Immortality Potion

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Sasuke grinned madly at the power he was receiving from obtaining the Mangekyō Sharingan.

It's been two weeks since Kakashi death as Sasuke was practicing wielding his powers.

He was currently sparing with who had amazing growth during her time training with Orochimaru as she picked up a couple of useful techniques such as healing.

So Sasuke-Kun what are we going to do about Orochimaru" Sakura asked as she and Sasuke know Orochimaru wanted to betray them.

I say we leave since if we kill Orochimaru our curse seal will go and I definitely need its power to beat Itachi" Sasuke said.

But won't Orochimaru noticed we're gone" Sakura said.

Hmm that bitch Natsumi had a use" Sasuke said as create a clone of him and Sakura.

Sakura fumed once she heard Sasuke call Natsumi a bitch her Sasuke-kun was supposed to call her a bitch not Natsumi.

Sasuke grabbed Sakura and escaped using a underground passage as they ended up outside of Kumo.

The reason they ended up outside of Kumo was Orochimaru had built tunnel underneath every village just so he could kidnap children for his excitement.

Ok Sakura here is the plan we are going to travel to different places since Konoha put a bounty on our head so we need to lay low for a while" Sasuke said.

Sakura grinned as she finally took out something from Orochimaru base.

Sasuke eyes widen as he stared at Sakura surprised that the useless bitch managed to steal the immortality Potion Orochimaru had created.

Give it to me" Sasuke said as he took the potion and drank it as it tasted bitter.

Sasuke then took out his sword and stab himself through the heart but he noticed he didn't die as he gave the rest to Sakura for her to drink..

Soon Konoha and Itachi destruction was coming and it is going to be beautiful.

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