile, your hands, your everything" i say

After i wrap her into my arms and we hug, we get heading home.

"i was so worried mi amor" i say kissing her hand.

"wheres your phone?" i ask her. 

"pocket" she says pulling it out and handing it to me.

"no just checking you didnt lose it" i say holding her close, trying to shelter her from the rain as best as possible.

I notice her looking up at the sky, the stars.

"theyre proud of you you know?" i kiss her forehead. She smiles and rests her head on my chest as we continue walking in silence, but comfortable.

We finally get home and by this time my parents and abuela are all asleep.

"where you two lovebirds been?" fernando grinns looking away from the tv for like a second.

"up your ass" i stick up the middle finger before kissing her forehead and taking her to the room. 

We get all cleaned up and then this time, lay in the small bed, her laying on top of me since it cant fit the both of us beside each other.

But i like it, her soft hair sprawled across my chest, having my arms wrapped around her, best feeling ever.

her eyes are heavy but she fights them awake.

"why wont you go to sleep" i chuckle gently running my hand over her hair.

"i like this" she mumble sleepily, her arms wrapped around me too.

"well we'll have more time in the morning" i smile rubbing her back.

"i missed you monica" i whisper kissing her forehead. She mumbles something i cant really understand and then we fall asleep.


The next morning i wake up without monica, shes not in the bathroom, not in the room- nowhere to be seen- atleast until i get myself to the living room.

I smile as i watch nica and my grandma play spanish scrabble together. She brings out my abuelas real smile.

She notices me looking and smiles briefly before paying attention to my grandma again. I step out onto the deck where fernando is.

As we are talking, i cant peel my eyes from monica. I finally spot her go into the kitchen so i figure its my time to talk to her.

I slap the back of fernandos head as i get up. When i get to the kitchen i wrap my arms around her from behind and gently kiss her neck.

"buenas dias mi bonita chica, como estas" i whisper

"muy bien" she smiles turning around to me. We both smile at each other and i finally break the eye contact by giving her a quick kiss.

"te amo" i say, i dont care if im gonna overuse this but ill tell her this everyday multiple times each day since i wasted so much time fighting it.

"te amo" she smiles.

"kids we are taking abuela to the doctors now we will be home in a couple hours!" my parents yell from the other room.

before me, monica goes and helps my grandma to them and waves her out the door. god i love her.

As monica closes the door, i stand behind her grinning. I take her hand and pull her to me.

"pedri, i cant do this secretly anymore" she whispers as we pull away from a kiss.

"good. i want everyone to know that youre mine" i smile making her smile. We both sit outside on the porch with tea and talk together.


hey guys so i know the ending isnt good bc i was kinda rushing this bc im posting right b4 i leave for school but yeah

have a good day/night and dont forget to vote!



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