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Seok-woo sat comfortably in his office, staring at an old picture of his late uncle. He never blamed the male for taking his Pride away, he didn't know the full story.

"Sir, she's here."

Seok-woo smiles. He sends his lioness away to bring the woman into his office. The female walks in with a smile on her face. She's happy with the information she has.

"My little spy has come without being told. This must mean you actually have something for me." Seok-woo smirks.

The female smiles. "I do, King."

Seok-woo laughs. "Tell me everything."

The spy sits down in front of her King. "I have their entire plan." She said. "And I was smiling the whole time."

~~~JK's Pride~~

Jungkook's POV

"Where's Jessi?" I asked Eunbi who was reading a book.

"I'm not sure. Do you need her?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No, she just disappeared after Joon hyung dismissed you guys." I'm worried about her, she's been leaving without a trace then coming back with a weird cover story. What is she doing?

"I'll ask the others if they've seen her." Eunbi said as she bookmarks her page and begins to leave but I stopped her. "No, let her be. She must have a good reason."

Eunbi nods and takes her book to another room. I'm sure Jessi isn't doing anything illegal.


Well, semi-illegal.

"Jessi-noona, what are you doing?" I asked as I caught her entering the kitchen with a live seagull in her hands. "Where did you even catch a seagull? Where were you?"

"I can't remember, but look at him. Can I keep him? I want to name him Chompa." She asked with a smile. I shake my head. "Absolutely not. Let it go."

I watched as she leaves the room when Taehyung enters through the back door. He isn't using the crutches anymore, now we just have to wait for his insides to reposition itself before we can conclude he is fully healed. I think, that's what I remember Namjoon telling me.

"How was Wisteria?" I asked as I hug him. He just sighs. "She's ok, being stubborn on what fertilizer she wants. I never thought our kid would be a picky eater, seeing as your her father."

I just chuckle. "She just wants to be stronger and taller than her appa." I kissed his head before a thought came to mind. "Hey, have you noticed that Jessi is acting....off?"

Taehyung just shakes his head. "No, I have noticed she's a lot nicer to our guests."

"What about her strange disappearances?"

"Hmm. I have noticed that, but she's always back before the day ends. I don't find that suspicious. Plus, she's here when we need her, like going over the plans for Seok-woo." He adds as he washes his hands in the kitchen sink.

Maybe I'm thinking too into it.

"Did you ask her where she's been?" Taehyung asked.

"I did, but all she said was that she couldn't remember. Like she was avoiding it.....oh and she caught a seagull."

I hear Taehyung start to laugh. "I love how random she is. Don't worry about Noona, she can take care of herself." With that said, he leaves me alone.

I tried to listen to his words but something was bothering me. What is Jessi doing outside of the Pride?

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