Natsumi Uzumaki

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"Fang Over Fang!" Kiba yelled to his furry companion.

Akamaru barked and went into formation, turning into a splitting image of Kiba. The pair turned into a spiraling tornado, making their way towards Yoroi. The sound ninja dodged the attack and avoided being drilled to death.

Naruto was impressed as she watched the fights. The participants of the Chunin exams were talented. Despite her friend participating in this round, Naruto found it hard to pay attention to the fight. Even Sakara's wasn't spared from her inattention.

From the concerned eyes of Neji, Iruka, and even Kakashi, her disinterest was evident. Hell, Kakashi surprised her because he didn't care about her before. Why break the tradition? She shook her head to get her mind off the one-eyed ninja and back to her previous thoughts.

She was unnerved from her encounter with the Sannin Orochimaru. His unnatural ability to stretch his long tongue wasn't on her mind. Although, it was creepy to think about. Her fight with him was interesting. Her mind drifted off to the memory as Kiba and Yoroi resorted to hand to hand combat.

Naruto glared at the Snake Sannin, who evaded her blows. She wanted to knock that damn smug smirk from his face. After engaging in combat with him for fifteen minutes, he had yet to lift up his hands and perform a single Jutsu. He was toying with her, testing her limits. The thought fueled her anger because he didn't see her as a threat. With a yell, she put her fingers together to summon fifty shadow clones, hoping at least one would deliver a blow.

His calculating gaze showed he was waiting for something. What the Sannin wanted, she didn't know.

"I expected more from you, Naruto-chan." Naruto's eyes widened at his acknowledgement. "I had hoped you would be able to use my gift that I had graciously given to you."

"What're you talking about? I'm sure I would remember if I had met you before. You're kind of hard to forget," Naruto mocked. She grunted when Orochimaru caught her fist in his hand.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I raised you for three years. You simply can't remember this fact," he said with mock sadness.

Things went to hell after his words. Sasuke jumped into the clearing, trying to save the day with his fancy new Jutsu Kakashi taught him. Sasuke overestimated his abilities and ended up getting a nasty looking bite from Orochimaru.

Naruto let out a heavy sigh, remembering why she was uncomfortable replaying the events of the Forest of Death. Naruto's real gender was kept secret after she was found outside Konoha's gates when she was seven. Sarutobi assaulted her with questions about her whereabouts, since she reappeared after a three year absence from the village. Her sole memory was waking up, and she obtained a new ability of speaking with the Kyuubi no Kitsune or Karuma. The events were a mystery, for Kurama couldn't remember what happened when she asked him.

Her fingers ran through her blond hair. Did Orochimaru played a role in her kidnapping? His words implied that he did. If so, she had him to thank for Sarutobi-jiji placing a seal on her body, concealing her gender. The old Hokage was under the impression that being a boy would keep her safe. His precaution had no effect. The villagers still treated her like a pariah. Her thoughts were interrupted by her name being called.

"Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha," Hayate repeated.

Her inattention to the matches besides Kiba's, Sakura's, and Bushy Brows' made her forget that she still needed to fight. To her luck, Sasuke didn't get paired with anyone else either.

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