Fears to Fathom part I

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It's been two and a half years since Konoha 12 began their training to bring Sasuke and Sakura to Justice.

Jiraiya would often come and visit Natsumi to train her but after he noticed that Natsumi had perfect control on Kurama's Chakra he began training her to master the Resengan

We Natsumi wasn't she would be training with the Pokemon and pick up some useful techniques.

Karin and Hinata would also join her in training as Hiashi knew that Hinata would eventually ask Natsumi out on a date so he approved of their relationship.

Karin got used to Konoha as the people her didn't bully her and or bit her for the healing powers she had.

Tsunade gave Natsumi the keys to the Namikaze compound as Natsum, Karin and Satsuki moved there and was surprised at how big the compound was.

Rin would Teach Team seven equally something Kakashi never did which made Natsumi happy the Rin was their new Jonin instructor.

Currently Konoha twelve were making there way towards Tsunade office.

I wonder why aunty Tsunade wants to see us" Natsumi said

Probably she found something about the traitors" Ino suggested.

I still can't believe Kakashi decided to betray  Konoha and go along with Sakura and Sasuke" Shikamaru said.

From what you told me about Sakura she probably won't last to long" Karin said

Halt Lady Tsunade said to meet her in the Council Room" a anbu said

Everyone was confused but they shrugged as they made their way to the Council Room and saw all Konoha ninjas and clan heads were there.

Natsumi was confused as she looked around and saw Tsunade, Jiraiya and Shizune as she looked and them and said.

Aunty Tsunade why did you call us here" Natsumi asked.

Well this matter is about your ninja life" Tsunade as everyone knew that she was getting serious.

I checked all of your files and saw that none of you even had your first kill yet" Tsunade as Konoha twelve realised that it was true that they didn't had their first kill.

And in order for you to face Orochimaru you need to have a stronger mentality because he is known for play psychological warfare on people" Jiraiya said

Come it can't he can't be that bad" Kiba said as a news paper flew in his face as everyone looked over his shoulders to read it

The Akatsuki was killed this morning by Orochimaru and his followers leaving only one survivor please don't engage Orochimaru or any of his followers with out back up.

Konoha twelve paled once they read the newspaper as they looked at Tsunade.

So we are going to bring you to a special island called the Mystic Island to toughen you up" Tsunade said as Konoha twelve was confused.

What's Mystic Island" Hinata asked.

It's a island the simulates your biggest fears and brings it alive" Tsunade said.

And at the end the middle of the island is the forbidden scroll any who gets it can keep it" Tsunade said as Konoha twelve was starting to feel confident.

But be warned the island has a thick layer of mist making it hard to see and there are multiple things there such as Clowns" Jiraiya said as Natsumi and Karin Paled.

Oh hell no" Karin and Natsumi shouted as they ran away from the meeting room.

Tsunade sigh as she looked at Gai and Lee.

Gai and Lee capture those two and show them the power of youth" Tsunade said as Gai and Lee grinned as they ran out of the room.

Not even a second later everyone heard a explosion as Gai and Lee returned with a unconscious Natsumi and Karin.

Mission successfully" Gai said as everyone laughed.

Well time for us to put you on the boat to Mystic Island" Tsunade said as everyone left the room.

( Scene Change )

Konoha twelve was on the boat with Natsumi and Karin tied to a post to make sure they won't escape.

Everyone waved goodbye to the residents of Konoha as the ship set sailed.

Jiraiya then looked at Tsunade with a smirk on his face as he said.

Did you place the cameras on the island" Jiraiya asked.

Oh yes I did" Tsunade as she looked at everyone.

Are you ready to see Konoha twelve get scared" Tsunade asked as everyone cheered

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