➶ onze

491 18 7


Pedris pov

I wake up early, like i usually do since it helps me stay fit. I work out in the mornings so i begin my session with some weights.

Thats when i hear a doorbell. I pause and go to answer it. I open the door and to my surprise- monica!

"Baby what are you doing here" my face lightens up as i let her in "id hug you but im not the cleanest right now" I chuckle looking down at my sweaty body.

"Sorry i got bored, but i brought you breakfast!" she smiles holding up a box. I smile and kiss her before taking the box from her and taking it to the kitchen.

"What were you doing?" she asks sitting up on my counter as i bring 2 plates for us.

"Working out" i say putting 2 pancakes on each plate. Theres 5, i give the extra one to her.

"Oh by the way" she says

"I made them without sugar- healthy according to my uncle- theyre still good though" she says taking it off my plate and putting the extra one on mine.

"Good because i did not want to work out just to eat it away" i laugh "i still have like 10 minutes left do you mind if i do it?"

"No not at all" she shakes her head

"Do you wanna see my set up?" i chuckle taking her to my living room, i just have weights and like little equipment, nothing fancy.

"Veryyy fancy" i chuckle as i pick up the weights again. As i do my last few reps i notice her eyes on my biceps.

"Que miras bobo" i raise my brows "you like?"

She rolls her eyes and falls back on my couch and i finish my workout up.

"Okay ill take a shower and ill be back" i say kissing her quickly before running upstairs to take a shower. When i come back, in just a towel wrapped around my waist- did i do this on purpose? Maybe,

"Put clothes on puta" she says

"Wow, you dont like what you see?" i gasp looking down at my abs

"Yes i dont like what i see" she rolls her eyes as i go back upstairs. I put on a hoodie and sweats and go back downstairs to her.

I lay down on the couch and she lays on top of me. I smile at her, just because shes so perfect. She smiles back her perfect smile and brings her forehead to mine. I kiss her before we go back to just chilling.

"Do you think weve been spending too much time together?" she fiddles with my hoodie drawstrings

"Hm, well maybe but i enjoy every bit of it so" i say. She smiles and we continue talking.

"Come" i take her hand

"Where?" she chuckles as i lead her outside to my pool.

"Lets swim" i grinn taking my shirt off.

"Do you like being shirtless or something?" she laughs as i jump in the pool.

"Come onn" i groan holding her hand as she stands at the edge.

"You have shorts i have nothing to swim in" she says

"Just swim in your clothess" i groan tugging her hand gently. She shakes her head put i pull her hand and she falls in the pool.

"Pedriii" she squeals after recovering from being pulled in.

"Sorryyy" i grinn as she wipes her eyes. When she looks down at her outfit she gasps.

"Pedri you- IM WEARING A WHITE SHIRT" she scream laughs covering herself.

"Im sorry im sorry" i cover my eyes turning around. After a while of having my eyes closed, i feel her jump onto my back.

"So whatd you do?" i ask grabbing her legs and securing them

"Took my clothes off" she says wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Ooh?" i raise my brows

"Im still wearing my bra and underwear" she rolls her eyes. She gets off my back and we swim around for a while.

"Watch this" i say swimming to the edge of the pool. I push myself out for a bit, just to get a remote and then i turn on the tv. It's a big ass one so that we can watch while we stay in the pool.

"Wow" she gasps as i put on harry potter and swim back to her. I wrap my arms around her from behind and kiss her head.

"Pedri" she says

"Hm?" i whisper. She doesnt say anything but i keep ahold of her and kiss her a bunch of times. She giggles and i kiss her one more time before stopping.

After we finish the movie, it's time for lunch. We get out of the pool. I notice her shivering so i go and get her a towel first and wrap it around her.

"Ill get you some clothes" i say taking her inside. I give her my sweats and then put my own sweats on.

"Do you wanna go out for lunch?" i ask her as i put up my hood

"Yeah sure" she says putting hers up. We go to my car and then drive to a store. We decide to get sushi so we drive to the shop.

As we are in traffic, a group of fans come to the car. They already know it's me but they havent seen monica yet so she is covering herself.

I sign some shirts and smile awkwardly, looking back every now and then to check if shes okay. Well i know shes okay with the people but i mean okay as in a like nobody saw her kinda okay.

After they all leave we drive off and we continue talking like usual. We get our food, and sit in my car and eat.

We get back to my house and go to my room and we lay in bed together, her hair still slightly wet. I play with her hair as we watch tiktok together.

I notice her start to yawn so i take her phone out of her hand and turn it off.

"Hey!" she says

"Youre tired, sleep" i say as she gets off of me and moves beside me. I wrap my arms around her and pull her body to mine.

I glide my hand over her hair and kiss the top of her head.



Have a good day/night and dont forget to vote!



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